
They made it through one and a half of what they realized were called 'episodes' of instructional cooking before there was finally a knock on the door. Eight got up to answer it and found Seven holding something up triumphantly. 

"I have procured a smartphone." He paused, noticing the TV. "What are you doing?"

"We are receiving cooking instruction," Nine told him. "It is important information about the outside."

"Oh. Should I receive it as well? What did I miss?"

"Squash and apple soup, chicken pot pie, deviled eggs, crunchy iceberg salad with creamy blue cheese, and Panzanella. Right now we are receiving instruction on how to make balsamic roasted beet salad."

Seven stood next to the overly full couch. "I see. Are these things of great importance?"

"Yes," Five said seriously. "But tell me what took you so long. You are nearly two hours late."