We Should Eat Here

Five discovered that she was not a size six or seven almost immediately. The first pair of size eight boots she tried on was closer but still not quite right but neither were the size nine ones. 

She was getting rather frustrated. Why didn't any of these shoes fit right? The ones she had back at headquarters always fit fine. 

Everyone else had managed to find a pair of boots by now except for her and she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Go with the size eights that were slightly too tight or the size nines that were slightly too loose in the toe?

"I think I found what you need," Four said simply after noting her struggle. 

He held up a box that said the boots inside were size 8.5. She was skeptical—did half sizes truly exist?—but tried them on and they fit perfectly. He had found what she needed after all. 

Five gave him a nod of acknowledgement, calm flowing through her that things were finally working out. "Thank you, Four."