When we got to the room he was taking me to a lady opened the door and said "Come in Vanyel. Who's this?"
After a minute or two I got fed up with the silence and searched for their minds. :Hey! If you're talking about me don't exclude me!: The two of them turned and stared at me.
:How did you Mindspeak to us? We were shielded. A new trainee shouldn't be able to break through the shield.: A feminine Mindvoice said.
:This is what I was saying. She acts as if she was fully trained but swears she wasn't. Lizzy said that she just knew how to block me out when I mentioned people being able to read her thoughts.: Vanyel said to the lady.
:Odd. Well then. My name is Savil. I assume yours is Lizzy right?:
:Yes my name is Lizzy. Nice to meet you Savil.:
"Savil. She is extraordinary. She needs to be trained by someone at least as powerful as us. Are you going to train her?" Vanyel said aloud.
"No." Savil said in response.
"What? Why?"
"You need to train her. I don't know what Mindmagic she has. Since you have the ability to use all the kinds of Mindmagic you need to train her."
"Rosemarie told me what abilities I have." I interjected.
"Go ahead. Tell us." Savil said to me.
"She said my instructor has a lot of magic and I have even more. She also said I can do anything I set my mind to."
"A lot of magic, hmm. Yes I know who she meant." Savil said. "Vanyel go ahead. You're her mentor."
"What! Why?" Vanyel exclaimed.