Nik doesn't like sweet cakes

After two weeks, the Menzer family brought a private doctor to the hotel, who took the blood needed for the examination in the suite.

"There will be results in 3 days."

He said as he put away the small vial of blood.

The future father-in-law waited with great excitement for the result, which I knew what would happen, mother-in-law believed, father-in-law hoped.

Dominik did not deal with it, he repeatedly stated that no matter who the child's father , he isn't willing to let me go and… you know…it is better to live as a billionaire's wife who accumulates all bodily and spiritual good, than alone, lonely in a rented apartment…

In two weeks it is easy to get used to good, So. The point is the point, I had no intention to escape from this golden life.

3 days later, when the long-awaited result came, Cecília almost suffocated in joy.

"Thank you, thank you so much! The Lord has sent you to us! "

That's how I became her favorite daughter-in-law, I mean the only one …whatever."

The parents sobbed with joy, that 'this way the hotel chain would be saved' and everything they worked for would finally land in Dominik's hands.

The plan was that due to the opening of the American hotel branch, Dominik would travel to the States, and stays for 1 year and I would go with him as a new assistant. They still wanted to hide the fact that their boy wasn't barren.

Of course, at the moment our plane landed in America, to the grandfather was shown the report that proved that Dominik Menzer was the father.

The old man immediately amended the will, without the knowledge of the other heirs in the greatest secret. He, too, considered Dominik to be the best offspring, as the gambling addict was a mad ax, and the girl granddaughter's Edward, was swimming in debt. Of course, the debt could be settled, but the common child did not bear the name Menzer and his grandfather wished for it as well.

When we finally occupied our new home, my first thing was to call everyone. Ani and Levi were happy when I told them I was going to work abroad for a year, especially when I said I hardly had to do anything for a very good salary. I still couldn't reveal the truth to no one.

In our house, we had 4 housekeepers who made sure I spent my days as comfortably as possible, enjoying every minute of my pregnancy. And the villa where we lived was protected by 10 armed guards, for the evening if the news had leaked. Dominik left nothing to chance.

"Hi guys!"

Finally the twins were also willing to have a video chat.


As usual, they were not talkative.

"Guess where I am!"

I eagerly tried to announce the good news, as they always wanted to get out to New York.

"At home?"

They knew very well how to ruin my mood.

"In Newyork! I will work here for a year!"

I tried to stay enthusiastic.

"Cool! Mommy, there is a game that can't be bought at home yet… but available in limited numbers there in a store… I'll give you the address already buy it and send it home!"

Now the word MOM slipped out of his mouth… nowhere a please or a love you…miss you… just buy it and send home… It's been months since we saw each other last time. Although I wrote sms every week, they shook me off with two-word responses.


Kevin finally sat in front of the camera.

" You didn't even say you were going out…"

"I know, the chance came pretty suddenly."

"1 year long… it would have been good to talk before you left… it would be better for the boys to be near you. Miss you… I mean the boys."

It was weird to hear him saying that, maybe he was guilty that the boys were so negligent.

"They're fine with Mili, since she's also called Mom.I think she fills the gap I left."

I said this with a painful smile, but I wanted him to know… I am aware of the fact, that she completely kicked me out of the family.

"Where did you get this?"

"I heard them."

"Hanna ... I ..."

"Kevin, please. If the the boys are missing me, they can call me anytime. Be good."

I turned off my laptop.

If I could tell them, that I would remarry tomorrow and have a brother in 7 months, they would probably hate me even more. I can no longer change the past… I have to focus on the future. And I can only hope that after a few years, the boys will understand that everything I did was for them.

The next day we got married before the registrar. It wasn't a rich dream wedding, I went in a plain white summer dress, Dominik didn't even tie a necktie. We couldn't make it conspicuous, we got the paper and went home. All that mattered was for the child to be legally married.

When we got home, we were waiting for a little whipped cream cake. The housekeeper decorated the villa a bit to still feel the honeymoon feeling. Some pictures were also taken, posing with the cake, and then Dominik placed a slice of cake in front of me.

"Really, what should the baby's name be?"

I asked as I dug the sugar beads on the cake with a fork.

"If she's a girl,,, what about Anna? It's almost like Hanna."

He took a slice of himself with a smile.

"What if it's a boy?"

"Nikolasz! Then his nickname could be Nik as mine."

He cheerfully took the first bite.

"Well in this case… Nik doesn't like sweet cakes, so can you get me something salty?"

I pushed him over my cake with a teasing smile on my face.

The fork fell out of his hands and he almost drowned from the cake. He gasped a word while gasping for air.

" Are you sure?!"

"If it's a pregnancy with boys… I'm a professional, you can believe it."

I'm not sure his eyes were teared from the swallowed cookie or the joy, but he hugged me right away.

Of course I was right.