To Become a Core Disciple

These elders didn't need to speak, their presences alone quieted the crowd of disciples. With all eyes on them as they faced the disciples, the middle-aged inner sect elder, who was the youngest among them, took a step forward. After a short greeting he moved on to the main topic.

"As you should know, the core disciple selection will be held in one year. As usual, anyone with enough contribution points will be eligible for the selection. However, be mindful that your life will be your own responsibility. While it is too early to create the official list, there is a new disciple who has been given the privilege to participate without meeting the requirements due to their exceptional talent and strength."

Even before his name was called, quite a number of eyes were on him.

'I guess the rumours have been spread.'

With his diluted aura only those nearby and knew his face could find him, but that changed once a suspicious beam of light hit him, exposing his appearance to the other disciples. Shui could sense that one of the elders was using a spell to do this, but it would attract unnecessary attention if he stopped it.

Once the young man found out that Shui was the same new disciple that everyone was talking about, several puzzle pieces fit together. He realized that Serina was the girl that was carried to the end, so it made sense that they were close. Even so, that only increased the malicious intent in his glare.

Many sent suspicious looks at Shui, but they stopped at murmuring. There was no point in causing trouble now, with the elders around.

After presenting Shui, the gathering finished after a few more announcements. As some disciples left to attend lectures held by elders and others lingered around, the young man glared at Shui and Fatty, looked at Serina, and then left. With his back slowly fading away, Serina turned to the two of them with a guilty expression.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. How long has he been bothering you?" Shui asked.

"About a day after we entered the manor. He's the friend of one of my housemates and he's normally nice, but he gets really upset whenever I'm talking with a boy."


Since she seemed to be really bothered by this guy, Shui considered taking care of him but then Fatty whispered to him.

"Hey, Boss. Do you think I could beat him?"

Before answering, Shui gave him a quizzical look and whispered back, "Well, you definitely have a good chance. But why?"

"I'm not really sure myself. It just sort of feels like I got a little sister to protect, you know?"

Shui nodded since he had similar feelings.

"Fine. I guess I'll leave it to you."

"Thanks. It feels good to know that even if I fail I can depend on you to win."

'No, shouldn't you be focused on winning?'

Serina tilted her head at the two whispering boys but their conversation wasn't something they could share.

The three of them stuck together and walked out of the courtyard, but a short distance later Shui squinted his eyebrows. His change in expression was only for a brief moment so neither Fatty nor Serina noticed the sharp glint that flashed through his eyes.

"I have some business so you two can go ahead without me."

"Are you sure? We can wait." said Serina.

It wouldn't be strange for Fatty to share her sentiment but Shui talked to him through intent communication.

"Get her home safe."

"Got it boss."

Fatty didn't know what 'business' Shui had, but he was confident that nothing would happen to him.

"No, it'll take a while. I'll see you again later."

Before Serina could reply, Shui walked off. She looked at his back with a curious expression for a few moments before turning away. As a witness to what Shui could do, she knew that she didn't have to worry very much about him.

After parting with them, Shui headed towards a more desolate area. He was originally planning on meditating and reviewing the Ethereal Blade Method, but that had to be postponed.

Near the right wall of the manor, densely populated with bamboo trees, Shui stopped and spoke to someone despite the fact that he should be alone.

"Is this far enough?"

It should have been met with nothing but the blowing of the wind, however, a presence suddenly appeared and rushed towards him. Along with the presence was a spear that thrusted at Shui's head. This would spell the end for anyone else at his cultivation, but it couldn't leave even a scratch on Shui. After easily evading the spear, he took a good look at the one attacking him. Both his hair and clothes were black, with just the eyes showing a tinge of brown. Shui showed interest in the black silk coat, but that wasn't what he was truly concerned about.

'As I feared.'

Without giving Shui much time to contemplate, the attacker swept the spear towards Shui's neck to cut it clean off and then shot grey energy at him from its tip when he dodged. Still, Shui was prepared for this much.

Instead of piercing his throat, the bolt of energy was blocked by a thin barrier that covered Shui's body like skin. It couldn't compare to his natural defense but there was no reason to make himself take this attack.

'My turn.'

Shui counterattacked by grabbing the shaft of the spear and then kicking him in the gut.


He tried to follow up with another kick to break a few ribs, but this time a barrier stopped him. As the barrier spread from both him and the spear outwards, Shui let go and watched as he retreated. For a couple moments the two only glared at each other before Shui gave a faint smile.

"It's been a while, Nathan."

"Indeed. I heard you died with the clan so I'm glad to see you again." replied Nathan with an aloof expression.

"Oh, I didn't expect that. I thought you hated me."

"I do. Which was why I was angry that I couldn't take care of you myself. Part of me still felt that you wouldn't die so easily, I'm glad I was right."

"I see," at this point a bit of melancholy seeped into Shui's smile as he continued, "It doesn't look like you have long left."

Nathan's expression then changed into that of a man who could see his own death.

"It's the price for power."

"...Is there something I could help with?"

Although they never got along, Shui felt partially responsible for Nathan ending up in this state. Sensing this feeling, Nathan grimaced and shook his head.

"No, I don't need your pity. You'll be staying here for a while, right?"

"Well, yeah."

Shui didn't have any intention of leaving until he stabilized his cultivation and met Kate, so he believed that he would be in Silver City for the foreseeable future.

"Then, meet me here on the next full moon."

Nathan then tossed a jade plaque over to Shui. Recorded in it was a map of the Silver City and its vicinity, as well as a mark to designate where he was talking about. Shui took a moment to look it over before nodding his head.

"Fine, I'll see you there."

As he saw Nathan quickly disappear, Shui sighed.

'If only I had noticed earlier.'

Shui didn't think he was responsible for what Nathan's mother did to him, but if he had at least brought attention to it sooner then perhaps Nathan wouldn't have fallen into these dire straits.