Escaped? Part 2

The man wore an all ebony black suit that matched his hair. The only thing that stood out was the white necktie and his heterochrome eyes; His hazel blue and green eyes demanding full attention.

And it looked like they were demanding attention from James.

A muscle in the stranger's scruffy jaw twitched at the bruised state of the now pale James as he scrutinizes him. His thick brows knitted together and anger flashed in his unique eyes. "What the fuck happened?" He gritted out, barely holding back his anger.

James, who had lost the ability to vocalize, shifted his eyes nervously at Mark, whose heated stare was creating a hole in my skull.

The stranger didn't miss that and grabbed Mark by his collar. "It was you?" He growled. The man was a few inches shorter than Mark, but his hulking muscular build made up for the lack of height. Just by grabbing Mark by his collar, you could see the muscles strain against the fabric in his forearms.

Mark's hands were in his front pockets and he looked at the stranger with an unbothered expression. "Yeah, so?"

The veins in the man's neck looked like they were about to pop, his face slowly turning red. "Who gave you the right to touch what's mine." He snarled.

Mark scoffed and grabbed the man's wrist, putting pressure on it as he twisted it; freeing himself from the hold. "Watch who you are talking to Alessandro." He said lowly, his sky-blue eyes turning navy blue.

"Fuck that!" Alessandro bellowed, tearing his hand free from Mark's hold. "With this, the debt is paid. If you dare to touch my boy one more time or threaten my familia, I wouldn't sit back." He said warningly.

Mark lets out a hollow laughter, his stare disparagingly. "If you want to keep that bastard safe that badly, why not put a collar on that bitch."

Alessandro's eyes were blazing with rage but that was quickly diminished to sizzles as he shifted thoughtfully his attention back at James. "Maybe I should." He wondered as he slanted his neck.

I could see the Adam's apple of James bob nervously, his breathing becoming uneven.

My eyes darted between the two of them. 'What happened between those two?' I wondered.

"And maybe I should do so too." Mark's irked voice pulled my attention back to him and I glowered at him. "No, you fucking shouldn't." I retorted. "And you know what else you shouldn't do? Lock people up!" I added.

Mark's eyes darken, and like a feral wolf, he lets out a guttural growl. "Don't fucking test my patients April unless you never want to see the sky again."

I wanted to quail under his glare, but I refused to back down and scoffed as I folded my arms in front of my chest and gave him my own defiant glare.

Alessandro chuckled lightly as he patted mark on his back. "You've got your hands full with this one."

"Shut up." Mark snarled. "And take care of your own issue."

And without further exchange of words, they stalked towards us. Every step that they took made me and James take twice as much back until I felt the edges of the broken window propping my back; showing the end of our line. The sudden piercing sensation caused me to drop my phone.

Coerced like small animals with no way out, we looked weary and frightful at the two giant predators, who both wore a smug expression.

Mark folded his arms, his piercing blue eyes fell down on me. "What now, kitten? Are we going to do this the easy or the hard way?" His brow was arched and a lopsided grin made its way on to his face.

I felt chagrin knowing that he reveled in power to twist and bend me to his will.

I frowned forlornly, pressing my lips into a thin line, clenching my hands into a pair of fists. The two men were about to take another step when James instantly raised his trembling arm; aiming the gun at them.

"Don't even take another fucking step, you motherfuckers or I will blow your fucking brains out!" He roared, halting any form of activity inside the room.

I held in my breath; the feeling of my thudding heartbeat more prominent than ever.

Creased lines appeared between Alessandro's eyebrows as he glared at James disapprovingly. "Put that down and get your peachy butt over here bambino." He commanded. "A private airplane is already waiting for us."

James gave him an incredulous look. "Do you seriously think that I'll go willingly with you?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "You got me messed up."

"And do you seriously think that we can't handle you?" Mark retailed.

With a vindictive smile, James redirected his aim to me; holding the gun against my temple. "Yes, I do and if you still want her breathing, you better don't move." He leered.

Fear overtook Mark's face, but was quickly turned in to a dull expression. "You shoot her and I will make sure that your death will be excruciating painful." As he said that, he pulled out his own gun, aiming it at James.

"Do that and I'll kill you." Alessandro said, his voice laced with anger as he also pulled out a gun, aiming it at Mark's head.

"Great, that means I can kill him again in hell." Mark retorted snidely.

Frazzled by the sudden turn of events, I screeched. "Wait, what the heck is wrong with you guys!? Also, what happened to our alliance, James!?"

"That shit ended the moment they walked in, especially him!" James sneered, keeping his eyes steady on the enemies.

My eyes drifted to Alessandro, knowing that James was talking about him. Their mysterious relationship heightens my curiosity, the want to unravel their secret; especially because I haven't seen James being so frantic before. But this boiling anger that wanted to erupt as my gaze kept lingering on the hot Italian man shoved away that curiosity.

I felt betrayed by the man who I thought would save me. Who I thought was a cop. Who was basically my only way out! He fucking sabotaged me!

I scowled at Alessandro. "Why the heck did you come through the door and not the damn police!? Like I am sure that I dialed fucking 9-1-1 not a fucking pizzeria! So why did you pick up!?" I yelled.

I could hear James snicker, trying to hold back his laughter from spilling in to the room.

Shocked, Alessandro's eyebrows rose. "Is the kitten getting claws?" He asked, amused.

I growled. "Damn right I am! And this kitten will fucking scar your face if I don't get an answer!"

Mark whistles, smirking proudly at my outburst. "That's my baby."

"Oh, shut up!" I snarled.

The smile slipped from Mark's face. His expression hardened. Not caring about my stalker's mood anymore, I went off.

"This all just doesn't make any sense! Why did Alessandro get here instead of the police!? What is your relation with him!? What debt did he ow you!? What is his relationship with James!? And why did he pick up the phone!?"

My face was glowing red and my breaths came out in huffs and puffs as all the yelling exhausted me. I was a fuming mess.

"It just makes little sense unless… unless.." I breathed out as the realization dawned on me and with a disbelieve expression I looked at Alessandro. "You're an insider?"

He scoffed. "An insider? More like the police department is under my watch as they are in my familia territory."

I frowned, confused. "Familia?" I asked.

"Alessandro is a mafia mob boss." Mark explained as he sighed in resignation. "His family name is Valentino."

I could feel my eyes bulging out of my skull as my mouth fell open. 'Valentino'? You mean the same Valentino that is feared throughout the entire country. Known for his tyranny and bloodlust. Are we really talking about the same man here?

"Just so you know, I would have only tipped Mark off about your location and not come here, but when you mentioned my bambino's name, I had no choice but to come." Alessandro added as he leered at James.

Lost for words, I turned my head to look at James. "What did you do, James?" My voice came out like a restrained low whisper; the muscle under my eye twitching like crazy.

Being overpowered by my demeanor, James averted his eyes nervously away from me, letting out a small cough. "I may or may not have slept with h-"

"You fucking slept with a mafia boss!?" I raised my voice.

"It was a onetime thing!" James yelled, defending himself.

"And look what that 'one time' did!" I exasperated, as I threw my arms in the air.

"What difference would it have made? The Chess Player would have still arrived here with or without Alessandro. Or should I say Mr. Moore?" James spat Mark's name out in disgust. "To think that our Co-CEO is a serial killer."

Mark smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "And to think that you are going to be killed by him." He quipped.

James narrowed his eyes into two slits, glowering at Mark as the silence made its way in to the room.

Groaning dejected, I covered my face with my hands. Seriously, what's with this situation? I had hoped that even if Mark came here alone, that we could somehow overpower him or something, but now we have to worry about not one but two deranged men!

I know James is pretty agile from what I saw on that night, but compared to those two hulks, he is just a flimsy boy. It's like two small kittens trying to go against a panther and lion. We have no chance!

"April." Mark boomed, breaking the silence. "I am giving you one last chance. Come here. If you come here, I will let that idiot live. Refuse and he's dead."

His appeal was tempting for the me who had lost hope. If I listen to him, then we will leave here with no bloodshed, but ignoring him means that one or more people will die, including me if James shoots me.

I groaned inwardly. 'What a mess.'

"It's game over kitten. We have played enough." He stretched out his arm. "Let's go home." He crooned.

A feeling of defeat washed over me and my shoulders slumped down as I sighed resigned. 'Time to go back to the basement, I guess. There's still some DVD's left for me to watch. Thank God he has all my favorite ones.' I thought, trying to feel somewhat optimistic.

Biting hard on my bottom lip, I took slow trembling steps towards Mark. Seeing me move to him, Mark's smile broadens.

"H-Hey!" James called out, trying to hamper me from moving any further.

A sudden flash and a horrendous sound tore through the room, almost destroying my ear drums.

A scream erupted from my mouth as I stopped mid-step and quailed; going in to a crouching position. When I looked up through my hazy gaze again, the ringing sound of the shot still prominent in my ears, Alessandro had James in an impeccable hold and the barrel of a 38 revolver laid on the ground together with James's gun.

I carefully stood up again and stumbled back to the window, finding it difficult to find steady feet.

Mark cursed under his breath and yelled at Alessandro in blind rage who didn't seem remorseful as he was busy keeping a struggling James in check.

As they were bantering with each other a sudden gust of wind carrying copper colored leaves made its way past me in to the room, slightly grazing my cheeks. I peered over my shoulders and saw the beautiful sun slowly disappearing in to the horizon. Its orange rays enveloping an enormous tree that was positioned in front of the window at a decent distance.

It was as if the heavens had blessed it with a big halo and, at the same time, a new way out for me. A smile played on my lips and my eyes were shimmering with a newfound hope.

"Baby, are you okay?" Mark's voice that was laced with worry and care made me look at his handsome face. "Lets go home so that we can get a better look at your ears, okay?" he stretched out his hand again for me to grab.

In response, I shook my head with a never fading grin. "But it's not game over yet."

He grimaced. "What do you mean, not 'over yet'? I already told you it was over."

With a Cheshire like smile, I turned around and leaned against the window. "Not until you catch me." I crooned sweetly.

Creases between his eyebrows appeared as he frowned confused at me pondering what I meant. His face features then slowly relaxed and his eyes broadens as the realization washed over him. He dashes for me, but he was already too late. By the time he reached where I was, I had already leaped through the window.

*Bambino = Baby