
In addition to Homa, everyone else was shocked by how suddenly his flames were extinguished. While Homa was stuck in a daze wondering how this happened, Shui nodded his head with a satisfied expression.

"Yes, this is just what I needed."

After hearing Shui speak, Homa snapped his eyes in his direction.

"Yo-yo-yo-you, what did you do to me!"

Shui furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the shouting Homa, but he didn't do anything since he had been useful to him.

"Calm down, I only let my flame eat your energy. You're not harmed, are you?"

Once Shui brought it up, many were stunned to realise that Homa hadn't been hurt by the flame despite the fact that it extinguished his flames in an instant.

'It can choose what to burn?'

Once he had this thought, one inner sect elder's eyes went wide. He immediately thought of the heavenly flames, the purest of all types of fire. One of them was the Omnipotent Flame, which could burn everything or nothing depending on the wish of the wielder.

'No, genius or not, something like that is impossible.'

While it did sound like it, the elder quickly set aside such a thought since there was no way a youngster like Shui could use such a flame.

Back on the stage, Homa didn't understand how Shui's flame ate his, but even if he wanted to try again, he was out of energy. Since he no longer had any use, Shui stopped minding him and focused on thinking about the flame he wanted to create. As his preoccupation became obvious, Homa saw a chance that he could take.

"Don't underestimate me!"

He crossed the little distance that was between them with a knife that was hidden in his clothes. But all he could take was one step before a sudden impact knocked him into the sky.

"Here's a piece of advice,"

Just as Homa realised he was in mid-air, he heard a voice coming from above him.

"You should focus on your water attribute instead."

Following this line, he received another sudden impact that slammed him to the ground, instantly cutting off his consciousness. If it wasn't obvious before, it was now plain for all to see who won.

"Winner: Shui!"

As Shui walked off the stage, many admiring gaze targeted him, but only two people were allowed to get close.

"Nice job, Boss!"

"You were really cool, Shui."


In addition to admiration, there was also a fresh number of envious and malicious gazes as well, but Shui ignored those. Now that he was part of the top 4, he no longer cared about the rest of the tournament so he forfeited his remaining matches and left. While some sneered that he took his win and ran away with it, if it got into the wrong ears someone would quickly snap back with, 'Could you win like that?', silencing all thoughtless comments.

A week after the tournament, Shui and the rest of the Top 4 would be officially named as core disciples and transferred to Storm Court where the other core disciples and direct disciples resided. After the tournament, many men and women including Lisa, Serina and Fatty came to see Shui, but all were refused at his entrance since he was in closed door cultivation. There were some who tried to force their way past Ryan's group, but couldn't do that for the protection array that Shui set up.

Many thought that they would only be able to see Shui again once it was time for him to become a core disciple, but little did they know that he had left his residence two days before that date. #pending

It was a calm night in Storm Sky Manor so Shui had no problem slipping out. He could also escape the city since there was no major security on duty. Even if there was, he would still find some way to get out since he was sure that the one he was meeting would do the same.

While relying on the map in his brain, Shui headed to the location that was agreed upon. He didn't worry about if there was a trap here since he was confident that he would be able to see through it and that that guy wasn't the type to set one up.

It was a barren area with boulders in place of trees, far enough to fight without alerting people from the city but close enough to keep it in sight.

"You're here."

When Shui arrived at the location, Nathan was already waiting for him.

"Of course I am. Did you think I would hide?"

As if they had some agreement, neither wore their coats. This wasn't a fight between fellow disciples but one between rivals.

"No," Nathan shook his head, "I was sure you would come. As sure as I am about the outcome of this fight."

"Oh, I didn't know you had already accepted your loss."

Nathan gave a short chuckle in response before continuing.

"We'll see about that."

"Hoho, is it that cultivation of yours that's giving you such confidence?"

Since he didn't bother to hide it, Shui noticed Nathan's cultivation the moment he saw him. He had made it past Soul Realm and was now in the first level in the Earth Realm. Normally a match between someone in the Earth Realm and someone in mid Soul Realm wouldn't be interesting, but neither thought this would be so simple.

"Why don't you see, for yourself!"

Without warning, Nathan pounced at Shui with his right fist wrapped in black wind. With one look Shui knew that this wind was poisonous so instead of just using a normal barrier, he used one with 'Purify'. When the fist collided with the barrier, the black wind turned clear but it still tore up the ground around him. And even though the barrier stayed, Shui was pushed back several steps. Nathan then took out a dark purple spear and swung it at him. This time, Shui didn't rely on his barrier and instead evaded the swing.

"Following your dad, huh? Let's see how good you are."

'Come, Sui!'

Shui tapped his chest, grabbed the hilt that appeared and dragged it out. Nathan raised an eyebrow at the odd shape of the blade, but he quickly reinitiated his offense. This time, Shui parried the spear before countering with his own slash. Though Nathan managed to hold his ground, he grunted as he felt the force transmitted from Shui.

'How is he so strong?'

After a few more clashes, Nathan knew that this couldn't keep going on so he unleashed a burst of black wind that pushed Shui back.

'How troublesome.'

The force behind the wind was no threat to Shui, but there was something ominous about it that made him reluctant to make contact.

With the distance between them, Nathan took the opportunity to use the advantage of his higher cultivation. By twirling his spear he summoned a small dark tornado that spun towards Shui. As an Earth Realm cultivator, Nathan could maintain high control over his spells even after they were released. From the dwelling that was made inside him, Nathan's soul was watched by a certain evil spirit as he controlled the tornado. Right now things seemed even, but it was sure that would soon change.