James & Alessandro Part 9

"The look on your face tells me you took my warning as a flitting fable." My body already devoid of layers of clothes that only left me in pants and a white t-shirt was susceptible to Alessandro's tantalizing ministrations as his fingers hooked themselves under the band of my pants, giving it a slight pull where I could feel the stretch of it perched against my abdomen. He grinned wolfishly at me as I stared at him with a mystified expression, watching how he reveled in the humiliating condition that I was in.

"You won't dare." I gritted as I turned my head to the side to glower at him, but my piercing gaze had lost its edge at the sight of deviousness that flashed by in Alessandro's eyes. His dense eyebrows arched at me, daring me to further provoke him, to cater more to his want to demean me.

In one swift movement, my pants got pulled down until just above my knees, leaving my bum prone to the cold air of the room. I shrieked in startlement and was quick in trying to shield my precious bum. Emphasize on trying. It had pithily slipped my mind that a certain someone had shackled my hands together against my will and that I wasn't a gymnastic, so there was no way that I could bend my arms in a way to get out of this situation.

Minor bumps adorned the surface of my skin when the rough pads of Alessandro's fingers grazed my buttocks before palming it, eliciting a shudder from me.

"Stop touching me like that-!"

I was about to give the Italian a piece of my mind. But that plan got put on hold when I saw how his heated gaze zeroed on my bottom, his hand caressing it attentively as he admired the view. My breath got bated and the rhythm of my heart quickened. His smoldering eyes that darkened in color, inked with passion, ignited something deep within me and I suddenly felt conscious of his gaze.

No matter who scrutinized me or viewed me with judgment, I was always unfazed, feeling unbothered by them. But somehow, I wanted Alessandro's gaze to linger on me for a bit longer.

As if he finally remembered that I had said something, Alessandro shifted his intense looking eyes to lock with mine. "What did you say, Bambino?" The playfulness gone from his voice and his tone had turned velvety, the edges around it rough as if he just had woken up from a deep slumber. Letting me know that his rationality was waning over to the primal side.

Like a witch putting a curse on me, I couldn't look away from him. Slowly, I parted my lips and deliberately enunciated every word, making sure that I wouldn't stumble over my words as I was slowly getting lost in those eyes.

"I told you not to touch me like that, mafia boy-"

"Say my name." Instantly, Alessandro's face got dangerously close to mine. His lips were hovering above mine and I could feel the cadence of my heart change drastically at the proximity, increasing the blood flow in my body.

"What are you talking about?"

"My name isn't mafia boy, but Alessandro. Though I find your nickname for me endearing, I still wonder how my name would sound coming from these tempting lips that always like to challenge me." He brought his right hand up and caught my chin with it before letting the rough pad of his thumb softly brush over my lips, massaging and probing it as if to sign me to say his name.

But I won't. Instead of saying his name, I opened my mouth and bit his thumb, clamping my teeth on it hard enough to draw out some blood. Alessandro winced before drawing back his thumb to inspect it. There were teeth marks around it where blood was seeping out from. My mouth turned up a fraction, happy that I did some damage on that ass.

On seeing my gratifying expression instead of lashing out at me, Alessandro brought his scarred thumb to his mouth and sucked on it, while his eyes that had darkened a few shades kept me in place. He licked his thumb salaciously, lapping every drop of blood, before letting his tongue skim over his lips to take whatever residue was left on it. That scene was unfairly sinful and brought a dust of red on my cheeks.

"I would have let the punishment go if you would have just simply said my name. We will do fifteen slaps and I want to hear you count clearly after every slap. Every time you fail to count, we will start all over again. Understood?"

To his explanation, I gave him an incredulous look. "No, I will not do this-OUCH!"

Using his right hand, he smacked my bum with a powerful force, creating a collision that formed ripples on my elastic skin, instantaneously cutting off the defiant words that wanted to escape my lips.

The sting was apparent, and I had to hiss, tears burning behind my closed eyes. There was no chance for me to recuperate from what just had happened before I could feel his hand land on my ass again, accurately hitting the same spot as before, bringing forth another yelp from my mouth.

"You're not counting Bambino." Stated Alessandro, that had me utter profanities under my breath, earning me an additional swat.

"Argh! Motherfu-!" My eyes widen, pools of fear forming in them on seeing him raise his hand again, ready to go back down and I was quick to change my attitude. "Okay! Okay! I will count!" I balled my hands into tight fists, feeling infuriated towards the man that has subjected me to this humiliation, but I kept my rage at bay as I wanted to get this over with instead of risking losing the sensation in my delicate peach.

A subtle smirk graced Alessandro's face. "Already giving up?"

Inwardly I was already envisioning many ways on how to mutilate that aggravating smug grin off his face, but outwardly I could only purse my lips before grumbling petulantly under my breath, "Just get it over with."

I turned my face away and screwed my eyes shut, bracing myself for the impact. On my words Alessandro slapped my butt again, causing me to groan in pain, "One." I gritted out.

In that orderly fashion, we have been slowly reaching the number fifteen. He would increase the weight of his swats each time he would strike down my peach, leaving it tender and red where the color wouldn't fade back to its normal skin color again. It felt like my dignity got washed away and wallowed myself in spite as I felt like a cattle getting branded with a mark.

"Fifteen!" I exclaimed, the last bit of strength that I had before collapsing back on his lap. My behind was sizzling from the pain, and I knew that for the next few days, sitting was going to be a challenge.

Alessandro hoisted my pants back over my bum before repositioning me so that I would sit on his lap. He cradled me so that the side of my head leaned against his pecs while his fingers were skillfully untying his tie around my wrists.

Gazing down at his fingers, observing how they were pulling on the ribbon to extricate the knot, I commented under my breath with a grumble, "My ass hurts."

"I'll put ointment on it later." He said as he placed his tie away on the nightstand. His hands then took a hold of mine, caressing the marks that grew darker overtime on my wrists that his tie had left behind.

The skin between his eyebrows puckered as his lips frowned displeased. "You bruise too easily. Have you learned your lesson now?"

My nose crinkled up in distaste as I ushered out a reluctant, "yes." Which brought a faint smile to Alessandro's face, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Good." He pressed his lips against my temple before standing up and placing me back on the ground while making sure that I wouldn't just suddenly dash out of the room by enveloping my hand in his.

"Let's have our lunch."

"But the food must be cold now." I commented. Besides, I have lost all mine appetite just now, I grumbled internally.

"We can just simply heat them up again and if necessary, I will have the cook remake them." Alessandro simply stated as he walked towards the door stringing an unwilling me along with him.

"You want me to go like this?" I stopped walking mid-step, standing in the middle of the room like a statue and Alessandro, whose hand it firmly clasped around mine, staggered back a bit before turning around to look at me. Using my other hand that was free, I hinted at the clothes that I was wearing right now.

Alessandro's sharp gaze drifted over my body as he seized me up and down.

"What's wrong with it?"

My mouth fell open, and I gaped at the man with disbelieve lurking in my green eyes. "What's wrong with it!? I am in my damn underwear, that's what's wrong with it!"

"You're wearing a shirt?" His question came more out like a statement. The obtuse expression on his face clearly told me he didn't get what the problem was.

"Oh, so because I am wearing a shirt over it, I should just prance around the house for everyone to see? If your men keep seeing me like this, they will look down on me." My first attempt in escaping this place was in an underwear and his goons didn't hold their tongues as they talked despairingly about me. Those bastards brazenly placed a bet on me. And now Alessandro expects me to go downstairs in this measly get up. His men would for sure laugh at me.

"I am not your bloody pet mafia boy! You can't keep me like this forever. I am already wearing this cursed collar for God's sake. At least give me some trousers to wear." I berated to only receive a blank look from Alessandro. seeing how he wasn't planning to say anything, I exasperated, running my fingers through my sandy blond locks.

"You know what? You are right. I should just parade my beauty for everyone to see." Extricating my hand from his hold, I brought my hands down to hold on to the hem of my shirt. I could see a sliver of emotion in Alessandro's eyes as he understood what my intentions were and stopped me from pulling my shirt over my head by grabbing hold of my arm.

"What are you doing?" His voice came out clipped as aggregation filled his tone. Harrumphing, I shrugged my arm free while still holding the hem of my shirt.

"What does it look like? I am giving you a striptease and I'll give your men a runway walk they will never forget. We are all man so what do I have to be ashamed about?" I grinned as I saw the look in his eyes darken.

"Fine," He grunted. "I will tell Bear to bring you some clothes and to bring you downstairs to the dining hall and you better don't pull a trick this time." He warned as he gave me a pointed look.

He finally left the room for Bear to step in a few minutes later with some folded clothes in his hands. I changed into the new clothes which were a long-sleeved white shirt and some black jeans. Don't they have some color in their wardrobe? I questioned myself before making my way to the dining hall with Bear walking in front of me. Occasionally, he would throw a nervous glance over his shoulder, worried that I would try to run away. To ease his nerves, I offered him a polite smile, but it seemed to have a negative effect, as the dread on his face only increased.

I clicked my tongue, wondering if I was that untrustworthy before we finally arrived at the entrance to the dining hall. As we stood in front of the door that would lead to the dining hall, Bear raised his hand to knock on it three times before announcing,

"Comare has arrived… Don."

"Come in." Came the voice from behind the door. Bear pushed the door open for me to step inside. On each side of the vast walls stood a row of servants, waiting to serve the people sitting at the long rectangular table. Alessandro sat at the head of the table, a faint smile adorning his face as it pleased him that I had come without causing much trouble. On the left side from where he sat were dumber and dumb-est seated next to each other. Piero, who sat next to Alessandro, wore a full-blown grin when he saw me, his eyebrows wriggling at me as to enunciate something that didn't happen.

Next to Piero sat Antonio, wearing a permanent scowl on his face, and it only deepened when he saw me approach the table. Does this man know how to show a different emotion except from annoyance?

On seeing me, one of the female servants came and pulled out the chair next to Alessandro for me to sit. I offered her a small smile as I sat down to receive one back from her. Soon her smile became flaccid as the servant's gaze flickered to somewhere else. Her kind expression morphed to one of fear that got me to furrow my brows together. The surrounding air became chilly, as if someone turned the air conditioning on full blast. The servant's gaze that seemed distraught kept lingering at something over my shoulder. Curious, I followed her line of sight to turn my head around only to see a smiling Alessandro watching us. His eyes closed as they formed half-moons to match his curved lips. The staleness that controlled the room before evaporated into thin air as if it was never there.

"Is something wrong?" He impugned the maid. She responded with a frantic head shake, "No, sir." And made her way back to stand next to the other servants against the wall, waiting for further notice. But the girl still had a nervous look on her face as her body released ripples of shivers.

"Let's eat." Alessandro spoke calmly before stabbing his fork in his pasta and brought forth a snicker that erupted from Piero who tried to still the turmoil rushing through his body by wrapping his arms around his stomach as he folded double. Antonio gave the guy that was choking on his own laughter a pointed look, but that didn't stop him, and Antonio exasperated, closing his tired eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

It felt like I was the only one who had no clue what was going on, and the scowl that marked my confused expression didn't leave.

What the hell just happened?