Laughing At Us

Claire was still a little teary from her laughing fit and wiped at her nose with her sleeve after finishing her little speech, contributing to the overall effect of looking pitiful and innocent. She had to play the victim all the way to the end if this was going to work. 

Everyone was muttering mutinously at this point. "That's so creepy!" "How could they do that?" "Probably trying to freak her out on purpose since they didn't have any evidence to get a warrant." "Those jerks!"

The manager let out a heavy sigh after swearing under his breath. "I'm sorry that happened to you. I'll file a complaint with the local FBI office. We know those agents' names."

"We should all file complaints!" Bindi said defiantly. "If enough of us complain, they shouldn't be able to bother Claire anymore without getting in trouble."

"That's a great idea!"

"Yeah, let's all file complaints!"