Visiting the Stall

In the first part of the trial, he was a weak boy who could only depend on Sia to bring him here, but in reality it would be the opposite.

"There it is."

Luckily, when Shui came to the spot he remembered, he found the food stall as well as the man who ran it. He couldn't detect it in the trial, but his current self could see through this man's cultivation as well as why there were no fights around him. Even though 'Hide' was still active, the man raised his head and looked at them once they approached.

'To think there was a half-step Sky Realm expert manning a food stall.'

"Ten skewers for both of us."

Without any unnecessary questions, the man heard Shui's order and got to making it. Sia didn't know where he was taking her, but once they reached the stall, her eyes went wide open. She had never eaten here before, but she remembered that she had wanted to when she was smaller. However, back then her family couldn't afford this sort of junk food so she never asked for it.

Shui let go of her hand to take two bags releasing a mouth-watering smell from the man. After taking the brown bag of skewers from Shui, Sia gulped as she took one out and brought it to her mouth. One bite was enough for the meaty juices to cause a burst of pleasure inside her. While Sia cherished this taste, Shui ate his skewer while fondly looking at her. Once she snapped out of her stupor and realised that Shui was watching her, she turned her face away and continued eating.

Shui chuckled a little and gave the man four silver coins before pulling her hand and leading her out of the slums. The man didn't question how Shui knew the price and focused on his stall. Even though she already ate a light breakfast, Sia finished the entire bag before he could bring her to the academy.

"Did you like it?"

Sia was still licking her lips as she remembered the addictive taste, but she flinched once Shui spoke to her, and cleared her throat.

"Uh, yeah. I liked it."

She was a bit embarrassed since he saw her gulp down those skewers in the time he took to eat five, but still honest.

"I'm glad."

With Ulus gone, Shui thought that he would finally get some time to relax and cultivate. Unfortunately, less than a week later, a letter flew to him while he was on a stroll. He wasn't too surprised by this occurrence but he was curious, and also wary. When he opened the letter and read it, he put his hand to his forehead because it was exactly as he suspected.

'What a pain.'

The letter was basically an invitation to a meeting where geniuses of the younger generation could exchange pointers. In other words, a place for them to fight each other. Given that the letter was addressed to 'Shui of the Heaven clan', he knew that they had done their research. However, these so-called 'geniuses' were nothing special to him.


It might have been made from special material, but it couldn't withstand the flame that burst from his palm. In a short moment, the letter was turned to ashes and Shui continued his stroll. However, he knew that this matter wasn't over.

A few days later, Shui found his path blocked by a familiar group, now dressed in the emblems of the forces they represented.

"You're in the way. Move."

"Why you-!"

One of them took a step towards Shui, but he was stopped by their ringleader. Trin glared at Shui and asked with a stern tone, "Why did you not respond to the invitation?"

"Invitation? You mean that letter that was sent to me. Ha, I had more important things to do."

"You sure you weren't just scared." One of men behind Trin said while puffing out his chest.

"Yes, sure sure, I was scared. Can you leave now?" Shui didn't bother jumping at his taunt and instead waved his hand as if trying to fan them away.

Naturally, this led to their displeased faces as the tension increased.

"Looks like you got cocky because you were lucky last time. Why don't I teach you a lesson?"

One of Trin's followers fired a lightning spell at Shui, but this time Trin watched with a cold expression. Even if he wasn't hurt by this, just making him take a step back would please him. Unfortunately, a wall of water blocked the lightning that zapped at Shui.

Sensing the group that was coming, Trin clicked his tongue and turned towards them.

"I know you want to please your new boy toy but can't you mind your own business, Cleia?"

Cleia came onto the scene with a group of people in ocean blue coats, forming a more unified group than Trin's that had men from several different forces. When Cleia heard Trin's comment about Shui being her boy toy, she seemed to have taken a major hit and placed her hand at her bountiful chest.

"B-b-b-b-b-boy toy! Wh-wha-wha-what a ridiculous idea. Such a no-"

The reaction went past unexpected, and straight to embarrassing so the girl that stood beside her jabbed her elbow at her side and then whispered something in her ear. Whatever she told her obviously had the right effect as Cleia straightened her back, pushed out the melons on her chest, and placed her hand on her waist.

"This is Cyrus, you shouldn't be causing trouble for the locals with your stupid antics. Don't you people at least understand the importance of time and place?"

As if her previous reaction was just an illusion, Cleia spoke with confidence and dignity radiating from her being. To this side of her, Trin snorted and gave Shui another look before turning his back. While the rest of his followers left with him, Cleia and her group approached Shui. He didn't need to use any brain power to tell that most of the group didn't like him. He thought it was just because he acted too friendly with her at that party, but the truth was it went deeper than that.

On the day when the geniuses gathered to exchange pointers, Cleia was waiting for someone who never came. At first, she would always glance at the entrance with a hopeful expression like a princess waiting for her prince, then she would glance and sigh in disappointment as if she would never see him again. Not only did it hurt the hearts of her fellow sect disciples to see her like this, it also angered them. How could this random guy enter their senior sister's heart and then ignore her like a rotten fruit?

Even the ladies, no, especially the ladies glared at him with enough hate to make even him consider taking a step back. The one standing beside Cleia in particular, looked like she couldn't wait to stab him. Although Cleia had her beat in both shape and beauty, this woman had a cold yet charming atmosphere that could make dogs of men.

"We meet again!"

With a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face, Cleia waved at Shui as she came closer. The very night before, she was muttering insults about him for not looking for her, but the moment they met there was joy plastered on her face. The one who was beside her was even more stunned by this change since she had spent hours listening to her rant.

'Senior sister, why do you suddenly have to be so easy!?'

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again. I wonder, could this be a coincidence or fate?"

Shui thought the line he pulled out would surely have her laughing, in fact many faces behind her were cringing, but only her face loosened.

"Oh, you, you really think so?"


Instead of laughing it off, Cleia fidgeted with her hands and took meek glimpses of him before lowering her head. However, her shyness emphasized the cute expression on her face. Shui was only teasing her, but seeing this reaction made him freeze up and scratch the back of his head.

'Is it supposed to go like this?'

Jade, who was beside Cleia, looked at this lovestruck mistress and quickly tried to snap her out of it.

"Senior sister! We have somewhere to go, remember!"

"Oh, oh, that's right."

After being reminded by Jade, Cleia's expression went back to normal as she faced Shui.

"We're going to visit the martial academy here, would you like to come with us?"

The first half made everyone think that they would soon part, but the second half had many eyes widen. Shui really didn't want to get involved with her group any longer, but the place where they were going to concerned him.
