Too Good For The Likes Of Us

Alex went to Carmen and Finn's wedding alone the next day because Claire couldn't get the time off of work on such short notice. She sent along her sincerest apologies and a gift card to a popular restaurant chain that they could use.

He and the groom were the only ones wearing suits. Cody was wearing a pair of slacks and a blue dress shirt and Sarah wore a long-sleeved green dress with tights and boots. The bride wore a lacy white dress that stopped just above her knees and had done her hair and makeup with more care than usual for the occasion.

The five of them were the only people in the waiting area. Carmen's fingers were laced through Finn's and she beamed up at him as they talked. Cody sat off to the side on his phone while Sarah chattered excitedly to Alex about the small wedding cake she had made that they would all be eating after they went to lunch.