James & Alessandro Part 6

James POV

Sitting at the long bar on a letter stool, I glanced at the bartender, who was standing in front of a shelf of hundreds of different alcohol bottles, drying the inside of a beer glass with a towel. "Give me another shot of tequila." I said, raising up my empty glass for him to fill.

Slapping the towel over his shoulder, the bartender brought out a bottle of tequila. "Don't you think that you have enough to drink?" He questioned with a lopsided grin on his face, hinting at the six empty shot glasses in front of me.

"You still don't look handsome in my eyes yet, so no, I am not drunk yet." I retorted, thrusting the glass towards him with a smile. The man's smile faltered, a frown replacing it as he poured the tequila in the glass while grumbling something incoherent.

"Thank you!" I grinned widely for the bartender to send me a glare before continuing to clean the empty glasses. Glancing over my shoulder to inspect the room, I chucked down the tequila content- feeling my throat slowly burning up before placing the cup back on the counter for my hand to grip it tightly as I felt the frustration bubbling up in me.

Damn it, where is he!? My source told me he would be here tonight, but he is nowhere to be seen! I groaned, frustrated inwardly as my target hadn't been spotted yet and the smoke that permeated the room that was caused by the smokers here limited my sight- forcing me to squint my eyes.

My client wants the target dead as soon as possible, and my boss doesn't tolerate failures. The last time somebody made a mistake, well let's just say that they need a straw to eat their food now. Did my source betray me, perhaps? I am pretty well known in the underworld and many want me dead, so I wouldn't be surprised if they threatened or bribed my source to put me on the wrong track. Well, if that's the case, then it just means that I will have to get rid of him.

I was about to ask for another drink in hope to quell the frustration that had manifested in me until a looming figure made its way to me. The sound of footsteps padding against the floor ceased, and I could feel the figure standing next to me. "Is this seat free?" A hoarse bass voice that teared through the obnoxious chatters of the people inside the bar and overruled the music made me snap my head to the side to see who the voice belonged to and I wasn't disappointed by what I saw.

I had to crane my head up to look at the tall man whose height towered over every person here. I don't know why he was wearing a suit, but I felt sorry for the fabric that had turned tight from the strain that was exerted from his taunt muscles.

His jet-black hair was neatly slicked back showing his undercut framing his face nicely, his jaw that was carved out perfectly, dusted with a stubble beard, to his thick arched eyebrows and below them a pair of globe that overwhelmed the rest of his face features- heterochromia eyes. Those blue, green eyes were locked on to my gaze like magnets, not allowing me to divert my attention.

They were gorgeous, but simultaneously daunting as something primeval was brewing behind them. A mixture of intimidation and barley contained excitement brandished my core, and I had to repress the devilish grin from surfacing on my face.

I want him.

I haven't been laid in a while and seeing a hunk like that only wakens my unsatisfied urges. "Sure go ahead." I gestured at the empty seat next to me with a smile. Returning my smile with a smile of his own, he leisurely took a seat next to me. "Two port wine." He told the bartender as he puts up two fingers to make it clear, his gaze still alight with mine. The bartender nodded his head and prepared our drinks.

"And why is a man like you sitting here alone?" The mysterious man asked.

The bartender returned with our drinks, placing them in front of us. Taking the drink, I brought it to my lips and took a sip from it while keeping a steady eye on the man next to me. "I can ask you the same thing. You don't seem like a man who would be here without any company."

The small chuckles he produced to my answer were like music in my ears, causing my body to tingle in delight. He brought his glass to his lips before he said, "I was taking care of some business here and was about to leave until I saw you." and took a sip of his beverage.

I arched my brow, surprised and amused at his brazen words, but I was happy that the stranger batted for the different team and was clearly interested in me. "Well, I am honored, it isn't every day that I catch the eyes of a handsome man like you." I snickered and was about to take another sip until a hand took a hold of my chin, turning my head to the side.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of his mystical eyes that held carnal desires. "Are you alone, bambino?" He asked in a commanding voice freighted with a thick accent that revealed his Italian roots, turning his voice even huskier and more desirable.

Letting my tongue sweep across my lips seductively, I gave him a playful smile and answered him, "I also came here for business, but that business decided not to show up. Would you like to keep me company for the night instead?"

Releasing a growl, he dipped down his head to share a searing kiss, and I moaned, pleased at how perfectly our lips were mashing together. His tongue went over the seam of my lips, asking for entrance, and my eyes went wide before I smiled against his lips.

'Look at this bastard go.' Without wasting anymore time, I parted my lips and let his tongue explore the inside of my mouth, leaving nothing unturned. He broke off the kiss and I let out a small whimper of protest as the kiss was too short, leaving me wanting for more.

With his hand still holding my chin, he pulled himself slightly away. I felt an uncomfortable tension building up in my core as his smoldering gaze looked down at me. Impatiently, I tried to go in for another kiss, but he kept my head steady with his hand receiving a heated glare from me. His eyes twinkled with mirth, matching his curled up lips. "Let's continue this somewhere else. I am not really into a mood to give a show." He said as he darted his eyes to the side. I followed his line of sight to see some unwanted gazes of the people inside the room, watching our make-out session.

I rolled my eyes, not bothered by their curious gazes. They should consider themselves lucky to be able to witness this. I swiftly grabbed the man's tie and pulled him in for a kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling away. "I am not the patient type, so be quick before I find somebody else to spend the night with." I let go of his tie and, as if my separation spurred him into action, he snarled something unintelligible in Italian and grabbed the back of my head, jerking me back to a blistering kiss.

Holy fuck. The kiss was hard and hungry and I couldn't help but let a few moans escape my lips. My arms wounded themselves around his neck, deepening our kiss, pressing me impossibly closer to him, as if I couldn't get enough of his lips. His kiss was just mind numbing, something that I haven't come across before, making me look forward to when our clothes dissolve into nothingness, letting our wild instincts take reign on the bed. Suddenly, he tore away, his eyes smoldering with unsaid desires. The pure lust reflected on his face made me delirious, causing a tight feeling in my pants.

"Let's go." He said authoritatively, his voice walking on a thin line of restrain and primal desires and grabbed my hand to drag me swiftly out of the shop to something unforgettable.

Gasping, I jackknifed awake into a sitting position. Finding myself in bed, wheezing for air, I could feel my heart hammering against my chest- the blanket getting wrinkled in my hands that had turned into a pair of fists as I was trying to grasp for reality.

A dream? I wondered and stroked my throat, that felt itchy to feel the metal collar, bringing a displeased groan to my mouth. No, a nightmare. I should have never indulged him with a kiss that night. No, I shouldn't have even let him sit next to me. If I had done that, then I wouldn't have found myself in this predicament.

What in the world even happened? I wondered, referring to how I had lost conscious. The last thing that I could recall was a blinding light soon followed by anguish pain running through my veins.

"You're awake." I jolted at the baritone voice that came from my side. Glancing side-ways I saw mafia boy sitting lazily on a chair, reading a book. I glowered at him, not being in the mood to see his face. "Why are you here?" I snapped.

He closed the book and placed it away on the nightstand next to me, and uncrossed his legs. "I am here so that we won't be repeating the same mistake of you frying yourself."

"Yeah! What the hell was that, anyway?" I yelled as I pointed at the accursed collar. He stood up and walked to me, tilting my head up by placing his finger under my chin to let his eyes roam around, inspecting the collar. "A small tool to prevent you from escaping this place. The moment you step a foot outside this building, electricity will be released and the intensity will only increase the longer you're outside." He explained calmly.

Horrified-stricken, I smacked his hand away. "There must be something wrong with you! You can't treat me like a damn feral animal!" I stated angrily, placing my hand on my chest as my chest heaved up and down from anger.

"Trust me, we've been all wondering whether his parents had dropped him on his head when he was a baby." A disgruntled voice that didn't belong to Alessandro interjected itself in to the conversation, pulling my attention away to glare at the entrance where three men had stepped in to the room; all men with whom I had the displeasure of becoming acquaintance with.

The voice belonged to the man who always wore a displeased expression, as if someone had peed in his cereal every day. His hands were thrusted in his front pockets as he walked in. Next to him was the guy who always had a bubbly personality, a smile on full display, but a mouth that wouldn't stop rambling. And behind them stood the giant man with rich melanin skin who had spoken to me in a slow speech before.

I glowered at them. "Oh, look who we have here, dumb, dumber and dumb-est." I spat.

The man with the brown hair and eyes that matched mine narrowed his eyes at me. "The last time I checked, I wasn't the one who blindly run out of the house and got electrocuted."

My nose scrunched up in distaste. I really dislike that guy.

"Antonio." Alessandro's stern voice ricochet throughout the room, demanding absolute attention. He glared warningly at the rude guy whose name I assume was Antonio and said. "Watch your tongue. James is going to be your Comare even if it is you I don't condone disrespect."

Antonio pursed his lips into a thin line and clicked his tongue petulantly as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Reveled seeing him miffed, I couldn't help but grin pleased, but the grin was quickly wiped away when Alessandro's brooding eyes met mine. "The same thing goes for you, Bambino. These are my most trusting men and I expect that you'll respect them."

I snorted. "I am not yours to command Mafia boy, so you can take your expectations and shove it down your as-"

"Hey, hey!" I recoiled back, hitting the back of my head against the wall when a face with a widespread-grin manifested in front of me- calling out to me in an excited voice. One of his knees leaned on the edge of the bed while his hands were planted on each side of my leg, entrapping them.

Stupefied, I stared at the guy who had a charming face; his sea-blue eyes peering up at me with curiosity, his golden hair reflecting the rays of the sun. "Who's the dumb-est one out of the three of us?" He queried, pointing his finger at Antonio, the big guy and himself.

Quirking my brow, I said, "Isn't that obvious?" Raising my right hand, I used my index to point at Antonio. "Him."

Antonio's brows crushed together thunderously as he parted his mouth to say something, but was interrupted instantaneously by a vicious snarl erupting in the room. The foghorn-like snarl made me cover my ears with my hands in order to protect my hearing. Startled by it with a frown on my face snapped my head to the side to see Alessandro glaring at the blond-haired guy and I displeased.

"I think that I can speak for everyone here that we would really appreciate it if we could preserve our hearing, Aldo." The blond-haired guy commented.

The muscle in Alessandro's temple twitched as he narrowed his eyes. "Piero, move." He commanded gruffly, not liking the composition that the guy and I were in.

Piero pouted his lips and stretched out his arms to grab and pull me into his embrace, pressing our cheeks together. "But I want to get closer to brother-in-law." He whined as he squeezed me tight, which only fueled Alessandro with more rage. Alessandro grabbed me by my arm and snatched me out of Piero's hold. I stumbled out of the bed from the force and crashed against Alessandro's chest. He lassoed his arm around me, pulling me impossibly closer against him.

"Don't touch him." He glared at Piero warningly. Piero begrudgingly clicked with his tongue before he muttered under his breath. "You're no fun."

Entangled in the impeccable embrace, I felt my airway being cut off and mustered all of my strength to move my hand to pat his chest to get his attention. Alessandro moved his narrowing gaze from Piero to me. His eyes soften as he smiled affectionately at me. "Yes?"

"I-I can't breathe." I squeezed my voice out like a puff of air. Alessandro immediately loosened his hold, ushering a quick apology, but didn't let me go.

"Thanks." I breathed out. "Now can someone explain to me what's happening?" I asked.

"Oh, I can!" Piero said enthusiastically, his arm stretched up and his feet were brought together on the bed. Antonio threw him a glare, telling him to shut up, but you can never shut up a chatterbox. "Big bro Aldo searched far and wide to find you and when he did kidnapped you, dragged you to Italy, placed a collar on you so that you won't run away and now you're destined to marry Aldo and become the Comare of our Familia!" Counting on his fingers he went down the list and hummed thoughtfully. "Did I forget to mention anything else?"

I don't think so, but I really want to know what you're on right now, because I need that shit. Folding my arms in front of my chest I said, "I am not going to marry Mafia boy."

Piero threw his head back and laughed hysterically, his arms covering his stomach. "That's a good one. You not marrying big bro, ha!"

Seeing my expression remaining unchanged, his laughter subsided down and his arms slumped down to his side. "Oh, he's not joking." He shifted his eyes to Alessandro and repeated. "He's not joking, Aldo. He doesn't want to marry you."

"I heard." Lowering himself, Alessandro brought his mouth close to my ear, his lips grazing the top of it. "But we can change that."