Inner Peace

Despite the attention that he was now attracting, Shui still made his usual visit to the library the next day. According to Ryan and his other two housemates, a lot of people were asking about him, including a few with strong connections to core and direct disciples. The three of them had bad reputations so those disciples thought that his housemates would have tried to mess with him, but all they could give were vague answers. After all, the truth would be too humiliating, but they didn't want to make up something and accidentally offend Shui either. In light of their troubles, Shui told them to stick with vague responses for the time being.

He had given Fatty a training regimen to follow so that he could beat the creep bothering Serina, so he was alone this time. Shui felt more eyes on him as he quietly read in the library, but he saw the inconvenience as proof that he was lacking in terms of concealing his presence. Due to his nebula three-star soul, even after spreading his aura outside of the city walls, he still possessed some control over it. His improved soul cultivation meant that he could control the power of his quasi-divine body better, but since merging with incarnate metal also boosted his basic physical abilities, he had more strength than he knew what to do with. In fact, when he wasn't careful he had accidentally created craters when he walked and snapped his utensils when he tried to eat. Such accidents no longer happened, but Shui still felt unease as if he had to live with shackles on himself at all times.

'I'll need to find some time to exercise.'

Due to his unease, it was difficult for Shui to truly sink into the atmosphere of the library, but he could at least appear ordinary to those watching him. Usually, no one tried to bother him while he read, but this time, he felt someone brush his shoulder. With his sharp senses it was easy to tell who it was, so he closed the book he had and followed them after a quick check to ensure no one was on his tail.

The person led him to an unpopular section of the library where text on subjects like economics and business was stored. After being brought here, Shui decided to do a little reading here at a later date before facing the one in front of him.

"Thank you for following me, though I suppose I should apologize first," Lisa said.

"No, though I guess it was a little awkward, it's not like anything happened to me."

Shui assumed she was referring to the situation with Clyde, but he truly hadn't been too bothered about it. However, even though his answer should have relieved her, Lisa's expression grew darker.

"Yes, I actually wanted to speak about that. I should be able to keep him quiet for the time being, but you might have other troubles in the meantime."

Lisa had planned on getting close to Shui while he was in the inner section of the manor, but as she had to restrain Clyde such prospects were looking grim. As rumours were starting to go around among the girls about how pretty he was, she knew that there would soon be competition, which irked her even more. On the other hand, Shui was more interested in the trouble she mentioned.

"What sort of troubles?"

"Since the gathering, more disciples have learnt about you and your talent. And since you've even been given an early spot in the next core disciple selection despite your current cultivation, there are some who don't think fondly of you."

"I see, so they might start picking fights with me."

"That's right. The prominent disciples probably won't touch you yet so I think you should be fine, but I wanted you to know just in case."

Lisa knew of his exploits, so though his cultivation was relatively low, she was certain that only the top-ranking disciples in the inner sect could pose a problem for him.

"Thanks for the heads-up. I'll definitely repay the favour one day."

Shui saw no need to fear any disciples that challenged him, but he was grateful to receive this information early so that he could prepare.

"It's fine. If you want to make it up to me then simply take me out on a date."

"Right... Okay, tell me when's a good day for you."

Shui wasn't sure how to respond to Lisa's blatant flirting attempts, but he figured a date wouldn't be a problem though it might upset Clyde.

"Really? Thanks, I'll tell you as soon as I settle some things."

After a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Lisa left with a pep in her step. Shui stayed in the library for a bit longer before secretively leaving. Though it was ineffective against experts, by layering inscriptions in addition to aura dilution, it was possible for him to become invisible in terms of presence. While those who had been watching him lost track of his steps, Shui went to the bamboo forest where he confronted Nathan. As he was fond of the quiet scenery, he laid a few arrays in the area and informally took ownership of it.

There were facilities for meditation and training in the manor, but as Shui could set up various arrays, he never used them. Usually he mediated in his room or in the library, or occasionally under a shady tree, but he had something different planned this time. As he grew dissatisfied with his control over his strength, Shui decided to return to basics and practice martial arts.

Shui stood in a small clearing near the center of his arrays and took deep breaths as he remembered how he felt when he awakened martial intent. Once he dragged up that memory, he sunk his perception into his body and became aware of every muscle, bone and joint. He then freed himself from all worries and considerations, even his concern that he would end up using too much power and cause trouble. With the help of the Still Heart state, his mind quickly reached the state of inner peace, but then he exited the Still Heart state so that he could devote his entirety into martial arts.

After one last deep exhale, Shui pushed out his right foot and slowly swung his right forearm in that direction. The bamboo trees swayed with him and so did the wind. Even so, this was only the beginning. When he swung his hands, the breeze and trees would follow; when he raised his leg, the world seemed to stop, and when he stomped the ground, the earth was beaten like a drum. Shui merely moved at the behest of his instincts, but once his martial performance drew out his martial intent and attracted the attention of the natural laws, that changed as well.

Like the baton of a conductor, martial intent gently guided his movements to further perfection. With the natural law as his teacher, Shui sunk deeper into understanding the martial way.