Chapter 27 - Mysterious Water

I retreated back seeing that it might be dangerous to come closer in the water.

'Akira, what is that water? Why can I feel colder whenever I get closer to it?'

I asked Akira hoping he will know the answer.

'That water is not really a water. That is actually a water spirit. It gets colder because it wants to protect itself from you. I can see that it's a young spirit and if it was older, you will be doomed, stupid cat.'

'Hmm, what's the use of this water spirit? Should I just leave it Akira?'

'You fool! How can you leave a precious treasure!? You can actually make a contract with that water spirit and seeing that the water spirit can emit cold air means it has ice as a sub element.'

'So I can have another servant by having a contract with the water spirit?'

'It is not the same contract as you think! The water spirit will have a contract with you that will allow it to live inside you. You will learn to wield the power of Water Magic if you allow this to happen and in return the water spirit will get a supply of mana from you strengthening it further. It is a give and take relationship.'

'So how will I make it agree with the contract, Akira?'

'It's very simple. You just need to threaten it to agree. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'

'The hell, why is your laugh much better than mine!?'

'Anyway, I will stay for now and teach you how to make a contract with that young spirit.'

I then walked forward the water not minding the cold that I felt every step I took. When I was already three meters away from the water, some ice was already forming at my body but I still continued. Soon, I was already one meter away from the water and my whole shoulder was frozen.

'This water spirit has strong ice element. It may not be a sub element but could be a another main element. The spirit may be a dual elemental spirit!'

'So I have the strongest spirit if I got this water spirit?'

'Dream on you fool! That is not the strongest. You may be lucky but not lucky enough to get a super strong spirit! The strongest spirit that was discovered before when I was alive is a spirit who has four elements.

You should be thankful to have a dual elemental spirit already. They said that a 100 single elemental spirit will have one dual elemental spirit.'

I then continued going forward even when Akira was talking in my mind. I was only a few inches away from the water. It did not last long until I was standing in front of it. My body was full of ice but I did not mind.

'Akira what should I do now.'

'Call the spirit and it will show up.'

"Young spirit please come out and have a deal with me."

I said doing what Akira told me.

Suddenly the water moved and form a body of a lady. The body of water was soon covered by ice making it have a solid body. It then made a dress and hair out of water making the spirit look dazzling. The spirit's hair was waist length and it has a slender body of a woman. It has a pointed nose and a oval shaped face. It also has a pointed ear. I was mesmerized by it's appearance but soon recovered.

"W-what do you want you f-filthy creature?"

She said with a hint of hate and fear.

"I want to make a contract with you."

I said with a calm voice.

"W-why should I, when you k-killed my lizardman guards and even disturbed my rest!?"

She has a mix fear and angry voice when she said that.

"You should because if you don't I'll just destroy you like the rest of them!"

I said threatening her.

"I... W-won't accept it!"

She said while making the water around her to attack me. She made tentacles made out of water to attack me. Rory then dashed towards my place to protect me but he was still far away so I took a back step while throwing ice spears at the water tentacles. The ice spears was about to hit the water tentacles when suddenly, the water tentacles turned into ice negating my attack successful.

The water spirit then made a rain out of water and frozen it instantly. Making an ice blizzard going down towards me. Rory was then by my side and made a fire shield to cover us on top. The ice then melted and even evaporated the water that came out of the ice.

Afterwards, Rory dashed to fight the water spirit in close quarter while I used my ice magic to freeze the whole water disabling the water spirit to control the water while my shadow clones throw ice spears and daggers to distract the water spirit. The water spirit was helpless with our combined attacks.

"I give up! Please spare me!"

The water spirit suddenly shouted making me stop while Rory made fire balls to instantly kill the water spirit if it had plans to make a sneak attack.

"Then do you agree to have a contract?"

The water spirit nodded reluctantly with a sad expression.

'Akira I have a question before I make a contract with this water spirit.'

'What is it?'

'If I make a contract with her, will she have a possibility to betray me when she has a chance?'

'It won't because endangering you will also endanger you. She will die if you die because you will be a retainer where she will live but you will have full control of your body while she is just like a watcher.'

'That's good to hear. Please teach me how do the contract now, Akira .'

'Just like with Rory, give it a name but you don't need to drop any blood on her.'

A name again?

I then took some time before making a name for her.

"I shall call you Nixie, will you accept me as your retainer and pledge to have eternal loyalty towards me?"

"I accept.."

Nixie then turned into a small droplet of water and instantly came towards my forehead.


You learned Water Magic!


You learned Water Resistance!


Your Ice Magic leveled up!


You Ice Resistance leveled up!


Your Ice Magic evolved into Frost Magic!


Your Ice Resistance evolved into Frost Resistance!


You learned Spirit Summon!

My Ice Magic finally upgraded. I learned three new skills which I checked.

Water Magic (Level 5):

You can make Tier 5 Water Magic.

Water Resistance (Level 5):

You can resist Tier 5 Water Magic by 50% and completely resist Tier 4 Water Magic and below.

Spirit Summon (Level 1):

You can summon 1 of your contracted Spirit to aid you in fighting. Can use the same magic level of the Retainer as long as the Spirit has the same element of the said magic. The Spirit will use the Retainer's Mana when it uses magic.

Spirit able to summon:

• Nixie

No cost in summoning but if the Spirit dies, will not be able to summon for 7 days.

My water skills was level 5 already and it must be because of my contract with Nixie. I really like the Spirit Summon skill so I immediately used it and summoned Nixie.

A blue light came out from my forehead and soon Nixie came out but she was small. Nixie has the same body shape but her size turned into a size of a cellphone.

"Hello Ave! I thought you will imprison me inside you forever."

She said excitedly while moving around me.

'Akira, what does Nixie mean by being imprisoned inside me.'

'That is the contract you made with her. You see, inside of you will have like a galaxy where Nixie will live in but seeing that she is the only spirit you have, she will be lonely inside. The galaxy inside of you will have a planet but smaller and has an environment suiting the spirit's element. In this case, Nixie's planet will be made of ice and water.'

'Can I see Nixie's planet then?'

'Of course, you can look into your Mana Galaxy and see Nixie's planet inside. Mana Galaxy is your own Mana Pool inside. We just called it Mana Galaxy because it looks like a galaxy where the Spirit's planet reside. Soon you may have many contracted Spirit making your Mana Pool look like a galaxy full of many different planets.'

'So how do I look at my Mana Galaxy then?'

'First you have to make your mind calm and imagine your Mana Galaxy. Just like that.'

'Alright, I'll try it later.'

I then looked at Nixie and said.

"I'll always keep you summoned Nixie to not make you feel lonely and besides you can help me in combat."

"Thank you Ave."

She said smiling at me. I then introduced both Rory and Nixie to each other.

"Nixie this is Rory by the way, and Rory this is Nixie."

"I'm Rory, the loyal servant of master Ave."

Rory said while extending his hand towards Nixie.

"I'm Nixie, a contracted Spirit of your master."

Nixie replied while extending her arm to make a finger shake. It looked cute looking at the scene since Nixie was small and was only able to shake a finger of Rory.

"Nixie can you help me in looking at my Mana Galaxy?"

I asked Nixie since she is part of me and can maybe guide me inside my Mana Galaxy.

"Of course! First sit down at the floor and close your eyes. Calm your mind while doing this. Don't have any other thoughts but only have the thought of wanting to see your Mana Galaxy."

I followed every step that Nixie said, while Rory guarded me and Nixie from any danger that may come.

I can then feel as if my mind being suck into something which scared me making me open my eyes. What I saw next surprised me, it was a different view from before. I can see stars and in the middle of it is a blue light. It was like the sun but color blue instead. Next to that blue sun is a small planet which was made from ice and water.

Soon someone came out from that planet which was Nixie. This time she has her real body size.

"Welcome Ave, to your Mana Galaxy."

Nixie said with a smile.

"Can you show me around your planet?"

I asked Nixie and she nodded immediately feeling excited. She grabbed my hand and moved towards her planet.

Once we entered Nixie's planet, I can see a castle made out of ice which we entered.

I can see that there are many decorations inside the castle. There was a big chandelier, a long table with chairs, stairs, and even statues. All of it was made of ice but it was devoid of people. We explored the place for awhile until we eventually stopped.

Seeing that I don't have anything to do anymore, me and Nixie left the Mana Galaxy and returned into the real world.

"Thanks Nixie for showing me around earlier."

I thanked Nixie. I then looked around and I can see that it was already night time.

"It is already dark now so we should rest for today and continue tommorow."

Rory and Nixie nodded.

"Good night Ave and Rory. See you tomorrow."

Nixie said while waving her hand and soon she turned into light and came back towards my forehead. She must be resting now at the Mana Galaxy.

"I shall now rest Rory. You can hunt if you want Rory, just bring me one of those you hunted for my breakfast."

I said to Rory while making an ice bed for me to sleep in.

"Yes, master Ave."

Soon Rory left and I closed my eyes to sleep. Rory does not need to protect me because this cave is well hidden.