Escape Part 2

The surrounding ambience became dense, making it harder for me to swallow the heavy lump that got stuck in my throat as it rooted me in place. With a blank expression on his face, his eyes wanders over my body, scrutinizing me as he kept his armed arm steady.

His eyebrows rose and a lopsided smile took place on his bruised face. "I see that you guys enjoyed each other's company." He nodded at my newly forced look.

I clenched my hands at my side as I eyed gingerly at James. "I am not wearing this because I want to." My voice came out strained with fear.

"Your man sure has a weird hobby." He snickers.

"Why are you here… James?" I asked, my voice trembling.

All the humor was wiped from his face, and his eyes became devoid of any emotion. "To finish my job." He answered, his voice monotone.

I could feel the blood in my body running cold as my eyes were quivering in fright. My heart stopped operating together with my breathing system as I hitched in a sharp breath. The fine hair on the back of my neck rose up as my body was on full alert of the danger that its host was in right now.

James pressed the gun against my forehead with his finger on the trigger. My eyes started involuntarily to brim with tears. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to change his mind just to find out that even words deserted me.

"Bye sugar plumps." He started slowly pressing down on the trigger.

With tears running down my face, I shut my eyes tightly, brazing myself for the impact.

After excruciating seconds of waiting for my demise, I wondered what was happening, as I was still standing and breathing. Haltingly, I opened one of my eyes to take a peek at the situation.

James was staring at me with brimming tears of mirth as he was biting down on his bottom lip, stifling a laughter. His body was convulsing as he was clutching his stomach.

"Y-You should have seen your expression!" He laughed.

Perplexed and dumbfounded by the situation, the tense muscles in my body relaxed and my shoulders slumped down. "Aren't you going to kill me?" I questioned, confused.

He shook his head. "No, I am not going to kill you. Not now, at least. I am going to bust you out, take you to my hideout. There I will lie in wait for your man to pop up to finish him and then I'll kill you." He grins, pleased, proud of his well thought out plan.

Dread came back knocking at my heart, speeding up my heart rate as beads of sweat poured out of my pores. "But… why?"

His eyes flashed with pure rage, and I shrunk away under his heated stare. "Are you seriously asking me that?" He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me towards him. "That motherfucker has to pay for what he did to my face and what is a better revenge than to take you right under his radar." He spat his anger, the droplets of his saliva finding their way to my face.

"Or maybe I should kill you right in front of him?" He sneered, tightening the hold on the collar and choking me. I could only stare at him in horror as I wrapped my hands around his; trying to pry him off me, but his fingers won't budge at all.

'How am I so weak!?'

He scoffed at my futile flailing and let go of my collar. I fell down on the floor clutching at my throat as I was coughing and gasping for air. "See it as a thank you for letting me escape that I kill you as last."

He points the gun back at me. "Now start moving." He commanded.

With my eyes cast on the ground, a lone tear escapes as I gnashed hard down at my bottom lip, drawing out some blood in pure frustration at my weakness and at the unfairness of the situation.

I slowly rose up from the ground, and the steadily aimed gun followed me suit. I glared at James in silence.

He arched one of his eyebrow. "What's with that look?" He nodded.

I swallowed back every profanity that I wanted to throw so badly at that dirty blond haired bastard and tried to come up with a plan. Ideas were racing through my mind, overloading my brain.

"What are you waiting for? Start moving." James said impatiently, nudging me with his weapon.

"Clothes…" I murmured.

"Huh?" He leaned in closer, putting his hand around his ear shell to receive my words better.

"Give me some damn clothes first." I gritted out.

Taken aback by my sudden change in attitude, he blinked a few times. "What? Aren't you already dressed?"

I folded my arms over my chest, hoping that he won't hear the uncontrollable heartbeat. "If you expect me to walk outside like this with no pants or shoes, then you better kill me now. I don't know about you but the last time I checked it was not summer." I retaliated, meeting his mirthless eyes with my unwavering ones.

He scrutinizes me for a second before throwing his head back, letting out a humorless laughter. "Sugar plumps got some spunk. Okay… fine you can change in to different clothes." He bobbed his head in agreement.

Placing my hand over my chest where my heart was resting, I exhaled, relieved. "Thanks." I mumbled before trudging past him.

"Hold up." He voiced, blocking the door with his lean body. "I will get them."

My brows rose, meeting my hair line. "Do you even know where they are?" I questioned.

He growled, unpleased. "Don't get haughty with me. I will get them and you will wait here. If I smell any funny business, then I will make sure that you have an excruciating dead." He warned lowly.

"Well, there's a toilet inside here so…" I grumbled lowly, averting my eyes.

He gave me a side-glare, and I clamped my mouth shut. "And no sass." He pointed with the gun warningly.

I nodded.

When he finally disappeared through the door, I could feel my legs buckle under my weight and I plummet to the white marble tiles again.

"That was so scary." I verbalized my honest feelings, clutching at my chest and breathing hard as if I had run a marathon.

'Okay April, think. Now it's your time to think.' I thought as I brought my knees to my chest, biting down on my fingernails. James is planning to bust me out of here to take me to his hideout and to keep me as a captive. So we will go outside. Which also means… phone reception.

"My phone…" I mumbled absentmindedly as I patted myself down in a search for the small device.

"Not here." The realization dawned on me it was still on the couch.

I let out an inaudible groan, scratching my head violently. 'How could I have been so stupid!?' I berated myself.

"But wait." It's not like I could carry it around with me. I don't have any pockets to hide it away from James.

The door that was slammed open unannounced startled me back to my feet. James waltzed inside, carrying a pile of clothes and a pair of shoes. Throwing them at the ground, he nodded at it. "I brought them so get dressed." He said curtly and left me alone again.

My eyes peered down at the clothes, scanning them over. I pulled one clothing from the pile and I crinkled my nose up disapprovingly. These were all clothes that belonged to Mark and they were all suits.


After agonizing over how to coordinate the pieces, I finally stood in front of the mirror, taking my new look in. I had now a prominent scowl on my face and my crinkled nose never eased down as I glared at myself in disdain. I looked like a kid that wanted to play house and dressed like their dad. The sleeves around the arms and legs were rolled up too many times, making them annoyingly notable to the eyes. The flaps of the jacket reached my calves, making it seem I was wearing a dress and the worst thing of them all were the shoes. It looked like I was wearing a pair of clown shoes! I even had to fill them in with toilet paper so that it would somehow fit me. Nothing of the clothes accentuated my curves, they only emphasized my shortness. The only good thing was my hair that was now neatly tied away in to a bun.

And I have some huge back pockets on me, so now I can hide the phone away. If I can get to it, that is.

A loud bang on the door made me snap my head in that direction. "I'm coming in." He boomed and without waiting for a response, the door was flung open. Like a deer caught by the headlights, I got nailed to the ground, still leaning on the sink.

James cast one glance at me and without realizing, spits out a globe of saliva, laughing hysterically with tears running down his face as he fell down on the ground.

"Are you cosplaying!? No, even worse, do you wanna play trick or treat!?" He guffawed. "O-ouch m-my stomach!" He clutched at his stomach, struggling to breathe.

Embarrassed, my cheeks flushed red. He stood up and approached me, pinching and pulling at my cheek. "Aw, is our April angry? How cute~" He cooed.

A vein in my body was about to explode from irritation and I slapped his hand away, glowering silently at him. "Nice to see that you are having fun at my demise, but it would be nice if you could lead me outside now." I said through gritted teeth.

He wiped a tear away dramatically, still snickering at my appearance. "Sure, Sure." He said, grabbed my shoulder and roughly pressed the muzzle of the gun against my back, propelling me towards the door.

As we stepped out of the bathroom, my eyes nervously shifted towards the couch where my portable phone was located.

'I have to get to it somehow, but how?'

"Hey, you aren't moving anymore." James called out as he pressed the gun further into my back, earning a hiss from me. "Why aren't you moving anymore? if you think I wouldn't shoot you, then you've got it wrong."

"I-I" I stammered, trying to come up with something. "M-My teddy bear!" I sputtered out.

"Your… teddy bear?" He asked and smacked his lips as if he couldn't believe that he just said teddy bear.

I whipped around. "Y-Yeah my teddy bear! I can't leave him behind." I cringed at how my voice went an octave higher.

"You can't be serious. It's just a plushie toy." He said incredulously, narrowing his eyes at me.

I gasped dramatically as I placed my hand on my left chest indignantly. "How dare you? Do you even have any idea how much that plushie cost me!?" I screeched. "If I can't take it with me, then let me at least hug it for the last time. You ow me at least that much for saving your ass from getting beat up by my stalker."

My eyes turned into two slits and I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I refused to back down from my request.

Even when the sound of him gritting the teeth became more prominent, and his eyes blazed with anger, promising me that not only one bullet will go through my body, I refused to back down.

After a while, he finally let out a sigh of resignation. "Fine… I will get that stupid bear, but you'll stay here. If I get a feeling that something is off then-"

"Then a bullet will meet my skull or something like that, damn you killers sure like to threaten." I concluded as I gestured him to get on moving.

He mumbled something incoherent and disappeared into the bedroom. No time to waste. I galloped to the couch and exhaled, relieved when the portable phone was indeed laying there. I grabbed it and stuffed it swiftly into my pocket.

Just when I did, James trudged out of the bedroom with Mr. Teddy carried under his armpit.

"Here." He thrusted the giant plushie, annoyed in my arms. "Now hug it so that we can finally get out of here." His impatient tone clarified that if I said or do something else that he will really shoot me, so I did what he said and hugged Mr. Teddy goodbye.

Back to our position of me walking upfront while a gun was pressed in to my back I trudged inside the bedroom gazing around, wondering why we were here until my eyes landed on the ceiling.

I felt the life getting sucked out of me as I couldn't phantom what I saw. With my jaw slack, I stared, flabbergasted, at the metal ladder that came out of the ceiling.

"That was the exit?" I muttered. I would have never found that!

The urging impatient nudge in my back kept me moving, and I climbed up the ladder. Once upstairs, we were met with another metal door. I pushed the heavy metal door open with all my might and was met with a blinding light, causing me to shut my eyes.

Carefully, I pried my eyes open. "The hell?" We came out to another room. This time a room with windows. The room was also twice the size of the confinement that I was in. Everywhere I looked screamed luxurious except for the broken busted down door that led to the outside world.

"Was I stuck in his basement the whole time?" I muttered as I got pushed by James. I would have never gotten out of that place if it wasn't for James.

James scoffed behind me. "Your man is really a crazy son of a gun."

"He is NOT my man!" I yelled at him impulsively.

"He sure acted like a prince on the white horse when he came for you." He said in defense.

"More like the grim reaper with his long scythe." I mumbled under my breath.

James let out a chuckle. "I agree."

As we were waltzing outside, I noticed James seemed a lot more stressed out. He would snap his head occasionally in random directions and his breath sounded a lot shallower, as if he was anxious. Was he waiting for Mark to pop up? Despite him saying how he would slaughter Mark, he was obviously scared of the man who had put a cast on him.

"Hold up a second." James commanded, stopping in his tracks.

With an uncertain expression, I turned around facing him. He glared at me suspiciously. "Y-Yes?" I stammered.

"Do you have a tracking device on you?" He asked aggressively, tightening his grip on my shoulders.

I flinched and shook my head vehemently. "N-No."

He studied me incredulously and starts patting me down, searching me thoroughly, against my will.

"H-Hey! This is sexual harassment!" I yelled, alarmed, fearing that he would find my portable phone.

He halted his movement when his hand laid on the pocket where my phone was hiding. He shoved his hand in my pocket and pulled it out aggressively.

"What the fuck is this then?" His voice was dangerously low. I stood there for a couple of seconds, lost for words, my stomach churning; I wanted to be suddenly small and crawl into someone's lap.

"Sugar plumps, I am going to ask you for the last time. What. Is. This?" His voice that was laced with venom, made me lose control over my hands; they were shaking in an odd, trembling rhythm.

'I have to do something, say something. Anything or I will turn in to compost.' With the first idea that popped into my head, I grasped his hand that was holding my phone. I swallowed the enormous lump in my throat down and stared in to his eyes resolute.

"Do you want to form an alliance with me?"