Watching TV

Sarah was taken aback by Cody's little outburst. "I had no idea you felt like that. I'm sorry."

He deflated instantly. "Yeah, whatever. Let's talk about something else."

Alex figured this would be as good a time as any to bring up a completely random topic that would distract both of them. "Have either of you ever been to a live sports game? I took Ethan to see the Celtics a while back and he really enjoyed it. I thought it was a bit loud but still interesting."

"No," they answered in unison.

"What are the Celtics?" Sarah asked curiously.

"Boston's basketball team. Their football team is the Patriots and their baseball team is the Red Sox. I think they have a hockey team too but I'm not sure what their mascot is. Do you guys not know anything about sports?"

"There hasn't been a reason for us to know anything about sports," Cody pointed out. "Tell us more."