Remind Me Never To Piss You Off

Three knew it was over when he managed to knock Nine out. She had always been the smallest of the fully-fledged Numbers. Though she was strong, she didn't stand a chance against him. She couldn't even beat Seven back in the day!

He froze for only a moment to check on her and Three was able to render him unconscious as well. He had gotten some good fights in today but this was still too easy. In a way he was almost disappointed. 

Then again, the rest of the Numbers had been on the outside conforming to their customs for a long time. They might be out of practice. 

That would change soon enough. All he had to do now was use Claire Conway and Eight's children to lure Six and Eight to him and everything would go back to the way it was supposed to be. He had the upper hand; there wasn't a chance of him losing. 
