Chapter 17 - Feast

I ordered Rory to collect the goblin corpses while me and my shadow clones melted the ice around the cave. By the time Rory finished collecting the corpses, me and my shadow clones was already finished thawing the ice.

Rory then made me seat at the chair where Rory was seating when he was a goblin. I sat at the chair feeling as if I am the king of the world. I laughed feeling joy in my heart.


"Ummm Master Ave please don't kill me!"

I looked at Rory while having a confuse face. Rory has a scared expression at his face. It then made me remember that my laugh was creepy and was not pleasing to the ear. I hurriedly said:

"I'm not going to kill you, I was just laughing!"

"Ahh I thought you were having bad thoughts towards me, Master Ave."

Relief filled Rory's face.

"Anyway, I will start my questions for now. I first want to ask, why did you turn into a cat?"

"Well Master Ave, we did the contract more specifically the master and servant contract. This contract, master, makes the servant closely resemble their master's image. In this case because you're a Cat Sith, I was transformed to be one."

This explains why he turned into a cat.

"Next question, why did you chose to be my servant instead of dieing? I mean it would be better to die than serve someone else."

"The first time I saw you master Ave, I was amazed of how powerful you are. I wanted to have the same power and I think I can gain that by following you master Ave."

He said while looking at me with pure confidence and resolute.

"Hmmm how about your powers then? Did the transformation affected your strength?"

"Actually master Ave, I am bound to your soul so my level is actually related to your level. Master Ave being level 25 will also in turn make me level 25. I will also only die when you die master Ave, so as long as you live master Ave, I will also live. This also made me not need to eat and I can die for your sake anytime you want master Ave."

Amazing I got a undying servant.

"You're a variant goblin right? What powers did you have as a variant Rory?"

"I am a goblin that can use fire magic master Ave. The power of my fire magic is only to tier 2."

Oh good, with his fire magic, I can cook my food. I'll make him my cook and his first task is to cook his own brethrens' corpses. How cruel of me? You might ask but I don't care. This will be his first test of loyalty.

"Last question for today, with you being a servant of mine can I also make others my servant too?"

"Well master Ave, the one receiving the servant position needs to accept first the contract and the number of servants can a person or being have is limited. The number of servants can only increase in number by leveling up. By your level master, you can only have one servant."

So their is a limit in the number of servants, one can have. So much for dreaming an army of servants at my command.

"That is all questions for now. Tommorow we shall continue but for now I want my dinner."

I then brought the goblin corpses outside and said to Rory:

"You will cook this goblins using your fire magic and I'll eat it. Please make it faster for I'm very hungry now."

I looked at the expression of Rory and was surprised to see no change in his facial expression. He then started to cook the meat as if they were not his brethren before. This makes me joyful, seeing him so loyal to me and doing my order efficiently without any questions. I only let Rory cook 9 goblins which was more than enough for my appetite and stored the other at my storage space. I choose 9 even though I can be full with 5 because I want to force my title Foul Eater to the next level. The Foul Eater took longer to level up compared to before so I am making a gamble with this. Rory successfully cooked one and I started to eat it.


I have tears coming out of my eyes while eating the cooked meat of the goblin. Remembering the things I eat before coming here makes me sad. I looked at Rory as if he is a treasure. With Rory at my side I won't need to eat raw things again. I finished the first goblin at an alarming rate. I then ate the rest after some time. I was so full that it hurt my tummy but was happy with the result.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


Your Foul Eater title leveled up!


Your Foul Eater title evolved into Glutton Eater!

The title leveled up made me excited so I checked it out using Appraisal and what I saw made me happy.

Glutton Eater (Level 1):

Gained because you eat excessively. Gain 500% more appetite and capacity to eat. You will still retain your body shape even after eating.

With this level up I can eat one more goblin to be completely full. The good thing about this skill is that I will not get fat. What a cheat! I then brought out one more goblin for Rory to cook. Rory has a terrified face looking at me like I'm a monster. Who would not be terrified looking at a cat that can eat 10 goblins simultaneously. Hahahahahahahahha!

I eat the last goblin after Rory finished cooking it.


You gain 80 EXP.

After I finished eating, I laid back at my chair and looked at my MENU and was surprised to see the name of Rory below my name. It look like this

Name: Ave

Level: 28

HP: 640 / 640

MP: 920 / 920


Name: Rory

Level: 28

HP: 300 / 300

MP: 350 / 350

I clicked at the status of Rory and I saw this:

Name: Rory

Race: Variant Fire Cat Sith

Title: --------

Level: 28


Health points (HP): 300 / 300

Mana points (MP): 350 / 350

Strength (STR): 30

Vitality (VIT): 30

Dexterity (DEX): 30

Intelligence (INT): 35

Wisdom (WIS): 35


• Slash (Level 7)

• Fire Magic (Level 2)

• Fire Resistance (Level 2)

Rory does not have stats like my monstrous status but I can say that he is strong too. I then checked mine to see the changes.

Name: Ave

Race: Variant two tail Cat Sith

Title: Glutton Eater (Level 1)

Level: 28

Experience (EXP): 262 / 280


Health points (HP): 640 / 640

Mana points (MP): 920 / 920

Strength (STR): 64

Vitality (VIT): 64

Dexterity (DEX): 64 [+6]

Intelligence (INT): 64 [+28]

Wisdom (WIS): 64 [+19]


• Power Slash (Level 1)

• Appraisal (Level 9)

• Shadow (Level 2)

• Dark Vision (Level 9)

• Smart Thinking (Level 8)

• Multi Task (Level 8)

• Poison Body (Level 1)

• Stealth (Level 9)

• Ice Magic (Level 3)

• Ice Resistance (Level 3)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Space Magic (Level 1)

Remarks: Has the same strength as a human adventurer. A middle rank adventurer.

I have double the attributes of Rory and this makes me strong at those with the same level as I am. I then felt tired after checking my MENU so I said to Rory:

"Protect me while I rest and please make some clothes that we can wear using the cloth you wear when you were a goblin. I don't want us being nude."

"I follow your orders, master Ave."

Rory kneeled infront of me before darkness swallowed my vision.