Simple Massacre

"Elder, please!"

"I've already said no."

In a plainly decorated room with a window open to let in warm sunlight, Cleia was arguing with an old lady. This old lady was the one who represented Rinto City and was an important elder in the Blue Waves Sect. Cleia normally had nothing but respect for her, but this matter was much too important for only those feelings to stop her.

"Why not? What's so wrong with saving someone that's in trouble?"

"That's not the problem, and you know it."

"But Elder-"

"In the first place, why do you want to save her? Even though I don't approve of you fraternizing with that boy, wouldn't it be better if they got rid of your rival?"


Cleia couldn't deny that there was a part of her that thought the way the old lady suggested, but she didn't want to accept that part of her.

"It, doesn't matter. Regardless of whether what I feel for him is love or not, I can't call myself his friend if I let this happen without doing anything."

The old lady looked at the determined expression that Cleia had, but shook her head.

"...Just like her, aren't you? Even so, my decision is final. If you want to escape you'll have to defeat these old bones first."

The old lady still didn't get up from her seat, but with just a glance she smothered Cleia's resistance with pressure that surpassed anything she had experienced. Still, Cleia gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.

'I'm sorry Shui. I hope Jade reaches you in time.'

Back in a different location, Trin looked at Lily's sleeping face as she laid on a bed. This was the first time he had seen her since one of the sycophants around him told him about her intimately holding hands with Shui. She wasn't a fairy-level beauty, but she was pretty enough that he could understand if Shui valued her body.

'I can't wait to see his face when I ravage her in front of him.'

As Trin fantasized, not about the lovely woman in front of him, but the reaction that Shui would give him, the wind carrying death was approaching. When Shui heard about what happened to Lily, he immediately took off using the golden purple string as a guide.

Yur and Jade wore frowns while looking at the distant back of Shui. All Jade told Shui, was that Lily was going to be kidnapped by Trin's men. She thought she would need more time to explain, but that was all he needed to hear. All emotion vanished from his face in an instant, and he ran off. It seemed too discreet to be anger, but she didn't doubt that there was a very intense emotion hiding inside him.

"Is, is he normally like this?" asked Jade as she turned to Yur while fixing her messy attire.

"Well, I've never seen him like this before, but there should be nothing to worry about."

"Really? He's walking straight into a trap you know."

"Even so, I don't think he'll lose."


Jade didn't reply, but she also didn't think there was any chance that Shui would lose. This was the first time she witnessed this side of him, but unlike when he hung out with Cleia, even she could sense how reliable he was. Even though there were several enemies waiting for him, she couldn't imagine this ending badly for him.

"That guy, he's a real miracle worker. So when he puts his mind to something, you can bet he'll do it." as someone who was familiar with his feats, Yur was sure that everything would be fine.

Thanks to the golden purple string and his own senses, it wasn't long before Shui found Lily. There didn't appear to be any danger to her life, but it was still hard for him to restrain his anger. Shui didn't want to lose himself in rage since it would cloud his judgement, but quite the harsh punishment would be needed to satisfy him.

When he reached in front of a luxurious mansion near the mayor's residence, Shui didn't even pause his steps despite the gang of familiar youngsters in his way.

"You came sooner than we thought you would. If you want the girl then-"

One of them started speaking out demands, but Shui had already made up his mind. He wasn't here to play along with their foolish plans, he only had one objective, and that was to get back Lily no matter who was blocking him. Therefore, all opposition had to be eliminated.

There was no sign from him, no fluctuation of energy, no mudra, but the man who spoke first had his head burst open like a popped balloon. Everyone else looked at the gory sight with wide eyes, not focusing on Shui who continued walking towards them. This time, none of them even noticed his steps as one by one, their heads exploded just like their comrade's.


"No no no!"

"Please no!"

As their numbers dropped, they threw away camaraderie and frantically tried to run away, but not one of them left the premises with their heads intact. If they had managed to escape then Shui wouldn't have pursued them, but none had been that fast or clever. Even if someone filled with a strong sense of justice walked into this sight, they would definitely walk right back out. Shui's murders seemed cruel, but ruthless would be a better term as he only tried to kill them in the way that took the least effort.

A large door separated Shui from the inside of the mansion, but that too was blown apart without any particular motion from Shui. His will alone was enough to power through this.

Trin heard an oddly large amount of screams outside but he never expected what he saw when he came out to check. Looking down on the polished floor from the handrail on the third floor, all he could see was red. Both the 'friends' that went along with his plan and the guards that came with him from Silver City, were effortlessly slaughtered by Shui with just a thought. Killing men in the Earth Realm was a little harder, but with his eyes open he caught them all in an illusion the moment they looked at him. After that culling these defenseless men couldn't be simpler.

'That, that, monster!'

Finally realizing that he messed with someone he shouldn't have, Trin ran back to his room and dragged Lily from the bed. However, before he could run back outside the room, Shui was already at his door.


As the spotless young man approached him with eyes that could freeze his soul, Trin quickly tried to use Lily as a hostage, but he had no hands to hold her with.


The sudden disappearance of his forearms and the sight of Lily who had somehow made it into Shui's hands left him completely distraught. Corrupted by fear and confusion, for the first time since leaving his infancy period, Trin shed tears like waterfalls, crying in agony. Trin looked so ugly that he deserved only scorn and pity, but Shui wouldn't allow him any mercy.

"It's too late for regret."

Shui looked into his eyes and placed him in an illusion that promised only one thing, pain.
