Say It Part 2

"This will feel uncomfortable at first but don't forget to breath. Okay darling?" He spoke. I stared at him with unfocused eyes. "What- Ah!" I cried at the foreign feeling of his finger slowly invading my core. My eyebrows were slightly furrowed as I screwed my eyes shut at the burning stretch that could be felt between my legs, but I tried to breath.

Mark gave me a few seconds, watching me until my breathing felt better to push his finger inch by inch. He then pulled his finger out to thrust it back in. my face that was riddled with pain and uncomfortableness was now wrapped in desire and passion as Mark finger slowly picked up the pace. My eyes were rolling behind my head and the cries and moans that filled the room took on a different tune as I was filled with arousal.

Mark's eyes only became more intense at the sight of my body turning into a wanton. He then thrusted his finger, curving it to hit my bundle of joy that received even a loader moan from my lips.

I could feel the heat that pooled between my legs and I felt something building up. My toes curled up, my body arched and my hips unconsciously lifted up. Scared at the foreign feeling I grasps for Mark's arms, digging my finger nails in them as I needed an anchor to keep me in reality.

"Mark," I whimpered as I gazed at him past my tears, afraid of what was happening to my body. My body had started to convulse.

"Come for me kitten," His words were firm and that was all I needed to come apart in his hand. It felt like my mind was send to a different space and the hammering of my heart refused to calm down as if I just had bungee jumped from a cliff.

I watched how Mark pulled out his finger to bring it to his mouth before sucking on it. humming in delight as he just had tasted a delicacy while his heated gaze was still focused on me. I blushed, feeling embarrassed to see him lick the finger that was pleasing me just few seconds ago.

But I also felt abashed as I felt another pool of heat being formed between my legs at the sight of the man that reeked of sexual power. I doubted whether anybody could look so unforgivingly erotic as this man.

Slowly coming down from my high my eyes trailed Mark's body down until they landed on the bulge that had grew in his slack pants. The strain could be seen and it looked painful. I bit my lower lip in thought. I don't know if it was because of the new waves of emotions that had been crashing me or because my mind has been turned into mush from Mark's technique but I reached my hand out to the raging bulge only to be stopped by Mark grasping my hand.

"April, sweetheart, we can't." Mark said in a gruff strained voice.

"Mark…" My chest heaved up and down as if I had done a marathon. My eyes were hooded trying to convey their desires to Mark only to receive an adamant headshake from him.

"No, kitten," Mark replied, his voice stern, but I could sense the undercurrents of reluctance that plagued him.

I furrowed my brows at that with my bottom lip pushed out disapprovingly. "Why?" I didn't understand why he didn't want to continue. Sure, he said that he would like to wait until marriage, but here I am basically laying myself bare for him to take. Also, he is the king when it comes to breaking or bending his own rules! Maybe he just doesn't want me-

"Ouch!" I yelled when Mark flicked my forehead with his fingers. His eyes flashed with anger. "It's not because I don't want you." He said, debunking whatever I was thinking of.

"Then why?" I grumbled as I soothed my slightly bruised forehead.

"You don't know how badly I want to be buried deep inside of you," He exasperated as he lowered himself until he bumped his forehead against mine, cupping my cheeks with his hands. "But I don't want to awaken any bad memories, so I wanted to take my time to ease you in. That's why I said that I would wait until marriage."

"Bad memories?" I queried; blinking confused at him. "What bad memories?"

"The one with your stepdad." He elaborated. "I don't know what the bastard had inflicted on you, but I didn't want to take the chance to trigger anything."

Listening to his explanation I blinked my eyes copiously with a blank expression before laughing hysterically, with tears running down my face. My face lights up like a neon sign, and I abandoned my body to the merriment.

Caught off guard Mark wore a stumped expression as he watched how my body was convulsing. I totally forgot about my stepdad. Yes, nightmares of those days still like to visit me from time to time, and I sure as hell didn't want to associate with any guys back in the days, as the image of my stepdad would be projected on to them.

Wiping a tear away I looked at Mark who looked at me worried with a simpered smile. I stretched out my arms to cup his cheeks with my hands, letting my thumbs brush over them gently.

I never was reminded of my stepdad when I was with Mark. In contrary, I even forgot about him. His touch never felt repulsing to me. It was even something that I would crave for sometimes. I am not saying that I am rid of my monsters, but my body had already accepted Mark from the very beginning. From the moment that he took my cereal away and flashed me with his annoyingly handsome grin.

"Sometimes you can be really stupid Mark," I chuckled earning a scowl from Mark. How can you be so considerate at the weirdest moments? You wouldn't listen to me when I told you to leave me alone. But then here you are holding me like I'm made of glass, worried that I may break from your touch.

I gaze into the blue eyes that I have come to love. Even now my heart is beating with affection that I had tried to suppress since day one. "I love you,"

The unbidden words had finally left my lips and I felt how Mark froze. His breath got hitched and bringing his own hand up he clasped my hand. "Say it again." He demanded with vulnerability in his voice as he tightened his grip on my hand.

It felt like a weight had lifted together with the veil that surrounded my heart and I couldn't resist his demand when I saw the desperate look in his eyes. "I love you," I whispered again, my hands caressing his cheeks before pulling him down to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "So don't be a jackass and make love to me. we are going to get married anyway so why not consummate our love now. Unless you don't love me anymore."

"That will never happen." He growled.

"I know." I whispered and we kissed again. I arched my back into him. Breaking the kiss, he unbuckled his pants and tossed it to the side leaving his rigid member in full display. I felt my mouth going dry. He is well endowed there, I thought looking at the prominent veins that were thumping angrily for release.

On the sides of my hips, he hooked his finger over the lace of my garment and leisurely pulled it down. My clit that was still overly sensitive from before was met with his length pressing, earning a whimper from me. Mark's jaw clenched feeling the wetness, but made sure to keep his eyes on me.

"This is your last chance kitten. I won't be angry if you don't want to go through with this." His words came out tight, but his gently voice pierced my heart.

I nodded, "I want this," I whispered. Hearing my answer, he grinned rakishly and I could only swoon. "I will make sure that your first time will be good." Then slowly, he pressed inside of me. I could feel how my insides were expanding inch by inch and I had to grit as I winced in pain. Mark froze, waiting until the pain faded from my face before he continued. From his expression I knew that he had it difficult, but his control never wavered.

Then, finally, his hips pressed against mine. I felt so full that even breathing was difficult as I panted lightly with my eyes tightly shut. "That's it kitten, hold on to me." Mark growled harshly, feeling how my nails were digging in his arms, but he didn't mind them. He slowly moved in and out of me and the pain started to ebb away making room for pleasure. Seeing how my eyes were still closed he surged inside of me, and my eyes popped open as my jaw went slack in surprise.

"Ah!" I cried as he began to move in earnest, picking up the speed.

"There are those forest green eyes that I love," Mark smirked as he leaned down over my body.

After few moments the room got filled with my frenzied cries. My own hips had started to move meeting Mark half way. I couldn't withstand the barrage of sensations anymore and I came.

"Mark!" I heard myself scream. My inner muscles clamped on his rigid shaft, drawing out a tortured groan from Mark as his eyes widens.

"Fuck, April, Fuck." Unable to hold back, he roared as he found his release, emptying himself in me. I went limp beneath him and Mark collapsed next to me, holding my shaking form to him. Coming back from the different realm exhaustion waft over me. Feeling Mark's body warmth engulfing me I felt myself drift off.

Vaguely I heard Mark whisper in my ear, "Sleep, kitten."

And then I was enshrouded by darkness.


A warmth that made me feel safe and comfortable was wrapped around me like cloak. Me, not wanting to wake up and be separated from this warmth kept my eyes closed as I inclined my spine back against it. I sighed pleased and snuggled more against it to hear a low growl echoing from behind me.

My breath hitched and my movement stilled when two big hands gripped my hips, stopping it from wiggling anymore. The fingers burrowed in my bare skin and a hot breath fanned my neck inducing goosebumps on my skin as I shivered. "If you keep moving like that against me then I wouldn't be held accountable for what's going to happen."

His gruff husky voice laced with sleepiness affected my body, filling it with urges again and I had to take in a shuddering breath before turning around.

When our eyes met Mark gave me a panty-melting smile before planting a soft kiss on my forehead bringing a small smile on to my face. "Good morning beautiful." Mark mused. His hair was in disarray, strands sticking out in different directions.

"Morning," I replied shyly in a hoarse voice. Taking a note of my croaked voice Mark got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I blushed furiously as Mark walked brazenly in his birthday suit, reminding me that I too was naked and I instantly wrapped myself up with the duvet as I sat up in the bed.

Coming back from the bathroom Mark carried a glass filled with water. Sitting on the edge of the bed he handed me the glass and I gladly took it as the sight of the translucent liquid made me feel parched and my throat itchy.

I took a big gulp before handing the glass back to Mark, "Thank you." I whispered in a small voice, my throat feeling less scratchy now.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked as he stretched out his hand to caress my cheek.

"Sore. Thanks to you." After I fell asleep, he woke me up again for another two rounds, draining my body totally of its energy and leaving it lifeless. Red blossomed across my cheek at the memory of how he took me in many different positions that made me feel exposed and bare as he entered the deepest part of my body. Our body that was glazed in a sheen of sweat glistened as the waning moon shone its light upon us. I can't believe that he was able to elicit those cries and moans from my mouth that kept going and filling the room like a broken record.

"It was my first time and you acted like a starved beast." I grumbled disgruntledly as I shot him a glare.

His lips that were framed with light stubbles pulled in to a smile. "I'm sorry kitten you were just so irresistible there's no way that one round would be enough." He let his tongue run over his teeth earning a blush from me, but the rouge on my cheek quickly turned pale when my eyes flickered to the rigid form of his member.

Instinctual my core throbbed and I swiftly pulled my knees to my chest, clutching the duvet that covered me tighter as I slowly started to inch away from Mark with horror in my eyes. You can't be serious, I thought in horror.

As if my action triggered his primal side he, like a feral feline, climbed on the bed- prowling towards me with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Shock of tremor trailed down my body, partly from excitement but also partly from fear as I knew that I'll be bedridden for the rest of the week if this continues.

Shaking my head, I said with voice that carried turbulence, "M-Mark I'm really sore."

"I know how to fix that," He purred, his voice freighted with playfulness as his tongue peeked out of his mouth to lick his lips sensually.

Oh God, I thought dreadful.

Grabbing me by my ankle he pulled me down inducing a squeak from my mouth as the back of my head made contact with the soft pillow. Yanking the duvet from my grip Mark took a hold of my leg pulling it up to his face. He kissed the inside of my ankle sending a jolt through my body. His lips leisurely glides up my legs past my knees while his other hand pushed my other leg apart.

Reaching my inner thigh, he bit it before sucking it and my audible soft sighs slowly started to fill the room again. He then widens my legs and my eyes widen along with it as I knew what he was about to do, but I wasn't sure whether I would be able to handle it.

"Wait!" I yelled, holding my hand out as I felt his breath hit my sensitive bud between my lower lips sending shivers down my spine. "Let's have breakfast first. Aren't you hungry?" I said, smiling nervously.

"You can eat after this," He said and run his fingers casually across the folds between my legs drawing out a gasp from my lips. "But first I'll have my breakfast now, on bed." My heart hammered against my chest seeing Mark who was settled between my legs lowering his head.

The moment his lips came in contact with my core the room got filled with cries of pleasure and I could only pray that my vocal cord won't be damaged after this.