Who Are You?

Tim wasn't sure what to make of the young man he was talking to. His haircut and rigid bearing made him seem like he was a military man yet he had intimate knowledge about the underworld since he was positive that a hit was out on Claire.

The only way he could be certain of that was if he had seen the hit request personally. How did his daughter even manage to meet such a dangerous person, let alone hire him on?

Alex didn't give much information about why they were here but since he was asking about blackmail there was a decent chance that was their plan. It wasn't a bad one really. Tim had been planning on using it himself.

He was right about being in the best position to gather information as Bianca's husband. Was he proposing an alliance or what?

Tim's eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask?"

"No particular reason. I was simply wondering how much you care about your daughter's life," Alex said with a shrug.