Chapter 6

The group of friends were walking about one block, until Celena blurted out "sooo like, we just going to ignore that Jake came". Tae-il nudged U-kwon and both bursted out laughing. Jake just rolled his eyes, while they were laughing, till Tae-il said "ask him" and thats when the boys looked at Flo.

Wow, are they really going to do me like that, m m m. I said jokingly, "bruh, I'm just his friend, a friend who is chill, hehe;)", Tae-il was like "sureeee", he said so sarcastically. I then tried to get payback by saying "soo Isabel and Eric, are y'all too this close often". "oooh", everyone said out loud. Then Eric decided to talk "we getting to know each other right now" while smirking and looking at Isabel. Then Kevin said "the talking stage then", "aka first base" said U-kwon.

Thats when Alexa interrupted "we're here", Rosèlyna then said "wow, that felt like a short walk", "nope it was actually 15 minutes", said Alexa while waving her watch towards them.

As they were entering, the bass of the speakers could be felt in the inside of their bodies. They felt the vibration in the inside of the chest 'BOOM BOOM', they weren't even close to the stage yet. "WHY IS IT SO LOUD, I CAN'T EVEN HEAR MY OWN VOICE", said Rosèlyna out loud, "OF COURSE IT IS ROSÈ", replied Alexa.

At that moment they heard the DJ call out one of their names. "GUESS WHO DECIDED TO JOIN US TODAY, OUR GIRL ALEXA AKA {SEOUL LEX.}". There was screams from everywhere, cheering for Lex. Lex went up the stage and grabbed the microphone, "today I brought a speacial guest with me, PUT IT UP FOR FLOW!!", the crowd went loud with cheering, a random person from the crowd yelled out "ARE YOU GOING TO PERFORM TOO!", Lex replied with "yes, but let us warm up and settle down first, then in a few we're going to be back on the stage".

You could just feel the excitement of the people, screams from the left, screams from the right, screams from everywhere. Even though it was close to mid-night, everyone seemed wide awake, especially when the moon is out.

Lex was walking down the steps, heading down to her group of friends. When Flo bursted out saying "Flow?, whose flow?", Lex looked down to the floor laughing quietly, then put her left hand on her forehead shaking it lightly. "I thought you needed a name to be represent as, so I used Flow to have a type of vibe to it", said Lex. "ooh cool, so you are like the new Hanna Sontana?!", Rosèlyna said out excidently. On the side, Flo was just thinking, her chin down and her hand placed on her hip, then she finally spoked, "ok, Iove it, I just had to think about it for a tiny bit and now that have, I love your idea Lex" Flow then gave Lex a high-five.

"Ok so in all seriousness, what are you two going to rap up there?" asked Eric while looking at Tae-il and U-kwon acting like monkeys dancing around. "mmm, I was thinking more like a free flow rap, but since Flo is kinda new at this, so ---Lex is handing Flow a piece of paper--- I prepared a song that introduced me into 'the world of rap'", Lex then gave a peace sign saying "ayyyyyy", *dabs*. Kevin then gave her a concerned look, the look literally read "bruh, u good?". Eric slapped Kevin in the back, then whispered in his left ear, "nah bro, hype her up, she is about to enjoy her time of her life in the stage". When Lex turned around, she saw Flow sitting down in those high stool chairs rehearsing her part of the song, and across of her was none other but Jake. Jake was an awkward boy when it comes to having fun, but it seemed that Flow might be able to change that.

Flow was staring down, Jake looked at her with his tiled head, we don't really know what's he is thinking about, in all seriousness he could be thinking about anything. Could he think of her as a friend or more than that, we may find out later in their journey. Lex didn't really need to rehearse the lyrics, since she knew them by heart. Rosèlyna was pretty shy at first but then later felt more comfortable with the rest, Rosèlyna is very young so she sticks close to Isabel.

{An hour later}

Lex walked up the stage, and grabbed the microphone, "GUESS WHOS READY NOWWW, FLOWW", Lex looked at the left side of the stage where Flow was making her way up. Flow was given a microphone, when she was making her way up to the stage, she seemed nervous. Then the music commence, Lex started off first, and then it was Flow turn, Flow didn't feel nervous as much anymore. While Lex and Flow were rapping, Jake stared at Flow with amazement in his eyes, this was the first time ever that he ever saw her perform.

The crowed was cheering, the whole building was going wilddd, and in the mist of the crowd, there was someone that was watching from afar. When they fimnshed performing, Tae-il then walked up to them saying "aye, that was actually sick", while high-fiving Flow and Lex. While they were sitting together in the table, someone walked up from behind, it was P.O, Lex said "oh hey, what are you doing here?", Lex said a little nervously which U-kwon noticed, he looked at her eyeing her. P.O then said "I came to check out, to like relive the good old days", he laughed at what he said "and I also came by to tell you and Flow how talented y'all were up there", he looked up at the stage from when he said that.

"Would you like joining?", asked Lex, she was tapping her glass of drink rather quicker than usual. She stared at the floor, looking down at her shoes. "I can't right now, but I'll see if can another time", as he was walking away Lex looked a little down, then P.O turned around again saying "oh and don't stay up too late, you'll need all that energy for practice". All in sync said "yes sir", and having their hands like soldiers when they salute.

When P.O left, U-kwon then walked and sat beside Lex, "mmm u acting a little strange right now, is it something that happened or will happen", U-kwon smirked. Surprisingly the rest didn't notice their odd interaction. After awhile, they decided to head home but since the boys had to stay in dorms which is monitor they decided to sleep over at Jake's.

When Jake offered the rest were shocked, "its fine, my family owns a house close by here, I rarely stay they since I prefer staying at the dorm with you guys.", the girls then were like "what about us?, some of us stay in dorms too, and Flow and Rosèlyna are still young". "The house is empty and there are multiple rooms, so you all will be good", Jake said while looking at all of them.

It was about 2am, when they were heading to Jake's house. They finally reached his house, they all stared in amusement, "Jake when you meant house, I was imagining a house not a whole big mansion :0", Flo said to Jake like literally, she was staring straight through his soul.

This was the first that they ever visit Jake house, his band members knew that he was rich but not exactly by how much. They were surprised, and they only seen the exterior. Then they all walked in, the walls of his house were really tall, and spacious, he had 5 floors in total. Jake showed them their room in the second floor, on the left side was the boys room and on the right side was for the girls. Rosèlyna and Flow decided to sleep in the same room, they took a shower and went to bed.

Flow alarm went off a bit late, so she rushed and got ready, she tried to sneak out of the house but she ran into Jake. He offered to give her a ride but since she was already running late she agreed.

Little did she know, Jake has a sports car, so when she arrived to her school, a lot of people were looking at her even the teachers. She rushed out the car barley saying bye to Jake. Flo arrived a little late but not as much as yesterday. When Flo sat down at her seat, she was breathing pretty hard since she ran to her class. She put her head down and when she looked back up, her friend group was surrounding her. Then Areum said "whose that", "is that your bf?", finally Jeong-hun said, "he looks older is he?".

"he's a friend, no and yes, we train under the same label, and we getting to know each other more", Flo didn't know what else to say. Jeong-hun seemed as if he was fidgeting with his finger, he was looking down at his shoes, he was dragging his feet from left to right, and back again. The rest were just plain curious of Jake. "when are we going to meet him", Da-eun said who already made her way beside Flo. Byung-ho was right behind her now, "is he a vibe to be with, like can we just hang out and there would be no awkwardness involved". Flo was getting a headache from all the questions that is being bombarded to her, she didn't even know where to start at. "umm maybe you guys could meet him in the weekend but it won't just be him, it would also be with my friends from the agency, and lastly he is awkward at first but once he gets to know you better it'll be ight".

"ok good, but I'll see you later the bell is about to ring" Chung-ae said while already walking out the door. Areum and Byung-ho followed behind her, after the silence was gone. Jisoo walked in "HI GUYSSS, HOW YOU BEEN" while spinning and showing us his fit, then when he got close to Flo he told her. "So Flo where did you sleep at, I saw you in a sports car with a handsome dude". "And where were you at, that you saw me in the car?" Flo gave him a jokingly look. "I was walking to school" Jisoo said while grinning.

They all sat down in their seats since class started, after school Flo and her friends wanted to hang out but Flo had to go to train, when Flo was about to walk out the school property. Jake appeared again, a group of girls were surrounding him while he was leaning on his car, his car was black but so nice. "ooh so thats the dude, he looks hotter up close" said Jisoo leaning in to Flo but the rest of the friend group heard it and laughed. They were walking together towards Jake, "heyyyy, we're Flo's friends, nice to meet you!", Areum said out loud happily, she was jumping up and down from the excitement of meeting Jake.

"Oh hi, and likewise meeting each one of y'all, I just came by to pick Flo since the agency is a bit far from here". Jeong-hun was looking a little down since Jake got here or whenever his name was mentioned. Ae-cha noticed how Jeong-hun was acting, so he just stood by him incase he needed him.

"Well I guess I gotta go", Flo got in Jake's car and they drove off. "well darn, she's too busy now" byung-ho said, "I hope she doesn't overwork herself too much" Jeong-hun said worriedingly. Da-eun then try to uplift the mood y saying " well she is Flo, so she got this!", the rest agreed and decided to go shopping, they love to spend money.

Jake had to park underneath the agency, so he doesn't involve himself in any controversy since he was about to debut. Flo wore a black hoodie to avoid from showing her face.