Somebody Help Me!

Claire had to drive Cody's car since hers was still in the parking lot of the medical imaging center where she left it when she got abducted. She didn't know where the closest hospital was though. 

"Um…can you look up where the nearest hospital is?"

"I don't want to get blood on my phone. Can you do it? You can stick the phone in the cupholder and turn the volume up to use the GPS. Karli taught me that trick," he told her. 

She was well aware of that trick but she would have to pull over to look up directions. She did that and slowed them down a few minutes by doing so. Cody had lost a lot of blood by the time they made it to the emergency room and was looking pale and unsteady on his feet. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" she asked after parking the car and beginning to walk in with him. 

"I'm fine," he insisted right before he fainted.