Inner Peace (2)

While Shui enjoyed his exercise, its consequences affected all of Silver City. The sudden gusts of wind and swaying of trees could be written off as strange weather, but the slight tremors were different. It was barely enough to shake small items, but even the top experts in the city paid attention to it. They could tell that the source of the vibrations seemed to be within the city, but the ripples were so minute that they had a hard time pinpointing it. However, even more than the tremors, the consequence that had the most influence was the rhythm of the natural laws.

Shui wasn't aware yet, but as he earned the attention of the natural laws, everyone in the confines of Silver City received boosts to their comprehensions and could cultivate much easier. Furthermore, though they received less benefits, the few Masters in the city were especially perceptive of the natural laws. The rhythm of the natural laws only appeared when someone who had passed the first stage of law comprehension was attaining enlightenment, so they wondered which among their ranks was achieving a breakthrough. Masters rarely appeared in the city, but they acted as cornerstones that balanced the three top forces and the mayoral clan. Their relative powers placed them in a deadlock but depending on what sort of breakthrough one of them achieved, that deadlock could be broken.

With the power of these Masters, they would be able to wipe away Shui's arrays with just their spiritual sense, but none of them could afford to make such a blatant show of force so they tried to deduce the source instead. One of them had even touched on the law of fate, but since he had narrowed down the possibilities to other Masters, he was naturally fruitless in his endeavour. Unaware that so many big shots were frightened by his exercise, Shui continued without a weight on his chest. Only when the assistance from martial intent stopped, did he put an end to it.

While under the influence of martial intent, it was like being in a trance, so he was frightened when he took a proper look around him. He should have been in a clearing, but the forest of bamboo seemed much denser than he remembered, taller as well. Shui quickly realized that this was caused by his wood attribute soul which promoted the growth of plantlife.

He considered cutting the tall bamboo trees to hide the evidence, but as he could get a feel for the proud and cheerful emotions of the bamboo, he decided to leave it be. He had no idea what other effects his exercise had caused, but he felt little concern. After his rebirth, in fact as early as when he was a child, Shui worried about how much of his power he should show and the consequences of his ridiculous powers being revealed. It was based on rational thinking, and he didn't think his reasoning was wrong, however, his thoughts had changed.

Thanks to the exercise, Shui achieved a very close level of unity between himself and nature and gained enlightenment. There was no substantial increase in his powers, but he felt like one of his burdens had been lifted.

In order to fulfil his mother's wish of him being free, Shui placed much of his efforts on accumulating strength so that no one could steal that freedom, but his way of doing so meant shackling himself. His power was great, but he feared what would happen if he revealed himself too early. It was an attitude that emphasized his survival, but his freedom was left as an afterthought.

Now on the other hand, Shui realized that he didn't have to give up one for the other. He didn't need to recklessly use his powers and do whatever he wanted, nor did he have to hide like a hermit while building up his strength. The solution was as simple as it could be. To be free, he had to be true to himself.

With these new insights, Shui sensed that he could make further progress in studying the Heretical Ascension cultivation method and began to head to his residence. With his heart at peace, even though he lacked full control of his strength, his steps were as light as leaves and his presence as weak as the wind. He had given up any sort of aura restriction, and allowed his aura to flow freely like the air. In a sense it was like he wasn't in the city, but also everywhere in the city. Even the three young men staking out in front of his home didn't notice him until he opened the door and was about to enter.

"Huh? Wait! Stop right there!" one of the three shouted.

If Shui wanted to enter the house then there was no way they could stop him, but in his refreshed mental state Shui gave them the chance to speak.

"Is something the matter?"

"How did you, no, it doesn't matter. We wanted to see the famous genius that recently enrolled, though you look even weaker than I expected."

Shui's cultivation was like a mist to them, so they couldn't see through it, but he certainly didn't appear that strong.

"Is that so? Well, you've seen me, is there anything else?"

Shui's relaxed attitude irked the three young men, so after they shared a glance, the one on the left stepped forward.

"I challenge you to a spar."

The three of them were at the sixth level of the Soul Realm, so they didn't think Shui would agree, but they planned on forcing him if he refused.


Shui didn't think there was much of a difference between fighting them and ignoring them, but since ignoring them wouldn't solve anything he decided to simply address the issue head-on.

"Very well. Would you like to attack together or one at a time?"



At first they were surprised that he accepted, but his next line filled them with indignation. They came here eager to place this so-called genius in his place, but he seemed not to hold them in any regard. For a moment, they thought about taking him up on his offer to fight the three of them at the same time, but that would still be shameful even if they won.

"You talk big words. Why don't you save that line for after you defeat me!"

The young man on the left charged in with his barrier spell ready. Although he didn't fear Shui, he didn't believe the elders praised him for no reason so he chose to fight him without holding back. Once Shui was a few steps away, he dispelled his barrier, summoned a spear of water in his hand and slammed it down on Shui. Until this point, Shui waited for him with a leisurely expression, but now he finally made a move. Like a leaf in the breeze, he swayed out of the spear's path, and then spun a kick that knocked the young man out of the vicinity. After seeing him being flung all the way to another house, the two remaining young men looked at the serene Shui with fear in their eyes.

"Will you two be next?"