Stuck-Up People

Claire was not enjoying this party at all but she couldn't deny she was getting further insight into the rich and pampered world of her half-siblings. Honestly, it disgusted her.

She worked so hard on her own without support from anyone after her mom died. Even before that, she was a teenager dealing with an incredibly sick mother. She had taken care of herself and her mom for the most part during all of those chemo treatments.

And now she was hearing about the pampered lives of the stuck-up people who resented her very existence. She wasn't terribly happy about being related to them either but at least she wasn't trying to kill them.

Ben wasn't horrible company even though he was obviously a snob too. The way he talked was a dead giveaway. If he knew that the girl on his arm had nothing but a pharmacy technician certificate in terms of education and thought that eating at sit-down chain restaurants was fancy, he would drop her like a hot potato.