Her New Normal

Claire's six weeks of maternity leave went by far too fast. She didn't want to leave Emma and go back to work but knew she had to in order to keep her job. She had still been adjusting to the changes a baby brought when she was forced to go back and wasn't terribly happy about it.

At least they didn't have to worry about finding childcare since she and Alex had opposite schedules. There would always be someone home to watch the baby.

And honestly, as tired as she was, this wasn't even as bad as when she was working full time and going to school full time. There was a lot more crying involved but that was the worst part.

She couldn't help but wonder more than ever how poor Karli and Cody were surviving though. One was exhausting enough and they had less people on hand to help. She wanted to check in on her friend but a) didn't have the time and b) it was too cold to take Emma out this time of year.