Escaped? Part 1

He cast a skeptical eye, but his eyes twinkled with interest. With the phone as his hostage, he sat down on a boulder at the roadside. "Speak." He commanded, waving the gun at me intimidatingly.

I cleared my throat and mustered all the marketing skills that I had cultivated over the years to make sure that my offer would appeal to him.

"The Chess Player is after the both of us." I started. Not knowing if James knows the Chess Player's identity, I decided to not reveal Mark's name against better judgement. It won't make Mark's mood any better if he knows I told James his identity after him, warning me not to tell anyone about him in case the plan goes down the drain it.

Mark is already going to be livid if he meets his vacant home no need to throw oil on it.

"Yeah, he wants my head on the platter and your ass on the bed."

I almost choked on my saliva before regaining back my posture as I felt the heat creeping up my face. "S-Shut up, that's not the point." I stuttered.

James rolled his eyes, and his lips turned into an ark. "Guessing from his build, he must pack some heat down there. Trust me, I know that shit." He broke out in a wide grin, revealing his teeth as he winked at me teasingly.

The red hue on my cheeks intensified, and the veins in my temple were pumping from irritation. "Will you knit that loose mouth of yours shut and just listen?" I growled, feeling the steam exiting my ears.

James held his hand up in defense with a never fading smirk.

I glowered at him silently, but continued. "Anyway, the main point is that you don't want to be slaughtered and I don't want to be stalked or locked up again."

"I can take him on just fine." He scoffed, tilting his nose up haughtily.

Now it was my turn to scoff as I folded my arms in front of my chest. "Sure, if that is what you want to think be my guest, however, it's a fact that you have been annoyingly on edge ever since we left that place. We both want to live, and I am giving you a ticket to that."

I pointed at the phone. "I bought that phone on the day that he kidnapped me. The Chess Player doesn't know about it, so I can say for sure that he can't track my location. With the phone, I can call the police. They will come to the hideout before him and, when he gets there, they will catch him and throw him behind the jail. We will never see him again."

James eyed me as though his bullshit meter was ticking in the red zone. "So why do you think I would allow you to call the cops, so that you can get me jailed up with him?" He asked calmly, but the gaze that was fixated on me was cold.

I dragged the palm of my hand down my face, letting out a frustrated groan.

'How can he not see it!?'

"Because I call the cops on the Chess Player not you. You and I are victims. The cops will surely believe a man that's covered in bruises over a man that's disguised like the thieves of Home Alone." I concluded.

He stared at me with a blank expression before it slowly morphed into a Cheshire smile. He stood up, striding towards me. Stiffening up, I closed my eyes, fearing what he would do to me only to feel the roughness of his palm ruffling my hair excitedly. "I never knew that sugar plump's head was filled with quality meat."

I grunted petulantly under the pressure of his hand. "And I never knew that yours was dried out, now get off me." I pushed him away and stretched out my hand. "Now could you be so kind as to return my phone back?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head and starts to march again.

"What? Why!?" I yelled, mystified.

He kept on walking without looking back. "We can't have you texting someone without me knowing. You will call the cops when we get to the hideout." He explained.

"But… But… Aargh!" Disgruntled, I groaned, while stomping my feet on the moist ground like a child throwing a tantrum.

"Are you coming or not?" He glanced back with a simpered expression.

"Yeah…" I sighed in resignation despondently and trudged with full chagrin behind James.

James' hideout was apparently an abandoned two-story school building few miles away from the highway in the middle of the woods. Putting my sight on the rundown building made me immediately regret my decision. The building looked like it was left unattended since the second world war. The chalky paints of the walls fell in fragments, revealing a coper colored layer beneath it. Plants grew between the large prominent cracks of the building, interweaving itself around it as buds were sprouting from the branches. Aside from the boarded windows, the edges of the broken windows were brown stained, colored, inviting the mind to see the settled dust even at a distance.

It was a non-pleasing sight to unfold.

Stepping inside the building was a whole another terrifying experience. Dust that hung in the air disturbed at a regular occurrence. The wooden planks would make a cracking sound at every step I take. The big dust covered treads of the spiders could be seen almost everywhere, causing my arachnophobia brain to go haywire. I had to shuffle closer to James, scared that one of those eight-legged devils decides to surprise me.

Peering into the classrooms, it surprised me to view that most furniture managed to survive with minimal damage, only a few scratches to their name. The dripping sound of water echoing through the hallways made it impossible to ignore the lack of animated chattering in the vacant building.

The rickety staircase led us to the first floor, which, astonishingly, was in a better state than the ground floor. Its only flaw was the discolored paint on the walls and the pile of dust on every furniture.

The tour ended in a what it would seem school director's room.

"I see a hotel room was too much to ask for." I walked around the place observing the old paintings that hung on the walls with their dear lives.

"He could easily track me down through my credit card information." James answered and handed me the phone. "He's known for being a high-skilled hacker, after all."

I flipped open the phone and dialed in the emergency number. My thumb hovered over the calling button hesitantly.

'Is this plan really going to work? What if Mark finds us before help can come?' Thoughts like that were circulating through my mind, making me second guess my decision. A portentous feeling was brewing in the depths of my stomach that something wasn't right.

"What are you waiting for?" James' face that materialized in front of my face caused me to let go of the phone in startlement. The cluttering sound of the device hitting the wooden floor made us both scared as we scrambled for it; checking for any damage.

No cracks were perceived, and we both let out a relieved exhale. James gave me a side-glare, which received a wobbly smile from me in return.

"Hehe." I tittered.

"Don't hehe me! You were about to destroy our only way out!" He yelled, throwing his only good arm in the air.

"Well, your face shouldn't have such a shock value!" I retorted.

James gasps dramatically. "Are you calling me ugly?"

"If the pot is calling the cattle black…" I shrugged.

He narrowed his eyes at me… "You're going to regret it" and like a bull tackled me to the ground, knocking the air out of me.

"Ouch! What the heck was that geh-!" James who sat on top of me wiggled vigorously with his fingers and his eyes glinted with mischievous.

Knowing what was to come, I shook my head vehemently, pleading him not to do it. But he ignored my pleas and attacked my torso; tickling me in my sensitive areas.

"Stop it James! Stop it!" I screeched between my cackles that James produced.

"Am I ugly?" He asked as he continued his torture.

"YOU'RE NOT!" I screamed as I could feel my bladder is about to burst.

James immediately ceased his attack and gave me a smug look. "I thought so." He stood up and offered me his hand. Teary-eyed from all the laughing, I grabbed his hand. "You sure are acting friendly again for someone who tried to take my life." I grumbled pettily.

James blinked, taken aback, but quickly covered it with a blank expression as he jerked his hand away. "I had a blast working with you at the company, but rules are rules and the rules of the underworld ain't rules that you can break sugar plumps." The way he sounded perfunctory, as if our friendship never mattered, was like a dart through my heart.

"Whatever…" I said dejectedly, my shoulders slumped down as I cast my eyes down. "Let's just call the police."

But before doing that, I ran hard in place until I was short of breath. James' eyebrows arched, and he looked at me as if I had lost my marbles.

"You'll see." I said.

Once again, I dialed in the emergency number and this time; I pressed the call button.

And when the call was answered, my breath sounded shallow and elaborated.

"Hello with the emergency line. What's the emergency?" The voice on the other side of the line was baritone and coated with a thick Italian accent.

"H-Help! My name is April Westwood, and someone has kidnapped me and my friend. We were able to escape, but my friend is heavily injured, so we hide ourselves in an abandoned school building!" My voice that was laced with panic and urgency, sounded out of breath, making it sound like I was in a life-threatening situation.

The other side of the line was silent; I could hear only the crackling static sound.

"H-Hello?" I called.

"Yes, sorry Mrs. Westwood, right? Who is the kidnapper that you are speaking of and could you also tell me who your friend is?"

I glanced warily at James. Should I be honest and tell them it is Mark?


"I-I don't know the identity of the kidnapper, but he calls himself the Chess Player and my friend is James Scott! Please hurry!"

"Please tell us your specific location and we will be there in thirty minutes." I hand over the phone to James, who told the cop the exact location while letting some painful grunts escape to show that he was indeed badly injured.

We hung up after the man confirmed our location, telling us to not move from our position. We sat down on the wobbly wooden floor, avoiding the spikes of the nails that were protruding through it.

I pulled my knees to my chest, resting my chin on them. James crooned his head back, staring at the ceiling absent-minded. "So now we just have to wait, huh" He said under his breath.

"Yep." I answered, popping the p.

"The cop sounded hot with a capital HOT. I almost had the urge to call him papi." He grins.

I let out a small chuckle. "That's Spanish you dumdum. He sounded Italian; also, could you stop being horny all the time?"

He scoffs. "We aren't sure if he is Italian and I could stop if someone can satisfy me."

"Nobody was ever able to do that?" I questioned.

"They were all drained before I could finally warm up." Sounding disappointed in his past partner's performances, he rested his chin on the back of his hand that was still holding the gun while letting out a sigh, dejected. "They honestly deserved to be cut up by me."

Stupefied by what he said and astonished at his unquenchable drive, I shook my head despondently. "Succubus is a better code name for you." I mumbled.

Irked, he glowered at me. "Watch it, the gun is still loaded and ready to be used."

And with that said, he stripped me of the ability to be vocal.

The sun had descended, its rays dyeing us in an orange glow. Thirty minutes had already passed by, but there was no sign of officers to be seen or sirens to be heard. My eyebrows knitted together, and worried lines were marring my forehead as I was staring at the door.

'What's taking them so long? Why aren't they here yet. Did they get lost?' Thoughts were racing through my mind, the anxiety spiking up. Did Mark perhaps get to them? I mean, knowing him that could be possible, but is he able to hold himself against that many armed officers? That seems a little stretch.

'Aargh…! what should I do!? This was my only way out!' Groaning and wallowing myself in despair inwardly, I run my fingers through my hair, putting it in a disarray of state.

"Ah!" James shot up; his face lit with realization. "Now that I think of it, there was a man who could sustain my urges."

"I don't see the importance of talking about one of your rendezvous right now." I exasperated, trying to push back the shimmering anger that threatened to surface, as I was certainly not in the mood to deal with him now.

"It is important, because the voice of the man had an uncanny resemblance to the one I had a one-night stand with."

My face contoured in confusion, not understanding what he was trying to get at.

"Again, not seeing the importance. He just had a similar voice."

Not hearing me, James got caught up in his thoughts. His hand covering his mouth, his eyes quivering as he was pondering deeply about something. Incoherent mutters could be heard from him. Straining my ears to hear what he was saying, I could pick up some sentences.

"It must be coincidence… Did he follow me?... But what if..."

I got a bad feeling about this, but that got quickly washed away when a sudden knock on the door could be heard, forcing me to jerk my attention away from James.

"This is the police. Mrs. Westwood and Mr. Scott, are you in there?" I could hear the familiar thick Italian voice from the other side. Elated, I shot up and dashed for the door.

"Y-Yes! We are here!" My eyes were welling up with tears as I thought that I finally could be safe again, that this was over.

"April Wait-!" James yelled, but I wasn't about to wait for no one and swung the unstable door open. "Thank god that you guys are he-"

My eyes that were lit up were now quivering as they went round. Fear and shock coursed through my veins, petrifying me on the spot.

I was standing face to face with an expressionless Mark, who was undisguised. That can't be good. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I then slowly closed the door.

In shock, I staggered back, panic flooding my mind. Why is he here!? How did he get here!? And weren't the police there!? Why haven they cuffed him up yet!?

After few agonizing moments the door opened, revealing a still emotionless Mark. Next to him, standing, was a man.

A gasp could be heard from behind me and I turned around to see James' face with a horrified expression; the color drained from his face.

The stranger's gaze met James's, the corner of his lips pulling up into a smirk.

We meet again cuore mio*.

*Cuore mio= my heart