Storm Court

When Shui returned to his residence, none knew that he had gone out, but by the time he came out for his ceremony, rumours of their battle had started to spread.

People fighting outside the city was nothing strange so even though people wondered who fought, no one was too concerned about it. On the way to the gathering spot where he and the rest of the top 4 would be given their new coats and brought to the Storm Court, Fatty and Serina met up with him.



They couldn't deny feeling a little lonely when they thought about Shui leaving, but they wanted to see him off with smiles.

Lisa on the other hand, had a particularly worried expression as she watched them. She thought Shui had a good chance of passing the selection and was planning on getting close to him before he left, but since she had to deal with Clyde she had very little chances to meet with him. She was planning on quickly closing the distance after he entered the top 4, but then he entered seclusion and so she didn't have the chance.

'I have to do something and I have to be quick!'

She could still visit him in the Storm Court since she had a connection with Kate, but if she didn't leave a good lasting impression then he might not even look at her once he became a core disciple. The nuisance known as Clyde would finally leave but that meant nothing if Shui slipped through her fingers.


As Lisa approached Shui with a determined expression, he looked at her in confusion. Though he saw through her attempts to seduce him, he didn't know how serious she was nor the lengths she was willing to go to get him. Despite them being clear in the sights of the inner sect disciples that came along with the rest of the top 4 including Clyde, Lisa wrapped her hands around Shui's neck and laid her lips on his. And if that wasn't bold enough, she also stuck her tongue in his mouth and entangled with his tongue. By now the audience was speechless as this scene was played right in front of them, and Shui wasn't much different.

When Lisa pulled her lips away, he gulped as she licked her lips that went on to form a sensually attractive smile.

"Thanks for the meal. Don't forget me, okay."

She then tried to remove her hands from his neck, but though Shui could suppress his growing lust, he couldn't allow himself to be in the submissive position like this. He grabbed her waist and pulled her back into his arms before taking the lead in starting another deep kiss with her.

"Oh my."

Serina, Fatty and the rest of crowd couldn't help but exclaim and cover their mouths as they continued looking at the two who were stuck in their own pleasure-filled world. However, one man trembled in anger.

"Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing to my girl?!"

Clyde dashed towards them with a fist ready to knock Shui out, but Shui only waved his hand and forced him to take a few steps back due to an intense wind.

"Damn you!!!!"

Clyde then took out an axe as his aura exploded with rage and killing intent. At this time, Shui felt satisfied and finally removed his lips from Lisa's.

"Don't run if I call you."

Lisa had to catch her breath after the passionate kiss before nodding her head with an intoxicated look in her eyes. This infuriated Clyde even further as his muscles bulged and the grip on his axe tightened. Fatty quickly stood in front of Shui in case something happened, but Shui tapped his shoulder and walked out of his protection.

"Don't worry."

Shui had a carefree expression as he faced Clyde who had the look of a demon.

"Sorry if you feel cuckolded but you don't seem to have a say in this so do you mind lowering your weapon?"


Clyde raised his axe in response to Shui but before he could swing it down, the pressure of the Sky Realm forced him to stop.

"Who gave you permission to act so boldly here? Do you think you're free from the rules because you're about to be a core disciple?"

The elder who stopped him was the same one who faced Shui after he passed the final basic test. This elder still hadn't given up on making Shui his direct disciple so he wanted to please him at this time. It was an unnecessary intervention but since it would cause less trouble, Shui slightly bowed in gratitude before moving to the platform that the rest of the top 4 stood on.

After Shui moved, Clyde's reddened eyes glared at Lisa next, but like Shui, she brushed it off. With ambivalent feelings Clyde lowered his axe and also stepped on the platform. He kept glaring at Shui but Shui didn't even look at him. At first, he didn't want to get involved in their drama but now that it was at this point he just stopped caring.

"Your new robes."

Once the four of them were assembled, the elder signalled some inner sect disciples to pass them the purple silk coats which they would wear. Though it was only a different colour, whistles and sounds of awe were heard when the four handsome men put them on. Furthermore, while the change in appearance was simple, the purple silk coat could also work as a supreme special-rank defensive artifact and it had both a spirit gathering and heaven and earth harmonization array, allowing it to store nature energy for emergency use. It was a rather decent coat but none of the four felt much excitement from its functions, only the new status they had mattered to them.

"I hope the four of you will continue to do well in Storm Court so that you do not disgrace your fellow core disciples, nor your comrades here in the inner sect."

"Yes, elder. Thank you for your guidance."

After giving perfunctory gratitude, The platform that the four were on, lifted into the sky and floated deeper into the sect. As Fatty and Serina watched his fading back, both of them were filled with motivation to be in the same place that he stood. Lisa, on the other hand, could only remember their kiss and wondered what would happen the next time they met.

On the way to Storm Court, Clyde continued to glare at Shui but didn't do anything. The other two could literally feel the tension but they only shrugged their shoulders and tried not to get involved.

After around three minutes of floating through the air, they eventually landed in a misty plain. However, their eyes lit up when they saw the mist since it was highly concentrated nature energy that came as a result of a condensation array. Thinking of the spirit drops which would be collected at the source of the array, Shui almost considered stealing it but he put away that idea.

'The natural energy in the God of Thieves' space should last me till Earth Realm. But after that...'

As Shui started having thoughts about the sect's spirit drops, four translucent beings appeared before them.


One of the four let out quite the embarrassing squeal but the rest ignored it since they were more interested in the beings themselves. They were floating in the air with their baby-sized bodies and closed eyes, and were so cute that even Clyde couldn't keep his anger in front of them, but Shui saw through them. The four of them were low-level spirits which could only follow simple orders, but since they were still spirits they could freely change form and had an innate charm ability.

'I didn't expect to see spirits here for the first time. There might be more to this place than I thought.'