Right on time


The moment they heard the roar, the group looking for Kate immediately stopped and checked out the source of the roar. However, not only from there, but also from all around them, gremlins approached. None of these gremlins could beat any of them 1-on-1, this was how they comforted themselves before their increasing number, but one particular gremlin broke that composure.

It strolled in like a king despite being as small as a domesticated dog. This gremlin resembled a wolf with lizard scales and didn't look very strong, but that was because it didn't need to fight in close range for the amount of energy it kept inside its body was enough to make even the two in the Earth Realm feel danger. But even without their instincts warning them of danger, the fact that this gremlin could speak was proof that it had mutated.

"Hikuku, I sensed a rather, intriguing ingredient around, but to think we would be blessed with good, snacks as well. Hihihi."

The gremlin sounded like a child trying to sound scary, but considering the situation no one could laugh. The humans in the middle of a large gathering of gremlins looked around and gulped in horror. They couldn't imagine how they would make it out of here, but they all looked at each other, nodded and took out their respective offensive artifacts.

The mutant gremlin seemed to grin maliciously at this flimsy resolve.

"Good, good. It's better when the food struggles. Hikuku!"

'Yes! It worked.'

As the humans began fighting against the horde of gremlins, Kate was fleeing from the scene. She was surprised when she realised that her plan actually worked, but she only sat and watched with wide eyes for a few moments before hastily getting up and leaving. She was careful when she first started, but once the gremlins were out of sight she dashed through the forest and headed towards a place where she could make her breakthrough.

'If those guys don't get ravaged by gremlins, I'll definitely make sure to come back and take care of them myself!'

Kate's eyes burned with a vengeance as she saw a bright light between the trees in front of her. At first she thought it was just a sign that she would soon be leaving this part of the forest for an open plain, but before her mind could catch up, her body franticly jumped out of the way. And then, she saw the path she was on be burnt to ashes by a white blast.

'Damn it! How did he find me?'

Just by looking the dark remains left by the spell, Kate knew who was the one behind it. It was the same person who forced her to be in this sorry state.

"Come out, Kate! You won't be able to escape this time."

Kate wanted to continue hiding, but she could sense his spiritual sense watching her, so she sighed and came out of the forest.

"Finally, it's been so long since I last saw your face."

"Hmph, well I definitely didn't want to see yours."

There was only one smiling face for Kate to see after leaving the forest, but it didn't make her very happy. After all, unlike the two who went to search for her, his cultivation was at the fifth level in the Earth Realm. Even if she made her breakthrough, Kate couldn't be sure that he was an easy opponent to beat.

"Well, that's unfortunate. You're the only girl who won't admire this handsome face of mine."

Though calling him one of the best looking men in Silver City wouldn't be an exaggeration, Kate snickered at his confidence.

"Hmph, my standards aren't low enough to admire the mug you call a face."

When she insulted his face, the young man scowled and squinted his eyes.

"Fine then, I'll just have to take my time making sure you realize. I don't know how you got away from those incompetents, but you won't get away this time."

Kate's body tensed up as he approached. Ever since he tried to force her to become his, almost every opportunity that she could have gotten, his name caused her to lose those chances. Kate could honestly say that if it wasn't for him then she would have broken though already, so her hate for him was strong, but she could only clench her fists as she had no way of resisting his power. However, just because she couldn't do it didn't mean someone else couldn't.

"Come here!"

"Get out of here!"

Right as the young man stretched out his hand towards Kate, another youth flew in with a kick that slammed into his cheek. Even though he caught him off-guard, the thought that any other disciple could get such a clean hit on that young man was unbelievable, but all doubts disappeared when Kate saw who it was.


After sending the young man flying, Shui stuck his landing and turned towards Kate with a grin on his face.

"I hope I didn't needlessly interfere."

"Uh, no...thanks."

Her quiet response was rather unlike her, but both could only show wry smiles. They both opened their mouths like they wanted to say something, but no sound ever came out. However, in the midst of hesitating, Kate touched her wrist and felt the bracelet that was there. It was something she couldn't explain, but when she touched this bracelet, she felt fear and anxiety hastily retreat from her heart.

"Um, this might be too much to ask for but, could you protect me while I make my breakthrough?"

It was way too polite and she still fidgeted while asking, but just her requesting his help made him happy.


Shui was so happy in fact that he easily ignored the voice in his head that went, "Hahaha! What a cute little pair!"

Completely losing her worry about the group that was after her, Kate led Shui to a cave in a hill where she planned to make her breakthrough. She predicted that it would only take a few hours but she couldn't take the risk of doing it out in the open, even with Shui there to protect her. Furthermore, she couldn't let herself be too reliant on him if she wanted to take the next step.

"Okay, I leave the rest to you."

"Got it. Good luck."

Kate gave a natural, cheeky smile in response before entering the cave. Once she entered, Shui began seriously sealing up the cave. While Kate wasn't aware of it, Shui was sure that some special natural phenomenon would accompany her breakthrough to Earth Realm. He didn't know what it would be, but it would certainly surpass the feat of making a couple flowers bloom.

After a couple minutes, Shui arranged enough arrays and placed enough talismans to make the cave similar to an isolated space where no outside entity could intrude and nothing but Kate could come out. Even he wouldn't be able to sneak in easily, but Shui didn't think he would have to worry about Kate making her breakthrough this time around.

Kate didn't know about the faith that Shui had in her, but that wouldn't matter since she already planned on completing her breakthrough flawlessly. After steadying her heart and mind, it was time to initiate the process.

'Be the land for the spirit, and build a palace for it to spread its influence.'

To enter Earth Realm, Kate needed to use special materials to build a phantom palace for her soul. For this she took out the tempest ore from which a sylph was born. It was now but a stone that glowed with a gentle green light, but its essence could still become a strong foundation.

"Time to begin."