James & Alessandro Part 7

James POV

God, his voice is so sexy. His velvety voice that pierced my ear made my whole body tingle, liquefying my bones to a puddle of pool. Trying to stay solid, not wanting to let him know the effect that he has over me, I elbowed him in the gut- freeing myself from his hold.

"Haha. I don't think so. Do you really think that I'll just go along with whatever you want?" With my fists thrusted down on my waist, swaying it to the side, I laughed dryly. If he thinks that I'll let him walk over me without a fight, then he better think twice. Who does he even think that he is? Doesn't he know how many admirers I have that are standing in the lane only just to have a taste of me? What makes him think that I'll give myself over to him.

Alessandro chuckled, shaking his head as he mused, "No, I know better than anyone that my Bambino is a feisty little thing- so how about we make a bet?" He offered making me quirk my brow as I folded my arms over my chest intrigued. "What kind of bet?"

Alessandro stuck his index finger up. "One week," He began and smirked when he saw confusion puckering my eyebrows before continuing. "If I can make you fall for me within one week, then you'll become mine and become the Comare of my familia."

"And if I don't?" I queried.

"Well, it will never come to that, but if you don't gain any feelings for me by then, then you're free to go and I will never go after you again."

I harrumphed. He is so full of himself, but it doesn't sound so bad. I hummed thoughtfully, seriously considering his offer. His body may be divine, however, my heart doesn't hunker for his love and I am sure that wouldn't change in a week. This may even be the best option for me. Their security is pretty tight and let's not forget that I am freaking collared. The longer I stay here, the higher the chances are that my boss thinks that I have run away. He will surely send people after me to finish me and I know my boss. He's relentless and wouldn't let go of his prey until he completely pulverized them to dust, not leaving any trail of his misconduct behind.

I really have to get out of here and contact my boss to explain the situation. Maybe if I do, he will let me go with a few hundred swats on the back?

I parted my lips to say something but got cut off before I could even say one word.

"But," Alessandro started, bringing an apprehensive frown to my face. Why does there always have to be a 'but'? I groaned inwardly. "there are going to be some conditions attached to it."

Conditions!? Plural?? There are going to be over one condition? I brought my hands up and dragged my face features down with the palms of my hands, exasperating, "I am not going to like this, but what are those conditions?" I questioned gingerly to see the corner of his lips pull up into a devious smile, downing my body with an ominous feeling, causing it to stiffen with alertness.

At the sight of my stiffened up body, he brushed the hair that had fallen on my forehead gently away. "Steady Bambino, we don't want you to get muscle cramps. The conditions aren't anything grandiose. You just can't refuse my requests of taking you out on dates. You also have to dine with me and whenever I quire your affection for me I expect an honest reply."

"Why so many conditions?" I asked incredulously. I was planning to waste my time away in the room and avoid him as much as possible until the due date.

With a lopsided grin, Alessandro raised his eyebrows up amused and commented, "Then would you agree to go on a date with me and dine with me without running away or holing yourself up in your room?"

"Ugh!" I grunted at his words hitting the bullseye, rendering me completely speechless.

He hummed, nodding his head. "I thought so. So do we have a deal?"

"Fine." I grumbled petulantly under my breath. "But!" I said swiftly and stretched out my arm, pointing my index finger haughtily at him. "I will only agree if you abide in one of my own condition."

"Sure, let's hear it."

"I forbid you to have any form of sexual intercourse with me." I stated.

"Alright." He answered without missing a beat, catching me off guard. My index finger slumped down, and I slowly retracted my arm as confusion overtook my face.

"Alright?" I iterated what he said. "That's it? You won't try to banter with me? You're okay with not touching me?" I was flabbergasted, not the least to say. I just couldn't understand why he agreed to it so easily. I was so sure that he wanted me because of my body.

Alessandro laughed heartily as he brought his hand up to pat my head. "Sweet Bambino, did you truly think that I went through all the trouble to get you here only because of your body? You're so adorable."

"Wha-?" I felt my cheeks heating at his endearment for me.

His hands went then deliberately from my crown down to my nape, tightening his hold there and pulling my head towards him. "Besides, who said anything about not touching you? You only mentioned about not having any intercourse so I can still do this," He said and brought his head down to devoir my lips hungrily as if they were candy, his teeth nibbling down on my bottom lip drawing out a bit of blood; a sweet but painful kiss.

I winced as he suckled on them before letting them go with a 'pop'. He brought his lips to my ear, grazing the shell. "I'll make you regret making that condition." His words fell as a whisper on my ear freighted with foreboded promise before he nibbled it, making my heart shudder. I think that I am already regretting it, I thought as the effect of the kiss stirred something deep in the depths of my stomach.

"You make me regret being here, polluting my eyes with that scene. I need holly water to cleanse them now." Antonio said, annoyed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb as he closed his eyes with furrowed brows.

"Geez, you're such a mood spoiler, Anti. Let the lovebirds be." Said Piero, who now laid down on the bed with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed over each other.

Alessandro shot Antonio a warning glare. "Don't make me charge you for watching."

Antonio scoffed, shaking his head. "Just hurry and introduce us to him already. That's why we were summoned here, right?"

Chuckling, Alessandro responded by saying something in Italian, causing Antonio to roll his eyes at him. What did he even say? Alessandro then focused his attention back to me. Placing his hand on my waist, he gestured with his other hand first at the guy who was chilling on the bed. "That one is my little brother, also my underboss*, Piero Valentino."

Piero tipped his imaginary head at me with a wide grin. "Nice to meet ya."

Alessandro then turned to the side, his hand on my waist, guiding me to look at the two men standing by the door. "That broody person over there is Antonio D'Angelo, my consigliere* and the big quiet guy behind him is Dino Russio we also call him Bear here, he will be your bodyguard from today on." He finished introducing them one by one.

"If you need anything, you can ask Dino, or one of us, to bring you what you want. Do you have questions for now?" He asked, craning his head down at me with a smile.

"Only one." I answered. "You said that I can't refuse you when you want to take me out on a date, but how am I supposed to go outside with this killing device around my neck?" I commented, pointing at my collar.

Alessandro's smile broadens, his eyes twinkling as if he was withholding something. "No need to worry your pretty little head about it. You just need to have fun while getting to know your new home."

"Right…" I drawled as I rolled my eyes. That didn't answer my question at all and it only made me more curious- seeing how dodgy he was about it. I really have to get rid of the collar. Maybe I can find something if I scavenge the building. There has to be a key or something somewhere. Thinking that I should start my search, my feet padded against the soft carpet to the door but got prevented from continuing any further by two massive arms lassoing themselves around my waist and pulling me back against the hard broad chest, my back flushed against it.

My feet were hovering above the ground, dandling around. Gritting my teeth, I tried to pry myself free from the impeccable hold.

"Don't be so eager to leave my side yet. Before you leave, let's do one of the conditions." Alessandro said, the playfulness inking his voice before he lowered me back to the ground, but made sure to keep me caged in his arms.

"Do I even have a choice?" I gritted as I was still trying to push his arms away, which only received a roguish grin from Alessandro. "You do, but whether I'm going to listen to it, is another question." He answered to hear me huff as I slumped in his hold, turning stagnant as his arms wouldn't budge, no matter what I did. Placing my elbow on one of his arms, I rested my chin on my hand. Why did I even bother asking?

"Do you like me? And don't lie to me. I know when you're lying." He said, his eyes that were like marbles, staring intensely at me; deprived of any playfulness.

"No." I answered brazenly, staring at him with a stoic expression. "But I like your body." I added with a sly grin.

Alessandro hummed thoughtfully before he ushered, "Well that's a begin." and let's me go. "Lunch is at twelve. Be sure to be there on time if you don't want to get punished." He warned and left the room with Piero and Antonio tagging along, leaving Dino behind.

Hearing the closing door and the heavy footsteps diminishing, I spit out a string of profanities that I had kept stashed away in my mouth. His unfazed, nonchalant attitude is really starting to get in my hair. He acts so smug thinking that he had already won and was only waiting for me to yield to him. But that's never going to happen. I'll make him yield to me.

And for that to happen, I have to play my cards smart. Pacing around the room, I pondered in search of an idea to make Alessandro lose the bet. I have to make him lose his interest in me, which would be difficult because I am just that awesome. Or I have to egg him on to break our agreement by making him sleep with me. Yeah, that's it!

My feet came to its halt in the middle of the room. Moving my gaze to the big man standing in front of the door, I saw how he flinched under my devious stare, watching my lips curl up. "Dino~" I sang, calling out his name, and a sheen of sweat formed on his forehead as he wore a worried look at my foreboding tone that promises nothing good.

"Shall we do something which will piss off your Don?" I suggested, earning a vehement head shake from the big man who now looked blanch. "N-No… bad… idea." He intoned.

"It will be fun, trust me." I gave him an assuring smile, but it only increased his anxiety, making him shake his head even harder.

It will be fun for me.

A/N: In case anybody is curious to how it works in the mafia world:

Boss: The head of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or "Godfather".

*Consigliere: An advisor to the family and sometimes seen as the boss's "right-hand man".

*Underboss: Usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of the family.

Caporegime: (also captain or skipper) is in charge of a crew, a group of soldiers who report directly to him.

Soldier: A member of the family, and traditionally can only be of full Italian background (although today many families require men to be of only half Italian descent, on their father's side).

Associate: Is not a member of the Mafia, but works for a crime family nonetheless.