Say It Part 1

Craning my head to stare at the mansion as Mark was unlocking the door astonishment run through my mind at how I was voluntarily going back to the house that I was desperately running away from. It was painfully hilarious.

Making my way inside the house I felt a pair of strong arms lassoing themselves around me- wedging my arms between them while pulling me against a sturdy chest. The quietness that followed suit after the resounding sound of the closing door made me painfully aware of Mark's presence- only heightening the speeding sound of my heartbeat. Exhaling the breath that he had kept inside Mark said, "It feels so good to have you back with me." Nuzzling his nose against the back of my head he tightened his embrace as he inhaled my scent.

"I didn't really had a choice when I found out that I was going to be evicted soon, did I?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

His chest vibrated against my back as he spilled chuckles in the hallway. Releasing me before coming to stand next to me so that he could take a hold of my hand he said, "Don't worry we will laugh about this in a few years' time. As an apology I will make us dinner." His almond shaped eyes that matched his curved up lips resembled the crescent moon and I could feel my cheeks slightly heat up at his prospect of us still being together in the next coming years. Of course he envisioned our future together, but it was disturbing how flashes of images invaded my mind of us being happy together ten years later.

At the dining table I was situated on Mark's lap, eating my pasta. Mark's plate was next to mine and while his left arm was draped over my waist he used his right hand to eat his food. I had noticed ever since leaving the alleyway that Mark had never missed an opportunity to touch me in one way or another. When we walked he would hold my hand when we would sit he would instantly pull me on his lap and when it seemed like I was standing a little too far away from him he would instantly flush me against his side by wrapping his arm around my waist.

He needed the reassurance that I was here with him. That I truly decided to become his and me not lashing out on him whenever he searched contact only confirmed the situation even more. However eating in this position was uncomfortable for me as I was distracted by the hand that pasted itself on my abdomen. It kept drawing out shivers from my body as it made slow agonizing salacious circling movements.

"Ah!" I let out a surprised yelp when the hand that rested on my stomach suddenly flew to my thigh. As I was still wearing the outfit that Mark had bought for me the rouge tint on my cheeks spread to the tips of my ears at the burying feeling of Mark's fingers pressed on my bare thigh.

His hand slowly crept up my thigh under the black sweater dress to induce a squeak from my lips before I whipped my head to the side, glaring daggers at him only to see him taking a bite of his pasta with an unbothered expression.

This impish…! The red on my face intensified when I felt his hand getting dangerously close to my intimate garment and I rouse up from his lap briskly.

"I'm done eating, so I'll excuse myself and wash the plate." I said clipped with heat still present on my face. Despite the plate being still half full with pasta I was about to clear it off the table to take it to the sink, but was stopped by Mark's hand holding mine, keeping it were it was.

Using his hand Mark pried my fingers lose from the plate to instead interlock his fingers with mine. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes locked with the rich navy ones of Mark.

"Leave that. I will wash them tomorrow." He said and stood up from his chair to stand in front me, reminding me again how freakishly tall he was as I had to tilt my head back to look at him. "Let's go to bed." The words that he spewed carried an underlying message causing my heart to cease functioning.

My thoughts started to go haywire- panic flooding my mind as I had an inkling what he meant with "going to bed". I knew that this would happen sooner or later, but this soon?

Mark stared at me, trying to gauge for my expression as he waited for my response. I had to swallow a ball of nervousness down my throat. I was sure that my ribcage was pulverized by the profusely hammering of my heart. Casting my eyes down I whispered just above my breath, "Okay…" but I was sure that Mark had heard every syllable of it seeing the surprised look that marred his face. I was scared to raise my head as I feared that my face was like an open book, leaving my feelings open for display.

On the way to the bedroom, while holding hands, no words were exchanged and no eye contact were made. Well not from my side as I had become the embodiment of nervousness and the burning gaze of Mark didn't help calming me down at all.

Once we entered the room the air around us changed and my heart had decided to create its own rhythm once my eyes laid on the king size bed. I still didn't spare a glance at Mark and just wanted to flee at that moment as I started to get cold feet.

I really can't do this after all, I thought and turned to the side where Mark was standing. Our eyes finally met and I was about to voice my concerns but was silenced by Mark's lips covering mine, kissing the jitters that haunted my body away- bringing forth a new type of sensation. I moaned, my hands clutching his suit for support as the feeling in my legs had left me, turning it into gelatin. He snaked his hand up to my nape and deepen the kiss before breaking it off- his smoldering eyes holding my cloudy ones.

"You finally looked at me." He breathed reverently. Pushing a stray hair of mine behind my ear he said, "You're here with me knowing what will happen, right?"

I drew my lower lip between my teeth as I casted my eyes down, nodding in response. Of course I knew but that doesn't mean that I wasn't scared for what was going to happen next. The orange glow of the setting sun flooded the room. The night hadn't come to visit us yet, but the look in Mark's eyes told me that he wouldn't be able to withhold himself for so long.

"What happened to 'I will wait until marriage'?" I commented, reminding him of his own words and hoping to somehow delay all of this.

His lips twitched in to a smile. "I am, but I would like to have an appetizer before starting the full course meal." His hand caressed my cheek and I shivered at the touch.

"I won't do anything that you won't like kitten. I promise." The playfulness was discard from his voice as his unwavering eyes kept me in place. The orange rays of the sun reflected in his eyes like orbs of fire mirrored on the surface of the sea and I couldn't help but think how gorgeous this man was.

"Okay," I ushered as I nodded my head. "I trust you." I surprised myself by uttering those words, but I was even more surprised by the hungry look in Mark's eyes as I sounded those words out and before I knew our lips found each other again. While our tongues were fighting for domination that I was losing sourly I felt how I was moving backwards on my unsteady feet until the back of my legs perched against the edge of the bed, causing me to tip backwards on my bum while our lips were still massaging against each other. Dipping his knee between my legs on the bed Mark unbuttoned the jacket of his suit to shrug it off him.

Disconnecting our lips a string of saliva was linked with our tongues that were peeking through our mouth. Sweeping his tongue across his lips Mark hooked his finger over his tie, tugging it so that it would loosen while keeping his heated gaze focused on me.

"Lie down." Mark said in a gruff voice and I heed to it, laying my head down against the pillow. Like a star fish my legs and arms were sprawled on the comforter awkwardly as I was clueless on what to do with them.

Mark chuckled amused as his hands went to the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head, giving me the view of his bare torso where his taut muscles were glaring at me causing another wave of heat to crash my body and I subconsciously closed my legs to ease the ache between them.

Placing his hands next to the side of my head he lowered himself so that tip of our noses would touch. "Relax kitten. You look like a lost child." He voiced, mirth lacing his voice.

Embarrassed at my lack of experience red dusted across my cheeks before I narrowed my eyes at Mark petulantly. "Well excuse me for being inexperienced in this area. I never had the honor to land myself a guy to spend the night with."

Mark dipped down to kiss me and I almost forgot why I was angry. Grinning wolfishly he said, "Don't worry I will take my time to teach you everything," he brought his lips to my ear, whispering in it, "But today I will take my time pleasing you." Before biting into my earlobe earning a yelp from me. He was quick to sooth the sting, lapping it with his tongue to draw a sigh from my lips.

His lips trailed down until it reached the junction between my neck and shoulder, attaching itself to it by sucking and biting it to have me writhe beneath him. While abusing that one spot his hands went under the sweater dress unnoticed by me who was only able to focus on the lips that were inducing heat into my body.

They skimmed over my skin until they reached the swell of my breasts, cupping and massaging them. I moaned as the buds of the swells got teased. Their skin folded as the thumb and forefinger puckered them. Moans and sighs of my want started to slowly fill the room as Mark's ministrations never ceased.

Mark switched his focus from my abused skin to my lips, ravaging my mouth. I yelped into his mouth as he nipped my tongue and trying to ease the burning between my thighs I grinded my core on his muscular thigh. He broke away from the kiss. Our elaborated breath mingling with each other as we were so close that we shared the same air.

His expression was so heated so wistful that I had to close my thighs as a wet patch started to form on my garment. Keeping his heated gaze on me he skillfully unhooked my bra with one hand while still kneading my breast with his other hand.

"Lift your arms up kitten." He directed me gently and I followed him, raising my arms past my head. Bunching the hem of my sweater dress he raised it over my head, discarding it on the ground together with my bra leaving me naked except for the thin lace between my thighs.

Feeling the cold air hitting my bare chest I instinctual covered them with my hands as I felt conscious of them. Worry flooded my mind about the shape of my breasts. Are they too small? Are they shaped right? The last time I checked one of them was bigger than the other.

The insecurity that warred my mind as my breasts weren't comparable to the ones seen in magazines made me wrap my arms tighter around myself as I turned away from Mark. But he had none of that. With his eyes flashed, baring his teeth like a ferocious beast he grabbed my hands using his hand, placing them above my head- giving me no way to hide.

"Don't deprive me of what's mine kitten." He growled warningly. The navy blue eyes then shifted down to my chest, taken them in. Shutting my eyes closed I turned my head away; feeling the thunderous thudding of my heart against my chest as seconds had past of Mark not saying a word.

"Perfect." Mark breathed, breaking the silence that had haunted me and washing my anxiety away with it.

"How can you be so perfect?" He wondered honestly causing me to blush before he went down to take a nipple in his mouth while keeping his hold on my hands.

"Ah!" I gasped, writhing beneath him as my bud was surrounded in his warmth. He would switch his focus to my other breast once in a while giving it the same attention- squeezing it in his hand before gently closing his teeth onto the sensitive flesh. I wasn't able to concentrate on anything except for his warm lips. As time went on the welling feeling in the pits of my abdomen grew leaving me agitated and frustrated as I wasn't able to extinguish the heat in my lower region.

Feeling my build up frustration his hand suddenly went in my lace, cupping my sex. My eyes went wide as a surprised moan escaped my mouth. His gaze was strained on my face as he slid his finger between my lips, searching, his thumb circling my clit tortuously.

"You're so wet, kitten." He growled at the wetness that his fingers were soaked in, his voice strained like a plucked wire about to snap.

Feeling the heat rushing to my cheeks I stammered between elaborated breaths, "I-I am not." Only to have my back arched at the new sensations washing over me with the way his fingers were teasing me- moving up and down.

I moved my hand to place it on either side of the bed, crumbling the bed sheets in my hands.

Mark hummed in satisfaction when he flicked the nub to hear a soft cry erupt from my lips. "Then should I stop?" He mused and retracted his fingers. Involuntarily a whine of protest escaped my lips as my body started to tense up in need.

"More?" I heard him ask, his navy eyes staring back in to my eyes that were slightly dilated. I bit my lower lip, trying to glower at him but I only managed to look like a sad puppy. He knew already what I wanted but he was set on hearing those words from my mouth. I felt myself being embedded with shame at the thought of myself uttering those shameful words.

He brushed his hands against the thin fabric that separated his touch from my sex and I shuddered.

"Please," I pleaded.

"Please what?" Came his calm words that only knew how to annoy me and I grabbed to back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss filled with fury. Nibbling on his bottom lip before breaking the kiss I breathed heavily, "Stop teasing me already."

My actions were done in half a daze and I had no realization of what I had inflicted until the surprised look in Mark's eyes had vanished and was replaced by this intense hunger. Letting out a vicious snarl Mark slipped back his hand inside the garment drawing out a surprised cry from my lips as my eyes flew open.

"Don't start a fire if you don't know how to diffuse it kitten."