James & Alessandro Part 8

James POV

The hour hand of the clock that hung above the door of the bedroom struck twelve. In the door's opening stood the big man of few words, emitting jitters from his body as he glanced in the hallway at the direction of the staircase. A sheen of sweet glazed his head, turning the top of his head polished as it reflected the light of the lamps hanging in the hallway.

Worry-lines marred his forehead, and he looked back into the room. "Comare, n-no… one is… c-coming."

Covering my whole body with a duvet that even obscured my head, I laid on my side, my back facing the door before I stuck my head out at the frightened stammering voice of my bodyguard. Looking over my shoulder with a scowl on my face, I said, "Unless someone gifted teleportation to him, it would be obvious that he isn't here yet. Just keep being on the lookout and notify me when he's coming."

Bear didn't move from his spot and kept pleadingly looking at me, begging me to just have lunch with Alessandro.

"For God's sake, Bear, how are you my bodyguard if you're that afraid of mafia boy? Just listen to what I say and go back to your position!" I demanded, keeping my voice low in case somebody was coming up the stairs.

The sweat on Bear's skin almost turned into a waterfall as it poured out profusely from his pores. With conflict warring in his eyes, he kept looking back and forth between me and the hallway. His gaze shifted back to me, lingering on me as if he mulled over something. I took notice of his anxious expression before he let out a resigning sigh as he stuck his head back in the hallway.

Seriously, why is he so scared? I grumbled inwardly, turning my head back to lay it on the soft red pillows as I covered it with the black duvet. I could feel my lips turning into a mischievous grin at the thought of seeing Alessandro's annoyed expression when he comes here, and sees that I was not up. But minutes had passed and still no sign of Alessandro or his goons to be seen.

My heart rate was in sync with the second hand of the clock that ticked like a metronome, reigning the silence of the room. The skin between my brows puckered with worry as I wondered why no one has come up to check on me yet. Alessandro had warned me that a punishment would await me if I failed to come on time for the lunch, but seeing how he is not here, does that mean that he was just talking out of his ass? I scoffed internally, closing my eyes as I was about to just sleep for real, until a trembling voice sounded from behind me.

"D-Don is… here." Announced Bear in a low whisper that only I could catch.

My eyes flew open instantly and my body was on full alert at the sound of footsteps approaching the room. "Where is your Comare, Bear?" Came the domineering voice of Alessandro as he stood three steps away from Bear.

As the duvet blocked my sight, I couldn't regard the expression that Bear was wearing on his face, but something etched his voice that was normally deep and husky with jittery nerves, making him sound like a child who was preparing himself for a beating.

"He's… sick Don."

"Sick? How can he be sick? He was fine just a few hours ago." Remarked Alessandro, suspicion lacing his voice before entering the room, as Bear didn't give him an immediate answer.

His footsteps carried a weight that became thundering as they approached me, causing the floor and bed to tremble under his weight. My heart was thudding raucously, almost breaking my ribcage when the footsteps came to a halt in front of me and I had to hold in my breath. With the thick blanket covering my head, it mostly shrouded me with complete darkness, blocking my sight and forcing me to enhance my other senses such as hearing, which was rendered useless by the incessantly beating sound of my heart.

The silence was killing me as I had no clue what was going on and unknowingly the grip of my fingers on the duvet increased. Next second Alessandro ripped the blanked off me, causing my eyes to widen as they laid their sight on the composed expression of Alessandro, who was gazing down on me. As if in response to the overbearing presence of the provocative Italian man in front of me, my body went in a coughing fit. My body convulsing as unwanted coughs rippled through my body, bringing my knees to my chest as I laid on my side in a fetal position, wrapping my hands around my stomach.

I saw through my squinted teary-eyes how worry lines marred Alessandro's handsome forehead. He leveled himself down to the floor, placing his right knee on the floor as he crouched in front of me.

"You're sick?" Came his question. Scared that my acting would slip up, I could only nod vehemently as I kept on coughing whilst clutching tighter to my stomach.

Alessandro took notice of that and subtly narrowed his eyes. Raising his hand, he cupped my cheek, caressing it tentatively, and I felt how my traitorous body went on an immediate strike, succumbing to his simple touch.

"That's weird. You were fine this morning. Was there something wrong with the food?" Alessandro wondered under his breath as his eyes scanned my face for any sign of discomfort and I felt my confidence from before waning under his intense gaze that seemed to see right through me. Wondering to myself if I should continue with my plan.

Pondering, I gritted my teeth for a moment before letting them go. I have to go back to the organization and playing this man's stupid game won't bring me anywhere.

I proceeded with my performance by letting out a feeble groan, my eyebrows clashing together as if I was in tremendous pain.

Seeing my face that was struck by pain, Alessandro stood up and looked at Bear with a poise expression. "Call the physician and kill the cook." He ordered his voice detached and clinical at the last bit of his sentence, causing my eyes to almost bulged out of their sockets as I jackknifed in a sitting position.

"Wait!" I screeched, stopping Bear who was about to do what he was ordered to do and continued to speak as I looked in those mystical eyes, "Why would you kill the cook!?"

"Because he harmed you. Harming you, who will be the future Comare, is equal to harming me as thus I considered his actions as betrayal." Alessandro stated calmly. His brow raised at me, who seemed energetic compared too few seconds ago.

My lips set into a thin line. "Shouldn't you at least investigate if he indeed tried to harm me? Maybe my body just had an adverse reaction to the food." I suggested, hoping to prevent the cook from dying because of my lie, as I am not a fan of needless killing. The people whom I had killed in the past were people who the organization wanted to be dead or people who had indirectly or directly wronged me. But here Alessandro was about to rid the world of an amazing cook. I hate to admit it, but I have only been eating amazing dishes ever since I had arrived here. Over my dead body that I'll let the cook die!

"It still doesn't change the fact that you fell ill because of his cooking." He sounded adamant about having this cook executed and his gaze shifted from my face to look at Bear, who was confused about whose order to follow. "Why are you still standing there, Bear? Wasn't my order clear enough?" Quired Alessandro, using his hand to tell Bear to move.

Bear glanced anxiously at me, as he knew I was lying. Aware of his gaze, I clenched my jaw while tightening my grip on the duvet, before musing in a quiet tone, "I lied."

"Hmm?" As though he didn't hear me, Alessandro hummed obtuse, having his eyes fixed on my face as I didn't meet his eyes. My lips felt dry and my tongue peeked out to swipe over my lips to coat them again, before I opened my mouth with difficulty.

"I said that I lied. I'm not sick, so don't kill the cook."

To my confession, Alessandro silently gazed at me with an expressionless face, making it hard for me to decipher what he was thinking. He then raised his hand. Thinking that he was about to hit me, I squinted my eyes shut, brazing myself for the impact. Hopefully, I will still have my beautiful set row of teeth after getting hit. I prayed, as I guessed that a man like Alessandro packed some strength.

"Close the door and don't let anyone enter until I give permission." Came the calm voice of Mark and I slowly squinted my eyes open to see a displeased frown contouring his face before he brought his hand back to his side as he was done giving orders.

Bear bowed his head before closing the door, leaving me and Alessandro behind in awkward silence. I cast a nervous glance at Alessandro from below my eyelashes. He wore black trousers with a black coat over his white shirt and a thought of wonder flashed through my mind whether he liked monochrome clothes, as I have only seen him wear those types of clothes. Unless, that's the only clothes he has.

The silence between us was broken by the rustle sound of Alessandro shedding himself of his coat, letting it fall in folds on the ground. Bringing his hand up where a silver watch rested, he turned his hand around so that he would face the clasp to loosen the bracelet strap with his other hand.

Watching with a weariful gaze how Alessandro was removing his accessory I asked carefully, "Why are you removing your watch?" I cursed inwardly at myself at how feeble and scared my voice sounded.

Looking over his watch while his fingers were fumbling with the clasp, he threw me a sharp gaze and I felt my heart stutter in fright as I gulped down a lump that was perched in my throat.

He didn't answer my question and placed his watch on the nightstand before also loosening his tie while keeping his gaze fixated on me. Sitting at the edge of the bed as he removed his tie around his neck, he grabbed both my hands that were rested on my lap and wrapped the red expensive-looking fabric around my wrist. My eyes widen and I started to struggle against his hold that proved futile and yelled, perplexed, "What are you doing!? Let me go! I tell you to let me go-!"

When the eyes with a dangerous glint in them looked at me, I found my mind reeling out as I lost the words to form a normal coherent sentence. "It would hurt." He said calmly, before shifting his gaze back to my wrists to finish tying them up.

Still lost in thoughts I wore a confused expression. "What?"

"If I kept my watch on it would be painful for you." He asserted, answering my previous question of why he removed his watch. My eyes became like saucers and my brows reached my hairline. Gripping tight on the duvet, I scooched away from Alessandro in a weak attempt to create some distance between us.

Letting my eyes trail him up and down, watching him semi-cautiously, I questioned, "Are you going to hit me?"

Having gained experience throughout the years, I know that slaps and punches are more unpleasant when they wore rings, bracelets and watches as the edges of the hard material slices your skin. I guess sparing my face from any lasting scars is his way of showing some kind of compassion. My past flings hit me whenever I did something that they didn't like and to hurt me even more, they would adorn their hand with accessory.

On hearing the question that has spilled from my mouth, Alessandro's face hardened. He gritted his teeth and I swear I could hear the chip of his tooth crack. The veins in his jaw became prominent, and I quailed under his fierce gaze.

With the same intensity in his eyes, he stared at me for a few moments before he closed them and took a big gulp of air before exhaling it as he runs his fingers throughs his dark locks. The next time he opened his eyes, the rage that possessed them was diminished to a glint, like a small fire waiting to go amok again.

He stretched out his hand to me and mused only one word. "Come." The tone in his voice was commanding, but it was etched with a tenderness that compelled me to take his hand gingerly. His hand clasped around mine and I was astonished that my hand was almost engulfed in his. Wow, his hand sure is hefty. I thought, while admiring it.

"I wish you wouldn't compare me to your previous bad choices. I would never lay may finger on you in that way." He kneaded my hand as if it was some stress ball and I could feel his demeanor soften before throwing me a sharp gaze. "Am I clear?"

I nodded vehemently, "Yes."

The corner of Alessandro's lips got pulled into a slow smirk. "Good, and with that said," Suddenly I was being yanked to have me fall over his lap.

"I still ow you a punishment." He hummed thoughtfully while smiling. The smile had something devious behind it, giving me a dooming feeling. "Since it is your first time, let's go for fifteen spankings."

My mouth fell open, and I was lost for words, as my mind was in shambles. What in the world did I just hear?