Seven and Nine

Three peeled back the layers of blankets and tried lifting Five and taking her to the car. If she didn't wake up that would make his job much easier. 

Of course he wasn't that lucky. As he walked into the kitchen, she stirred.

"Finn?" she mumbled sleepily. "How long have I been asleep?"

When he didn't answer she opened her eyes and immediately realized he was not who she thought he was. She shrieked and kneed him in the face, causing him to loosen his grip on her. She dropped to the ground and immediately assumed a fighting stance before even realizing who he was. 

Bewilderment flickered across her face. "Three? What are you doing here?"

"I've come to take you back," he told her. 

Bewilderment changed to alarm then to determination so fast he hardly registered it. "Not going to happen. I left that life behind for a reason and I would die before I'd go back to it. Get out of my house or I'll make you regret it."