Can Somebody Do Something?!

Claire pinched herself under her sleeve even harder this time so actual tears ran down her cheeks and pretended to sob. Karli and Emma were making valiant attempts to cheer her up and at this point the entire pharmacy area had stopped functioning. 

It was a good thing there weren't any customers at the moment. All of the pharmacy techs were a wreck and Bindi was stuck working all day because the late shift pharmacist was out sick. She was already in a bad mood because of that so the timing of the FBI showing up couldn't have been any better. 

"What are you doing here?" she demanded after storming out of the little gated half door that separated them from the main part of the drugstore. "You think you can throw your authority around and make my employees cry just because you're FBI? Do you even have any evidence? Why do you need to talk to Claire Conway?"

"Ma'am, we only wanted to ask her some questions about a recent string of arrests," Stevens said calmly.