Chapter 7

Flo couldn't see Jake's face, but if anyone could guess it seemed as if he was nervous or warm. He had drop of sweat on his top forehead, and his cheeks were a rosy color. This was Jake's first time on ever having a girl in his car, other than his sister who was older than him. Flo rushed into the agency, as fast as she could run and tried to find Rosèlyna. Jake decided to head to practice, to avoid drawing any attention.

When I got to Rosèlyna, Celena, Isabel and Alexa, they were huddle together talking as if there was a secret going on between them. When I got close enough to them, they looked up and smiled, something was definitely going on between them. Oh dear, Rosèlyna just by looking at her, you can definitely tell something was going on. "Ok, what's the deal?"

"nothing nothing, we were just talking about something that could happen between Jake and you", Alexa having both of her hands up, trying to tell me what they were talking about.

I tilted my head without realizing and asked "like what?", then Isabel stepped forward and said "we won't tell you, until it happens", she smiled and stepped back again.

Then the 3 teachers came in the practice room, and they chose their groups like yesterday.

Today I was in group 3, so it was vocals/singing, while Rosèlyna was in group one, she was doing dance. Singing was really not my strong suite so let's hope i'm not that bad at that, and just get a "ok" by the teacher. We were walking the same direction as Rosèlyna group from yesterday, the room that we got to was roughly the same size as the room from yesterday.

We were all close together this time, our teacher was Neela, she looked like in her late 20s, with short curly hair that went up to her shoulders. She was petite since her height also added up to that. "Alright guys, we will just run through some vocal check with each one of you, at one time at a time." When she she said that, I wonder if we went up or if she was going to call us. Before I could think about it any longer I heard, "Celena you're up first". I heard a faint sigh of relief, I turned around and it was Alexa being thankful she wasn't called on first.

After they all finished with the Vocal check, we headed to the cafè to catch up with the rest. When Alexa, Celena and I got there, we found the rest already sitting at the table, they were laughing including part of the boys. I wonder if the agency was alright with this, I guess Celena saw my concerned face expression. Since she turned and it looked at me saying "The agency is fine with us communicating with them, he just tells us to not let anyone out of the agency know, since they are about to debut.

I just nodded cause I didn't know how to reply back. When we reached to the table, they made room for us three, I sat next to Rosèlyna, and Celena and Alexa sat close to Isabel. Tae-il then laughed a little and blurted out about what happen in the morning, "so when we woke up, we noticed that Jake and you were gone", he smiled and looked at U-kwon, then after they made eye contact they let out a laugh. I heard Rosèlyna let out a small laughter, so I replied with "I was running late to school and Jake offered to take me to school", "mmm, what about this afternoon" U-kwon said out loud. "ok now that I don't know, I guess he was just being generous." Before I knew it, I heard a "mmm sureeee" from everyone.

I noticed that Eric was looking at something from behind so I turned and say Jake and the rest of the members. "Can I sit with y'all?", I nodded and scoot a little to make from for Jake. The rest of the members couldn't fit, so they sat in the table next to ours, ours were a booth while theirs was a wooden table. They decided to move the wooden table closer to the booth.

They all settled down, then we started talking about what today in our practice today. I began, and started to say my experience, "Well I can't sing even if my life depended on it, even Neela knew that and I think they have to be a little harsh on the trainees since she said in a stern voice, that I needed a lot of improvement to", I wasn't finish with my story but I heard a muffled laugh beside me and that laughter came from Jake. I gave him a stare that meant 'dude shush', he noticed and stayed quiet, Isabel noticed and told Eric who was sitting next to her.

They shared a glance and laughed. "Ok AS I WAS SAYING, she said I needed a lot of improvement to do, so even if I were to debut, I wouldn't even be in the vocal line at all", "that isn't that bad, at least you good at rapping so right now thats one of your strength." I looked at Alexa with what she said, " yea I guess but Naya is good at rapping, singing, and next thing you know she's also good dancing, like she's so talented", little Rosèlyna then chimed in and said "but has a awful personality".

"Rosey don't say that too loud or Naya might actually hear you", "oh true Celena, my baddd".

"ok so who's next?", "I'll go Flo, Kinda the same with Flo but since I've been under this agency for awhile, my singing gotten a little better, anywayz after I sang my part Neela just said that my voice gotten better but not good enough, blah I guess", "Ok so you saying our goddess of rap sucks at singing", "good one tae-il".

"Shut up Kevin and you too Tae-il, I know I don't have your amazing singing voice but you can't rap like me either." Alexa smirked and high-fived me, "If I ever debut with Flo, we will rap out the members from your group, like one of them could be Eric or Kevin, or even San and Nick from your group. We might even become the next big thing, along side yall. Oh and also what is your official group name?"

"We can't tell you, but once we debut in a few short days, y'all will be impress", "OK, great leader Eric, whatever you say", Alexa said rolling her eyes jokingly. "So while we were in the room singing, I just received how my voice is good but I can make it sound better than it already is", "ayyy, thats my cousin!", Isabel was just hyping up Celena. Isabel and Celena were really close, and nothing could seem to make them break apart.

Isabel had her hands together and clapped happily, she then motioned her right hand towards Rosy, signaling to her to go next. "Oh ok, so for me, they said my dancing was eh, like once we get all the groups sorted out, someone that is really good at it could teach me since he said we could get some connection of bonding through it. Which would be in like 2-3 days, so I really hope I ended up with y'all." Rosy was motioning her hands to all us that were girls. Then it was Isabel turn, "well, since my form of dance is more like flowing typish, he likes it but now Wonpil wants to see if I can continue doing what I started doing not too long ago, he likes to see hip-hop dance turn into like a more elegant way. Sooo yeaa, I wonder how the rest goes."

After Isabel was done, the boys wanted to talk about their day even though we already knew what it could it be already.

"Anywayz, Isabel thank you for asking, what we did today was just doing the norm and pratcing for the debut date which is Thursday the 28th just to let you know and reminding each one of y'all." "Ok, we get Tae-il you and everyone else is about debut".

"aww Alexa or should I call you Lex, you'll debut soon but just have some motivation left in you".

I suddenly remember that today was Saturday, wow school was optional as well wtf. "OK, who the heck was going to tell me that today is Saturday, no wonder yall were still sleeping when I was leaving the house, and when Jake came to my school since he was free. This is all adding up now, what the actual F*ck."

They all started to laugh, including the rest of the members who I haven't met properly. "Now that she figured it out, whose down to hang out right now, how about you guys?"

Eric motioned his hand toward his group mates, who were laughing before but now are continuing to eat. "Damn, I'm down I wanna meet the girl that Jake haven't stopped talking about". Wtf, not again, I just laid my head on the table to avoid the pair of eyes, currently looking at me.

"She's the one feeling emberass right now Kai", I recognized Isabel voice, she had such a delicate voice.

"Oh ok then, then I hope we all get to know each other better soon". I raised my head and said "I'm down but I just have to go home shower and change, I know the agency has some showers but I also want to wear some of my clothes."

Everyone today was available to hang out, once we left the agency, I head to my family apartment. The rest decided to wait for me at the place we were hanging out at, so Jake offered to give me a ride.

"Are you sure, you are fine with this Jake?",

"yea, its ok and it was me who offered so no worries"

"oh, ok"

The rest of the car ride was well, we talked about each other more, and finding out some things we didn't know before.

"Oh wait, so you have a older brother, I haven't heard you mention him"

"I did, but that was in front Rosy and the rest"

"Damn, thats cool I only have a older sister so she would try out a lot of makeup stuff on me, when we were younger"

"You better have a picture then, I wish to see it and making fun of you"

"Wow, flo really?, so tell me more about your brother, what's he like?"

"Umm, he would buy me anything I would want, but when we were kids he taught me how to fight incase I needed to defend myself. I still practice at times but its not the same since right now he's working in Italy.

"Ok so, if someone tried to rob you, they could end up in the hospital and regretting they even had the thought of mugging you. And your brother since he works overseas he must be way older than you.

"yea, he is 28"

The ride home seemed shorter than it usually is. I didn't know if I should've invite him in or... what. I decided to let him in.

"Jake, you can come inside and stay in the living room so you don't have to be in your car"

"Oh ok, I hope I'm not invading your privacy much"

When we got to the apartment, I showed him toward the living room and I went to my bedroom after. I tried to get ready as fast as possible, about 40 minutes later I was done, when I made sure everything was ok, I walked out of my bedroom and headed to the living room. He was watching some sports game, but he saw me and got his stuff to make sure he had everything.

When we were ready to walk out, we heard a knock.

Could it be one of my friends or ?.....