Chapter 18 - Planning

I woke up after awhile, and saw Rory almost done with the clothes. Well cat clothes to be specific. I can see that he only managed to make a short for the both of us. It was made from the goblin cloth and I can see that Rory also used some rabbit skins into it. He must have hunted some while I was asleep. Rory then looked at me as if he knew I was looking at me.

"Good morning master Ave!"

"How long did I slept?"

I asked while stretching my body at the chair.

"You slept through the whole night master Ave and it is already morning."

"Are the clothes done? Can I wear it already?"

I asked feeling excited to remove my hand made shorts made of leaves.

"Yes master Ave, just give me a minute and I will be done."

I waited for a few seconds and it was done. Rory then brought it to me using his hands well actually paws. I took it and said to Rory:

"Please turn around while I put my clothes on."

He followed immediately. I was kinda shy being naked with a dude. Even though a cat's genital is almost unnoticeable, I was still shy being naked. I was a human before so seeing myself naked just makes me shy. I wore the shorts and it was fit but not perfectly fit but it can do for now. I then looked at Rory and I can see that he was also done wearing his shorts.

"You can turn back now Rory."

He turned back. I then asked Rory:

"Where are we Rory? Is there a human settlement close here?"

"We are at a forest called Antear woods. This forest master Ave is closed to a small village. I don't know the name of the village, master Ave. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Hmmm so there is a close human settlement here. I should be careful and not attract the humans.

"How far is the settlement from here?"

I asked with a worried face.

"It is about 10 kilometers from this cave master Ave. You can see it by going north from here."

Hmmm it's far but I think I should go far more. I can't fight humans yet. Humans are cunning and smarter than monster. All this while my combat powers are all about sneak attacks and not frontal attacks. I did sometimes used frontal attack but I overpowered them by my attributes. I can't face someone with the same power level of mine. I will surely die if that happens.

"Are there other caves that are far more further from the village?"

"Yes there are master Ave but the monsters who resides there are more powerful than me, master Ave. The further we go away from the village the deeper we go into the forest."

"Hmmm..... I see. We need to plan our future actions. Let me think."

'Stupid cat can't even make a good plan.'


'Idiot cat. It's me Akira!'

'Hey don't call me idiot or stupid you bastard. If you're so smart how about you give me an idea what to do.'

I smirked at myself while saying this. He's also stupid anyway I'm sure he can't make a brilliant plan.

'I can hear your thoughts stupid cat and of course I have a plan.'

He is clearly boasting. Hmph I'm sure his plan will only kill us all.

'How many times do I have to say I can read your thoughts! Dumb cat!

Anyway here is my plan. How about you attack the weakest cave and then move towards the next strongest cave. I'm sure you will level up to be strong and by that time you can manage to face stronger monsters.'

Why did I not think of that?? Was I really stupid?

'Yes, you are stupid.'

'Yeah yeah, your the smart one Akira.'

'Anyway stupid cat, I can see that you powered up while I was gone. You also evolved to a Cat Sith and with two tails.

I can't believe you have two tails.'

'Wait... you know about my evolution!? Can you explain it to me Akira!'

'Well the power of a Cat Sith is determined by the number of tails. I remember a Cat Sith having four tails destroying cities as if it was a walk in the park. The human race fears your race so they kill Cat Sith immediately before it grows stronger.'

'Wait so they will kill me immediately if they saw me. How can I hide then!?'

'Well a three tailed Cat Sith can actually have a human form so if I were you stupid cat, I will level up fast to evolve.'

'Alright I should move now then.'

'Wait, before you go stupid cat I'll transfer some of my powers again.'


Your Space Magic skill leveled up!


You learned Basic Gauntlet Arts!

'You can do close combat before Akira!?'

'Of course, I'm not stupid like someone.'

'And here I thought you were nice to me for giving me more skills.'

'Don't waste more time stupid cat and get on moving. I'll have to rest again to regain my energy. Transferring my skills to you is exhausting. I'll be gone for a couple of days again.

Also don't read the books yet. It will do you more harm than benefiting from it.'

So his gone again. He helped me by a lot again this time. I then looked at Rory and saw him standing by my side and not even talking. Such a loyal servant.

"I have a plan Rory. We will first attack the weakest cave before attacking the other caves. So tell me Rory how many caves do you know and which is the weakest one?"

"There are 5 caves that I know master Ave. I don't know if there are others but the weakest that I know is the cave were kobolds reside. The other four are bears, orcs, lizardmen, and orges. This is arranged from weakest to strongest master Ave."

"Alright we'll start are attack later after I'm done eating breakfast."

"As you wish master Ave."

I then took out 10 goblins for Rory to cook. While I was waiting I asked Rory who was cooking about how many kobolds are in the cave.

"There are about 20 of them Master Ave and one of among them has a different frame. It was larger than the usual kobold."

"It must have been a variant. We need to be careful when attacking them."

Rory was then finished cooking one after answering my question. I ate it and after I finished eating one, Rory was done cooking another. I then finished eating everything after awhile.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


Your Ice Magic skill leveled up!


Your Ice Resistance skill leveled up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.


You Level up!


You gain 80 EXP.


You gain 80 EXP.

My ice skills and space magic leveled up but I also gain Basic Gauntlet Arts. With my ice magic I tried making ice gauntlets that will fit my arms.

I succeeded at my third try, it looked like arms of a dragon but a small version. The ice looks more delicate as if it will shatter with a click of a finger but I know it is more sturdy now compared to before. I can also move the gauntlets as if it was my own hands. The Basic Gauntlet Arts helped me know some moves when using gauntlets which was helpful. With this skill I can have more confidence in doing frontal attacks.

"What a cold ice, master Ave. I wish my fire magic has that degree of level as well. I wanted to request a ice sword but I think I can't handle the cold of your magic master."

"How about using your fire magic for your sword?"

"I can't do that master Ave because a fire sword has no solid form..."

Stupid Ave! Don't ask questions that has obvious answers!

After that I checked my Space magic and saw that the 3x3 meter storage space has improved and was now 6x6 meters. I still can't use other spells but it was enough for me.

I also checked my ring and I saw this:

Ring of Khione (Level 31):

A ring that was blessed by the god of snow.

+50% INT

+30% WIS

+10% DEX

+5% STR

+5% VIT

Bonus skills:

• Will gain knowledge of any language.

• Can easily learn skills mostly related to ice.

• For every ten levels your Ice related skills will level up by 1.

Level is based on the owner and will upgrade based by the owner's level. Will unlock more skills as the owner's level rises.

I then lastly checked my own MENU.

Name: Ave

Race: Variant two tail Cat Sith

Title: Glutton Eater (Level 1)

Level: 31

Experience (EXP): 172 / 310


Health points (HP): 730 / 730

Mana points (MP): 900 / 1050

Strength (STR): 70 [+3]

Vitality (VIT): 70 [+3]

Dexterity (DEX): 70 [+7]

Intelligence (INT): 70 [+35]

Wisdom (WIS): 70 [+21]


• Power Slash (Level 1)

• Appraisal (Level 9)

• Shadow (Level 2)

• Dark Vision (Level 9)

• Smart Thinking (Level 8)

• Multi Task (Level 8)

• Poison Body (Level 1)

• Stealth (Level 9)

• Ice Magic (Level 4)

• Ice Resistance (Level 4)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Space Magic (Level 2)

• Basic Gauntlet Arts (Level 1)

Remarks: Has the same strength as a human adventurer. A middle rank adventurer.

After I was done checking my stats, I called Rory's attention and said:

"Guide me towards the kobold's cave, we'll start our attack now."