Emma Conway

When Emma Conway finally made an appearance both of her parents practically wilted in relief. The nurse cleaned her up and checked all of her vitals before placing her in Claire's arms.

The tears began flowing immediately even though she was beaming for all she was worth. "Oh Alex, our baby is so beautiful! Look at her!"

Alex wasn't sure if 'beautiful' was the world he would use to describe Emma but he couldn't deny that his heart was overflowing with love for her already. He would do anything for this tiny child. His daughter. Their daughter.

She was larger than any of the Osborne triplets already. She was also completely hairless and her face was almost perfectly round. When she opened her eyes and looked up at him, he almost stopped breathing because he was caught off guard by how intensely he felt about her already.

"She's perfect," he said around the lump in his throat. "Great job, Claire."