Date? (2)

After finishing up with shopping, Shui felt a chilling gaze on his back, but when he looked around he couldn't spot who sent it. The gaze didn't seem to be filled with much killing intent but it did make him a bit wary.

"Master, is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. Let's go get something to eat."

He felt a little worried, but not enough to make Lily concerned. Shui brought her to a fancy restaurant, but considering how her smile cramped up he realized that this wasn't the best option, and he wasn't confident he would be right on the second pick.

"You know what, why don't you choose the place?"

"Are you sure, Master?"

"Yes, you probably know better places than I do."

"Very well, follow me."

The two of them went to a restaurant owned by a family that Lily was acquainted with. The food here couldn't compare to what Shui made for breakfast, but that was only due to the higher quality of ingredients. In terms of drawing out the full potential of the ingredients, even Shui was impressed.

"Does it suit your taste, Master?"

"It's really good. I'm glad I left the choice to you."

After lunch, they somehow drifted towards the weapon and artifact shops. Shui had no need for anything here, but there was nothing wrong with window shopping with Lily. Before they knew it, the sun was setting while they were still strolling down the street.

"Thank you for this date, Master. It was great." Lily said with a bright smile.

"That's good. Sometimes it's hard for me to figure out how to act as your master, but I know that nowhere how far apart we are, that bond will always connect us."


Though it was a perfect chance, Lily couldn't take the opportunity to tease Shui. She never wanted to become any sort of burden to him, but his consideration made her chest warm.

The two returned home with only Lilia having an idea of what they had been doing, but she was generous enough to look past this much. The next day, everyone went on with their usual schedules, with only Sia leaving earlier than usual. Slightly suspicious, Shui followed her and spotted Sia looking down an alley that led to the slums. He had a good idea of why she was here so he went up to her.



Frightened by the sudden voice behind her, especially considering where she was, Sia squealed and hastily turned around.

"Oh sorry, did I scare you?"

"You bet you did! My heart nearly stopped. You must make it up to me!"

"Fine fine, how 'bout I treat you again?"

"Hmph, do you think you can please me that easily?"

"I could tell the twins that you're eating without them."

"Okay, I'll accept your offer."

Sia stretched out her hand and Shui took it and led her to her new favourite spot. After eating skewers and getting Sia to the academy, Shui decided to take a stroll while thinking about the golden purple string that connected him and Lily. It was related to the law of fate, which was far too profound for Shui at his current level, but he felt that there were more powers that could be unlocked by studying it. These powers would be useful for both him and Lily so he wanted to find a breakthrough before the time came to leave Cyrus. In the midst of contemplation, he bumped into Yur who was also on a stroll.

"Sup Shui. How's the house been after the lecture?"

"You dare ask me that! You got off easy with just a lecture."

"What? Did she punish you or something?"

"You could call it that. I'm even considering purging part of my memory."

"That bad, huh? Sorry, I'll select a better location next time."

"No! I've decided to focus on cultivation for now. Such things will only dull my focus."

"So you're scared. Got it, I'll wait until you're ready."


Shui didn't like being labelled scared, but there was no point in fighting against it so he accepted it.

While Yur wondered how he would get Shui to reconsider, a woman rushed towards them. Shui was the first to detect this woman, and realized that it was Jade, but he raised an eyebrow at her apparent urgency. She normally had a polite and dignified aura, but this time he could sense that her thoughts were in chaos.

"Shui! You, you need to help her!"

Meanwhile, as Shui was being alerted of it, Lily had gotten herself in trouble. Well, maybe ambushed would be a better term as three men in late Soul Realm surrounded her when she was on her way to buy groceries.

"Can I help you?" Lily asked while trying to find a way out.

The men didn't respond, but since they weren't afraid of showing their faces, she knew that they had backgrounds that could allow them to get away with trying something in the middle of town. She didn't want to bother him, but just in case, Lily reached into her clothes for one of the 'Alarm' talismans that she always carried with her. However, before she could activate it, there was a sudden impact to the back of her neck.

Out of nowhere, a man had appeared behind her and quickly knocked her unconscious. With her in his hands, the men swiftly left the area. Spectators caused a minor commotion, but mortals knew not to interfere in these matters.