James & Alessandro Part 2

James POV

"I'll release you when we get back to my place in Italy."

'What a load of baloney.' I snorted inwardly as I rolled with my eyes. My feet haven't had the chance to make acquaintance with the avenue of Italy ever since the plane passed its border.

Alessandro treated me like a sack of potatoes by throwing me over his shoulder. And seeing how I was still tightly bounded trashing around was futile, but I did it anyway just to agitate the hell out of that caveman. And when he showed no signs of discomfort from my flailing legs, I did the honor of yelling and screaming from the tops of my lungs, which only received a grunt and a swat on my peach by Alessandro, also some annoying glares from his subordinates.

I realized how big of a deal Alessandro was as we went further down the streets where the crowds of people where at. I thought he may had lost his marbles. Who would walk in a crowded street with a chained body over his shoulder? 'He must want to go to jail early' is what I thought until the sea of people parted in two, making a way for Alessandro and his subordinates to pass through.

Children that were squealing and blaring as they run around on the streets got pulled away by their parents and hushed into silence as they got dragged back in to their homes.

The women who were watering their plants on the balcony paled at the sight of Alessandro, dropping their watering cans as they scurried back in to their houses, closing the curtains.

The people on the streets who didn't have the chance to find shelter did everything in their power to not steel glances at the huge marching men. Beads of sweats were forming on to their foreheads as they nervously cast their eyes down.

Even when I made eye contact with someone, they would just swiftly look away, acting as if I wasn't in dying need of help.

Frazzled by all of this made my mind travel back to when sugar plumps yelled at me at the abandoned school building.

"You fucking slept with a mafia boss!?"

'I fucking slept with a mafia boss.' It finally downed on me that I was in a real predicament this time.

After parading their dominance, we finally reached their base and now I'm stuck in a luxurious bedroom both arms chained at a metal canopy king-size bed. The bed was dyed in black and pillows alongside the laced curtains that were tied on the metal pole were dyed with the color of blood.

Gritting my teeth, I struggled for what felt like the thousand times against the handcuffs, enlarging the red bruise that was forming on my beautiful wrists.

"How dare he to treat the great Oiran like this!" I grunted as I tried to pull my wrist out of the cuffs. It didn't work, and I let myself slump against the headboard.

I need to find a way out of this place. My boss may even be looking for me right now as to speak and that's never good. "What should I do?" I mumbled as I bit on my bottom lip thoughtfully, raking my brain for any good ideas.

I was brought back from my thoughts by a shiver that run down my body as the warm duvet slowly draped over my body. Exposing my bare torso. My arched eyebrows knitted together, forming a perfect frown. That's right, that asshole stripped me off my clothes, leaving me only in my boxer shorts as to prevent me from escaping.

Wiggling with my legs, I tried to bring the duvet back up, but it only resulted in the duvet from being shifted away from me. I cursed under my breath and another shiver settled in my body, making me wish for some warm body contact.

Jerking my head back, I let out a frustrated groan. "Now I need a hot body to warm me up."

A scoff from the corner of the room caught my attention. My eyes shifted to the average bald looking guy who has been standing there from the beginning. Alessandro ordered him to monitor me. He hasn't moved or made a sound ever since I was chained to the bed. I even thought for a second that he was an android.

"Fag." He scoffed again.

A rude android.

His insult didn't faze me, as I've heard it many times in my life. The corner of my lips twitched into a grin. He flinched, taken aback by my joyful expression.

The rude android moves too. Good to know that. My grin spread even wider as I was planning to put a plan into motion.

"I know I am Fabulous and Gorgeous no need to use abbreviation." I purred as I threw him a wink.

Disgust contoured his face. "I don't get why the Don brought a disgusting slut like you here." He sneered.

My grin turned into a lopsided one as I rose one of my eyebrow. "Why not come here and figure out why?" Letting my tongue sweep across my lips, I spread my bare legs, exposing the bulge in my shorts.

His pupils got dilated and his eyes quivered. His Adam's apple bobbed nervously before he masked his expression back to distaste. "I prefer to find myself dead than to touch your filthy body." He spat, but his eyes still lingered on my body. His eyes roamed over my body; from bottom slowly to top until our eyes met.

I grin. 'The denial type.' Those types are the most delicious once to gobble up. I licked my lips seductively, and I saw his cheeks heating up. Flustered, he avoided my eyes and sputtered,

"T-The Don w-won't keep you alive, anyway. He always kills his new toys when he gets bored with them." He said as he cleared his throat.

"Exactly. That's why you should have fun with his toy before he kills it, don't you think so?"

"N-No, the Don will kill me if I did that." He stammered.

'So you're not against it if it wasn't for Alessandro.' Seeing how he wasn't planning to move from his spot, I decided to make him come here.

"Ouch!" I yelled as I hissed in pain. "Shit, my wrist." I groaned dramatically.

The guard's expression turned frantic, and he was at my side in an instant. His eyes scrutinize my wrist as he grabbed it.

I hissed again, acting like I was in genuine pain.

The guard took in a sharp breath, seeing the red bruise that was slowly turning purple on my wrist. "The Don will kill me if even a scratch will mar your body."

Taking this opportunity, I wrapped my legs around his torso, pulling him into me until I could feel his staggering breath on my lips.

"C'mon" I whispered. "It's only one round. Alessandro won't even notice."

The guard began to lick his lips nervously as his eyes flitted to my lips. Lingering longer on them before meeting my eyes again.

His breath became shallow, and I could even hear him gulping down his saliva. "I-I can't."

I felt a flicker of irritation because of his weak character. 'You weak-ass-bitch, we can all see that you want me, so be a man and kiss me already, geez!' I had to grit back the vocabulary insults that were about to burst and gave him a forceful smile.

I brushed my lips against his and he became frozen.

'Just a bit more.'

I brought my mouth to his ear and bit softly into his earlobe, tugging at it playfully before bringing my head back.

His eyes became completely hooded, and I knew that he just needed one more push.

"Fuck me already." I demanded seductively.

A growl ripped through his mouth before he pulls me in for a rough kiss. I almost gagged from the bad kissing technique. His kiss was just sloppy and desperate like he never had banged before.

Oh well, I didn't want a quick fuck from him, anyway. Grinning against his lips, I was about to bite down on a chip that was attached on top of my tooth, but the guard got yanked off me with a force, separating our lips.

"What-!" I wanted to yell at the rude bastard that dared to disturb our moment, only for my mouth to be shut quickly as I made eye contact with a fuming Alessandro, whose hand was now tightly wrapped around the guard's neck.

Behind him were the same two men from the plane standing at the entrance of the door. Both shook their head as they sighed.

"Now" Alessandro's booming voice shook the entire room, grabbing every living being's attention. "Will somebody explain to why my guard was about to fuck Bambino?" His voice was low with a perfect mixture of restraint and rage.

A wobbly, cheesy smile made its way onto my face as I shrugged.

"I was cold."