The beginning

I was already making myself comfortable in the new house when the phone rang. It was Kevin. It's pathetic or not, but he was the only one of my relatives to call and report from home from time to time. Maybe he did it out of pity, or because we were divorced and we were still considered each other as friends. I don't know.

"I'm being promoted!"

"Congratulations… but wasn't it a small company where only family members get a leadership position?"

"But… but if I'll marry Mili, I'll be a family member, so…"

" Excuse me?"

"Uh, didn't I mention it? Actually, I met with Mili by being the daughter of my boss."

"Well… this crumb of information, somehow you forgot to sprinkle… I admire that her father did not kick you out."

"Actually, he's happy too, because now he can have grandchildren."

"Great… I'm glad I was able to give birth to your boss's grandchildren."

I said with a slight sarcasm to this absurd situation.

"Don't say it like that, you know Mili is infertile…she and my mother-in-law cried a lot because she can't have children. And, they love the boys so…

"I don't think you have much right to extend a girl's health to a stranger."

"I just wanted you to know the boys will be in a good place…with that family."

"Good night Kevin."

I've ended the call.

'So the rich, model-like, beautiful young chick wasn't hunting for a husband, but for a family. Yes, now I feel much better… I swear ex is not normal.'

I was in a good mood today, but he made me so upset now with these unsolicited information, that I would rather throw the phone to the ground. Now I understand why the boys aren't looking for me. I'm not in a cash situation, but they got a filthy rich grandpa who would be happy to spend on them…This is great, just simply great. The pathetic only reason they could call me was lost.

The next day, Ani introduced me to an acquaintance who had worked with maids. Timi was a really normal woman in her 40s with a small company. She has lent people to hotels and companies in a cleaning and maid position. Of course, this job, which did not require much in general, did not pay more than the minimum wage, but fortunately there was also a night shift allowance and overtime option.

"We only have a contract with 15 hotels in the capital, where our people occur in shifts. Here's your job."

She gave me a paper.

"Thank you."

The page had titles, 12-hour shifts, in weekly shifts. 3 weeks work 1 week free. It was completely acceptable as it was my training month, I was written elsewhere for all 15 of my work days.

"There will be a colleague at every address who will tell you what and how to do, but only the cleaning of the rooms and the hallway applies to you. Since you are an experienced housewife, this will be child's play for you."

She smiled at me.

"I understand."

I was practically a cleaner, with a university degree, and two language exams… and if we take it just 4 months ago I was still earning ten times the amount mentioned in the contract, then I think we can safely say that this was the low point.

However, Levi was sure that this barely humiliating job would be the beginning of my beautiful new life. After all, it's also just work for which they pay… there's nothing to be ashamed of, cleaning is the most important element of hospitality and tourism, since if the room isn't clean, no one will stay. I started my first day by replicating this thoughts. Of course, the doctor was right again. The working hours ran as if they had been driven. I cleaned a few floors and the shift was over. By the end of the day, I was pleasantly tired, so all I needed to do was put my head on the pillow to sleep.

I started to like my new job. The fact that each hotel provided the employee with one hot meal a day was a special plus. I got better, finer food, no one panting around my neck, I walked comfortably through the rooms where minimal cleaning was needed. None of my colleagues applied for my place, so if I made a mistake, they helped me right away so I wouldn't "get caught" for it. Compared to my previous work, it was heaven.

My last job before the week off was the Meridian Hotel. It was the domestic representative of a European hotel chain, so as soon as I entered, I saw how much higher the 5 stars are here than in a plain little Hungarian hotel. They even gave the contract workers their own work uniform. Ordinary white blouse and blue skirt, it was a very solid and neat design. I would have liked to have worked here for a long time.

Before my break, one of the cleaners asked me to help her a little because her belly was hurting awfully. The restaurant was her area, which was not only open to hotel guests.

"Some stupid kid smashed one of the vases at the entrance."

She said.

"No problem, you can count on me."

I waved, my break was about to start anyway, it was on the way to the canteen anyway.

As I swept the broken porcelain together, a boy trampled past me, speaking in a familiar voice.

" Mom can you believe it?! We met Gera! He also gave an autograph!"

The child sat down with his family.

I felt the blood stop in me for a moment as well. As I looked up, I saw my sons, Kevin and the new woman… who was so beautiful that I, as a woman, felt completely destroyed… with the sweaty tousled bun, dirty rubber gloves, smeared makeup… I grabbed my chest as the sharp pain split in my heart. I couldn't believe what I heard…

'Alex called that bitch…mom, just now…?'

"Mom, can we order a crab bowl together? "

Adrian spoke.

At that moment, I heard a crack. I thought the heartbreaking,was just an expression… but right then I heard that my already torn heart was breaking to pieces and the pain was indescribable. Then Kevin looked in my direction for some reason, and I hid behind a column.

"They can't see me in this state… I barely have anything left from my self-esteem, I can't let them trample it anymore…"

I've never been as happy with 1 hour of lunch time as I was there and then. I felt completely destroyed… as a mother, as a wife, as a woman… I tried to gather myself to work the remaining 5 hours. I was in ruins spiritually, the progress I have made in recent weeks has been nullified by the only words of my sons.

"Work will help me forget."

I washed my face, patted my cheeks and went back to work

Just as I was returning from my lunch break, someone from room 725 on the 7th floor was yelling after me.

"You magpie come back right away!"

Since I've never cleaned that floor before, I didn't pick up the insult, thinking it's not for me. But then someone caught my hair.

"Give me back my diamond earrings immediately!"

A barely prostitute-looking lady clung to my bun and dragged me in the direction of their room.

"Please, this is a misunderstanding!"

I tried to break free of my claws.

"This is my first time on this level!".

Of course, my begging found deaf ears. The woman and the man alternated with more and more beautiful markers. When she finally let go of my hair, I rushed to the cleaning car to call for help on the service phone. However, the man followed me and jerked my blouse over my shoulder so that not only did I fall to the ground, covering the cleaning trolley with myself, but the top was also torn, revealing the black lace bra. The not-so-tall, plump, hairy man liked the sight. A vulnerable woman sitting in dirty mop water trying to cover her breasts but it wasn't enough for him. He raised his palm glistening from the gold seal rings.

"Did you try to escape with the loot, you little thief?"

I protected my head… but his hand did not reached me.

Luckily, the other guests noticed the big shouting, and two gentlemen in suits rushed to my aid. One black-haired, brown-eyed man grabbed the arm of the cashed bastard while the other helped me up, and handed me his jacket.

" Maybe, let's talk like civilized people first."

He pushed the surprised guest away.

"That little thief stole my diamond earrings! It is worth more than 5 million! Call the police or something!"

The loud woman stepped forward.

"Sir, this is my first time on this level, I haven't even been to a room!"

I tried to defend myself. I didn't want to believe in this whole situation… the whole damn day! I have to go even the police station now? What's next?

"Daniel, please call the security here."

The black-haired man could have been someone important.


The blond, slimmer man immediately called the guards. Not even 1 minute passed 4 security guards appeared.

"Search the room."

The leading guy gave the instructions as insensitively and harshly as if he were a robot.

"How dare you ?!"

The prostitute was in disbelief.

"You attacked an innocent worker, charged her with fabricated charges, and harmed her. Not to mention mental injuries..."

He loosened his tie.

"So…should we call a cop?"

The aggressive rich guy, suddenly became a small bunny, when one of the guards brought out the missing jewelry after barely 5 minutes of searching.

"I think so…"

The boss-like man looked at the earring in his hand.

"Needless to say, we don't welcome you in our hotel."

The infinitely polite sentence was paired with such a frosty look that even could felt the cold, even though I was the victim.

"We were just about to leave…"

The man pushed the prostitute into the room.

"The jewelry."

The boss held out his hand.

"Oh… yes."

The guest hesitantly took it, then began packing quickly.

"Daniel, lead the lady to room 1001."

"Yes, sir,"

The thin blondie escorted me to the elevator and led me to a luxury suite. He pushed me through the door and then told me to wait.

"Mr. Menzer will be here immediately, take a bath in the meantime.In the bathroom you will find towels and bathrobes, and within half an hour I will bring you new clothes. What is your size?"

" 38."

Before I could have said anything else, he left. Alone. In a VVIP room… which was clearly was owned by a man.