James & Alessandro Part 1

James POV

"Isn't it great, bro? You have finally found him!" A blond-haired guy with the face features of a prince said with a smile to Alessandro, who sat crossed armed with his eyes shut tight.

"Now he can finally shut up about finding his 'bambino'." A man who looked like he had the same build as Alessandro folded his own pair of beefy arms in front of his broad chest, rolling his almost ancient hazel eyes, annoyed as he stood next to Alessandro.

Alessandro hummed, pleased, the corner of his lips twitching into a slow smile.

But I was anything but pleased by the situation and groaned loudly as I struggled to free myself from the chains that had bound me to the chair of the airplane.

They fucking chained me! I, the great Oiran, they fucking dared to treat me like this!

"Let me go, you assholes!" I roared, trying to jump free just to plop down back on the chair with a huff.

The two men whose name I still didn't know shifted their attention to me. They both gave me these unbothered expressions that basically said; "Oh… you're still here?"

Irked by their expressions, I gritted my teeth, glowering at them. "You think that you bastards are so great? I bet I can take on each of you!" I laughed as I challenged them.

They exchanged a look with each other before they scoffed, their attitude indifferent towards my challenge. I felt the pumping vein on my temple about to burst.

"You!-" My mouth was about to give both of them a share of wordy assaults, but I was clipped short when a heavy baritone voice boomed through the private plane.

"Bambino." It was a voice to sink in as it wraps you up. Yet, vibrating with power and command. It reverberated through my bones and I had lost the ability to verbalize as the pair of contrasting eyes opened, locking me in place.

"If I hear one more word coming out of that luscious mouth of yours, I will make sure that you will be bedridden for days." He warned, his tone filled with a promise.

I sucked in a sharp breath; the hammering sound of my heart made it difficult for me to breathe as I remember the night that I had spent with him months ago. His grunts and growls as his thrusting moves never ceased. Me clutching on his back, my nails digging deeply into his skin, drawing out blood as I was hanging on for dear life. My eyes kept rolling back from the undeniable pleasure that kept washing over me as he kept hitting the same spot.

His baritone voice that kept pushing me over the edge as he kept whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Our sweat scents mingling with each other.

This man was relentless, taking me repeatedly until the orange glow of sunrise decided to show up. Even after I finally escaped, only because he finally decided to take a shower, and reached home, I wasn't able to sit or go to toilet properly for days. My bun was on fire since that day and I was stuck in bed for days. That had never overcome me before.

The words that this man spews out are words to fear for. But my body was trembling with anticipation. I craved for this man's rough touch, his skills to send me to heaven in seconds.

I couldn't stop the cravings that I felt, and my eyes got hooded. Swiping my tongue across my lips sensually, I stared at the man predatory. "I want to see you try if you can." I purred.

Alessandro's eyes darkened as he lets out a guttural growl. "You're playing with fire here, bambino." He warned huskily, his voice sounding strained.

I glanced down at his groin. Grinning like a Cheshire cat at the tent that was formed in his pants. "And I want to get burned by that fire." I slurred sensually.

The two men that was standing next to Alessandro gagged and took this as a sign to leave. The air between us was dense with sexual tension.

Alessandro stood up and stalked slowly, like a predator to me. When he stood in front of me with his eyes cast down on me, he grabbed my chin roughly, making me look up at him. "I'll char you all the way down." He growled lowly; his voice full of dark promise.

'He's so fucking hot.' I bit down on my bottom lip. God, he has done nothing to me yet, but the blood is already pooling downwards to my groin. 'I want him, right now.'

And the carnal desires in his eyes told me he wanted me now, too. "Fuck me." I said with a grin, and that was enough to put Alessandro over the edge as he assaulted my mouth, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. But I didn't relent as our tongues fought for dominance. He growls against my lips as he grabbed a fist full of hair, pulling my head back. I mewled, as I could feel his lips leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down my neck.

Alessandro wedged his leg between my thighs, rubbing his knee against my sensitive organ as he simultaneously bites hard down in the crook of my neck. I let out a keening moan from the double pleasure.

My breathing became elaborated and my body was on fire. My body wants this man to be buried deeply in it. It was almost instinctual to want him, but I didn't complain because he was big and I liked that.

"Hey mafia boy." I called out in a delirious haze. Alessandro then loosens his hold on me so that I could crane my head to look at him as his lips were still latched on to my skin, leaving hickeys behind. He cocked his eyebrow at me, his eyes glistening with amusement at my nickname for him.

"Remove the chains on me." I breathed out. The chain that now felt like ice against my heated body was a disturbance in our make-out session, and I wanted it gone. I wanted to wrap my arms around his thick neck and drag him down for another deep kiss. Not being able to do that was excruciating frustrating.

Alessandro's body went rigid before he backed away from me, leaving my flushed body behind. My eyebrows almost reached my hairline as I gave him a questionable look, asking him why he stopped.

He squinted his eyes at me as he folded his arms in front of his pecs. "You're going to run away if I do that." He said gruffly.


"And do what, my man? Jump out of the airplane and die?" I asked incredulously.

"You could kill me since you're a killer, a killer that kills after having sex with his target." He said next accusingly.

"Your men would kill me instantly if I did that. I am not stupid mafia man." I retorted as I rolled my eyes. "And I never planned to kill you. I had another target that night but I needed a quick fix as I was seriously pent up." I huffed. "So just free me already."

Alessandro stared at me silently, his colorful eyes darkening before returning to normal. "I'll release you when we get back to my place in Italy." He announced and turned around, walking towards the door.

I gawked at him before trashing my legs around. "You bastard! So, you're just going to leave me hanging high and dry!?" I yelled, feeling the tightness in my pants paining me. "You want it just as badly! Come on!" I sounded like a kid throwing a tantrum for not getting his candy.

Alessandro throws me a look over his shoulders, glancing down at my sensitive organ that was screaming for help and release. His eyes became hooded, and he sensually licked his lips as he lets out a grunt. "Oh, I will take you in so many positions so many times that you'll be begging and crying for me to release you, but not now."

He opens the door and almost walked out until I screamed at him again. "Where are you going!?"

"A cold shower." He grumbled low and closed the door behind him.

Astonished that he left me behind like that, my body went limp, but my groin was still solid. I cast a look at my poor organ and mumbled something.

"At least give me also a cold shower."