Unavoidable Trouble

There was a break between classes so Sia, Josh and Ross were having lunch together. This was normal in recent times, but in the past they used to split up and eat with their own groups of friends. However, after what Shane did, their friends had to be sent home and many of them quit the academy, while the others were too scared to talk to them. Of course they didn't like this, but they couldn't force them either. After all, they had already failed once, so they couldn't expect them to believe that they would really protect them a second time. Even though Shane no longer came to school, they were by themselves.

Although the siblings didn't know due to their lack of connections in the academy, many of the geniuses from the surrounding cities were visiting the academy. The surface reason was to check out the level of the academy, but most of them only came to show off their superiority. As the one most likely to succeed the headmaster and the disciple of deputy headmaster Rizer, Matt thought that he wasn't inferior to any of these geniuses due to his late Soul Realm cultivation. However, one man who came from Reich proved him wrong.

This man had a thick and muscular body, but Matt wasn't intimidated by it when he asked to exchange pointers with him. However, when one of the man's fists plowed through his barrier, he understood that this man wasn't someone he could compare himself with. And so, Matt swallowed his pride and was giving the man a tour of the academy.

"This place is pretty shabby. No wonder everyone here is so weak."

"Of course, to someone of your calibre we truly are weak."

Matt had to bite his lip before delivering this line because he couldn't refute it. To this man, they truly were too weak. As they made their way around the campus, the man stopped to catch a certain sight. Curious as to what caught his attention, Matt also followed his line of vision and squinted his eyebrows. He noticed a cute, petite girl that sat with a pair of bulky twins.

'Is that really his taste?'

After following his gaze and checking his expression, Matt was sure that the man had found something he could enjoy. He couldn't understand his preference, but he had no say in the matter either way.

While his eyes were locked on, the man licked his lips and patted Matt's shoulder.

"Matt, bring those people over for me."


With little reluctance in his heart, Matt walked up to the group of three sitting under a tree.

"Greetings, Senior Brother."

When the siblings noticed him coming, all of them stood up and gave him a slight bow. Despite his intentions, Matt's status was worthy of at least this level of courtesy. Normally, Matt would be glad for this respect, but considering what he was about to do it didn't make him feel very good.

Matt pointed at them and said, "I need you to come with me."

The siblings looked at each other in befuddlement before Sia asked, "May I know why?"

"My friend over there wants to talk to you."

Once Matt directed them to the man by turning his chin, the three of them also looked at him. Even though core students weren't required to be in uniform 24/7, they were sure from his aura that he wasn't part of the academy. However, before even taking that into consideration, just the way he looked at them and smiled told them that this was trouble.

As her face went pale, Sia stepped back as her two brothers went in front of her.

"Senior brother, this..." Josh tried to find a way to reject his request but stopped when Matt's expression turned into a scowl.

"Are you looking down on my friend? He's a genius from an important sect in Reich, don't you think this might be a good thing for your family?"

Matt didn't know much about the three or the relationship between the twins and Sia, but he could guess that his words wouldn't change their minds based on how determined their gazes were.

"Fine then."

Since he couldn't persuade them, Matt went straight ahead and knocked the two brothers aside with one fist to each of their faces. Then, there was only Sia left in front of him. Just as he reached out to grab her, he saw her take out a strip of paper that glowed and became a barrier. He was stunned for a moment, but that didn't stop his hand from making contact with it.

After giving it two knocks, he could tell that this barrier was surprisingly firm but he could break it with a few full-powered attacks. However, he didn't feel it necessary to expend so much energy so he instead picked up Ross. Sia's heart tightened as she wondered what he would do to him and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she saw his head being slammed into the barrier.



Right before Ross' head reached the barrier, the man from Reich stopped him. Matt didn't know why he was stopped so he turned around with a confused expression, only to receive a slap across the face.

"You fool! I told you to bring them, not hurt them! Is your hearing as bad as your talent?"

"But sir, she made this barrier..."

"When did I ever say I wanted her?"


"Obviously, I was impressed by the firm muscles of these twins and I wanted to get a closer look. How could you be so daft as to think I had any interest in such a scrawny brat?"

'He was aiming for them?!'

Matt was completely taken aback by the man's declaration, and while Sia had similar thoughts she was still worried about her brothers.

'What should I do?'

As Sia frantically tried to come up with a solution, the man pulled Ross from Matt's hands while Josh tried to stand up. The siblings had no idea what the man had planned for them so they watched him warily, but he was honest with his desires. Ross was conscious so after checking for injuries, the man then then started groping his body. The siblings watching didn't like what was happening, but since Ross wasn't in danger they didn't take any action. Ross would have preferred they do something but he knew that would be asking for too much.

Once he was done with Ross, the man laughed, "Hahaha! What a nice body! I wonder if you're interested in following me to Reich?"

I was a huge opportunity that would normally make one jump for joy, Ross quickly refused.

"No. Thanks but, this is where my family is."

"I see, I see. Then we can just move your entire family."

"Eh? That's..."

"Oi, what are you doing?"

While Ross was struggling to come up with another reason to refuse, a new group appeared.