Perfect Relic (3)

Back at the bar, the young girl was anxiously waiting for Shui to come back with her brother. Many times, the men in the bar told her that it was hopeless, but she didn't listen to them. She held onto the hope that she would get her big brother back. Therefore, they just left her to sit by herself. When she realized her mistake she would appreciate their words they believed.

Every time someone entered the bar, the girl was the first one to notice them. Although her brother wasn't blessed with cultivation talent, he gave her as many resources as possible to get her to the peak of Mortal Realm. Therefore, as frail and small as she may look, she was actually stronger than the men in the bar. Still, whether or not she could win in battle was another matter.


Once more someone entered the bar, this time in a group.


The bartender was rather late to notice them, but once he did he lost his voice. A group of three men had entered and after a quick survey, they went in a particular direction. The fact that they were approaching the girl was plain for the bar patrons to see, but they were determined to avert their eyes.

Just like the men of the bar, the girl had also noticed that these men were looking for her, but not only were they all stronger than her, her exit was also blocked.

The girl hugged the bag holding the black pillar, and warily watched at them.

"What do you want?"

She tried to drag this out by talking, but none of the men seemed keen to answer. When one reached out to grab her, she swung the bag to scare him away.

"Stay back!"

The man looked back at his hand and then at his partner who nodded. His hand then glowed with a green light and he used it to reach for her again. This time, her bag did nothing to prevent him from grabbing her shoulder.

"Kyaa! Let me g-!"

The girl started to scream, but a fist that slammed into her stomach brought her to her knees. Even as her consciousness grew hazy, her grip on the bag was still firm. The man began kicking her, but it seemed ineffective. This girl was determined not to let go.

It would be fine as long as they brought the girl and the bag together, but the man didn't want to let her have this tiny victory. His hand was once again covered in green light before he placed it on her back. Her body stiffened before she was introduced to immense pain.


It was a cry of pain that pierced the hearts of the men that remained spectators. The desire to be her hero and step out grew inside them, but never enough to put it in action. For those with kids, those children became their excuse.

'I can't let them live without a father.'

For those who were too scared, they blamed their own weakness.

'Damn it! If only I was strong enough!'

For those who wanted to please their egos, they became aloof.

'Hmph, like I'm gonna step out for some random brat.'

All of these men could have been unified under the desire to help her, but not a single one moved. However, because the scream nagged them, they quickly noticed when it stopped.

"It seems I was a little careless. To think I let a few rats escape my notice."

They didn't know who it was, but everyone turned to the entrance. Shui was there along with the girl's brother who rushed in.


As he rushed towards his crying sister, none of the men who came for her tried to stop him. They were all too busy looking at Shui who brimmed with enough killing intent to make their lives flash before their eyes. If they had merely kidnapped her then Shui would have kept his cool, but the sight of them torturing a girl who was only two years younger than him irritated him. Shui could understand torturing for revenge, but he saw the act before him as something only cowards and scum would do. Someone like that had no need for mercy.

"All of you. Suffer."

Just by keeping eye contact with the men, he pulled them into an illusion which continuously showed them their worst fears until their minds shattered or they overcame it. Some of the bar patrons were also dragged into the technique, but luckily for them, since he didn't target them they got off with only a few nightmares. Even so, it was enough to leave their mouths foaming as they twitched on the ground.

"Serina! Serina!"

Unaware of what just happened, the young blacksmith was completely obsessed over his sister's state. She had no serious external injuries, but when the man placed his hand on her back, he had forced his energy into her. This incompatible energy provoked her own energy and led to both energies fighting within her body. The young blacksmith didn't know any of this so his first thought was to get her to a doctor. However, a normal doctor wouldn't be of use for injuries like this.

"Let me have a look."

When Shui squatted beside him, the young blacksmith flinched. He didn't completely trust this devilishly handsome young man, but he didn't seem to have any malice towards them. Furthermore, he was a powerful cultivator so he might be able to help her.

As the young blacksmith hesitantly moved aside, Shui slowly and gently placed his hand on the girl's back. These types of injuries couldn't be healed with simple potions or pills, but he knew many inscriptions which could do the trick.


After taking out the incompatible energy inside her, Shui then stimulated her hidden transcendent force and used 'Heal'. All 'Heal' did was increase her rate of recovery so it would only make things worse if he didn't ensure she had enough vitality to get better in the first place. Once he saw the paleness disappear from her face, Shui removed his hand and stood up.

"She should be fine now. Just give her some time to steady her mind."

The young blacksmith sighed in relief before lifting her up and facing Shui. A moment ago, he was filled with gratitude and relief but once they were face to face, anxiety and nervousness returned to his heart.

"Thank you so much, but um, how can I repay you?"

The young blacksmith might have gotten into trouble with the Darino Gang, but he wasn't stupid. He didn't think some random stranger would come help them for no reason. Furthermore, there wasn't much that he could offer in exchange for saving them so he was even more worried of what payment he would ask for.

Shui could detect these emotions from him but he intended on carrying out the deal that he made with the girl.

"It's okay. I've already been promised payment."

Shui stretched out his hand and the bag that the girl had hugged tightly even while in immense pain was sucked into his palm. Even though he saw it coming, the young blacksmith still grimaced at Shui.

"So you're just like them. You only came so you could take that and sell it to the highest bidder."

"Hah? I'm just taking the payment your sister promised me. Ain't that right?"

When Shui turned to the bar patrons, they hastily nodded in response despite not wanting to have anything to do with him. After nodding his head at their obedience, Shui continued.

"Besides, why the hell would I sell this?"

The young blacksmith was about to complain once more, but then he processed what Shui just said.

"You, won't sell it?"

"Of course not. Even a million high-quality spirit gems wouldn't be worth this."

At this statement, everyone raised an eyebrow and glanced at him incredulously. Forget one million, none of them had even gathered ten high-quality spirit gems before, so they couldn't imagine how that plain metal object could be worth so much. However, while the men of the bar were stuck in disbelief but didn't dare voice it because of his presence, the young blacksmith's eyes sparkled like an eager child.

"You know how to use it?!"

"Obviously. You don't?"

Seeing the young blacksmith shake his head, Shui was perplexed at first, but then nodded in understanding. Without knowing the right way to use this item, it was just an abnormally strong metal. That alone was enough to garner interest, but if its true use was known there would have been much stronger opponents trying to take it. However, this was something that was originally made by a disciple of the God of the Forge. Therefore, its use not being common knowledge wasn't too surprising.