Perfect Relic (2)

After accepting the girl's request, Shui strolled out of bar. Neither he nor the girl knew where her brother was being held, but he wasn't worried about that. With the strength of his soul, finding her last remaining relative by detecting an aura similar to hers wasn't too hard. Just like cultivators could sense those who had their bloodlines, it was also possible to sense those who had the same bloodline.

Shui wasn't familiar with this small town, but his spiritual sense had already covered it so he wasn't worried about getting lost. Within a few minutes after leaving the bar, he stopped in front of a battered building with a half broken door and holes in the walls and ceiling. This place looked empty, but Shui could vaguely sense presences under it.

'There must be a basement. Still, for me to only vaguely sense it when I'm this close...'

Shui could tell that something was off, but it wasn't enough to deter him. He used mental control to open the door, but right as he was about to enter, two men showed up beside him.

"This is private property."

They boldly exposed their early Soul Realm auras, mostly to intimidate him but also because they sensed danger from him. With Shui's current level of aura dilution, although he couldn't appear as a mortal, Shui was now confident that even a Sky Realm expert wouldn't be able to see through his cultivation. However, a cultivator with enough experience would have instincts that could peek through his disguise.

"Private property, huh? Something like this?"

Instead of responding, the two men clenched their fists and released killing intent that scared away anyone trying to watch the drama.

Shui chuckled at this and said, "Fine, it's not like it matters."

With just a stomp of his right foot, the two men were blown away. They didn't get any serious injuries, but they couldn't help groaning in pain before getting up. Both of them lost any confidence in beating Shui, but if they let him go any further, not only them, but also their families would be killed.


One man shot a fireball while the other took out a butcher knife artifact and ran towards him.


Shui didn't even have to glance at them, but the fireball was deflected back to the caster and the butcher knife was repelled out of the man's hand. The one who fired the spell quickly blocked it with a barrier, but then the spell captured both him and the barrier in a tight flaming sphere. The other man didn't even have time to lament his comrade's fate as the butcher knife that was knocked out his hand spun back and landed in the back of his head.

With one dead and one soon to be, Shui went inside the dilapidated building. Just as he thought, in plain sight was a trapdoor at the centre of the floor. It appeared to be locked, but only with ordinary metal so Shui easily broke though it, and walked down the staircase that was under it. Once his head was below the trapdoor, Shui could properly sense the aura that led him here so he looked up at the ceiling and touched it.

'Adamantine? No, just a trace of it.'

Adamantine was a precious metal that could be traced back to the Divine Uprising and was said could even seal the power of Divine Gods. Even the miniscule amount of it that was mixed into the ceiling could hamper spiritual sense.

'This is the first time I've seen something like this so it shouldn't be too common. Maybe I should look into it.'

The threat level of the Darino Gang went up, but not enough for him to be worried. Shui took his time going down the staircase and eventually came across a door at the bottom. Before Shui even got the chance to open it, an explosion occurred that destroyed it.

"Is he dead?"

Behind the destroyed door was a group of men who anxiously looked at the wreckage. The moment Shui stepped on the staircase, they were alerted of his presence. Since they didn't even get a message from the two who should have been guarding this place, they knew that whoever was coming would be dangerous.

As they waited with rapidly beating hearts, the dust eventually cleared, and the sight that was revealed made them speechless.

Shui released the barrier spell that protected him and took a step closer to them.

"Nice bombs."

He was being genuine but it sounded like nothing but sarcasm when he didn't take a lick of damage. His harmless state emphasized their fear, causing them to continue throwing the small spheres that were in their hands. Each of these small spheres was inscribed with 'Burst' and 'Delay' so they would explode soon after nature energy was poured into them. This was an idea Shui had already experimented with so he could see through the bombs in one glance. Even so, he was surprised by how many they had as an inscriptionist skilled enough to produce these should be rare.

While Shui continued pondering, the group of men kept throwing bombs. And after they ran out of bombs, they started firing spells. The cramped space caused more than a few dangerous accidents, but the blood that spilt because of this was insignificant to them. All that mattered was Shui who wasn't phased by their attacks.

Once their nature energy was almost exhausted, they started using weapons to attack his barrier. Their desparate attacks didn't stop, but the pitiful display didn't move Shui's heart.

"That's enough."

Shui swung his hand, instantly decapitating the men with bloodshot eyes. With their minds caged by fear, death finally gave them release.

Shui did not glance at their corpses before heading to the room where he sensed the girl's brother.

"Stop right there."

The first thing he saw was a lanky man holding a knife to the neck of a muscular youth from behind.

"Just kill me." said the youth.

The lanky man then tightened his grip on him while keeping his eyes on Shui. Unlike the men who had died, the lanky man wasn't completely overcome by fear so he still held a tiny bit of rationality. He had no hope that he could defeat this unfathomable pretty boy, but maybe he could bargain for his life.

Looking at this man who schemed to escape with his life, Shui tilted his head.

"I think you're misunderstanding something." he said.

Shui then flicked his index finger at the lanky man.


Just by flicking his finger, Shui smashed the man's head by releasing concentrated force through the air like a shockwave. He could have done the same with mental control, but limiting the range and force would have needed more effort.

The young blacksmith was frightened by how quickly and easily the lanky man died, so he gulped and stared fearfully at Shui.

"Who are you?"

Shui replied, "Someone sent to save you."