Chapter 39 - Guild

I followed the black haired man into the crowd. We didn't talk while walking. The people around us is walking away and had an afraid expression while looking at the man.

The black haired man was not disturb by the stares of the others, and continued walking.

"Hey mister, what's your name?" I asked since it is uncomfortable to walk with someone you don't even know.

"I'm Blake." He answered without even asking for my name.

"I'm Ave by the way." I said with a smile.

He only nodded and continued walking.

Such a serious person, I can't even start a proper conversation. Since he doesn't want to talk, I just shut up and followed him.

While walking, I can notice that the people around us is thinning. We then turned into a dark alley that has a dangerous vibe around it. The people there was weird and I can feel that they are much more stronger than Loyce. They looked at us but averted there eyes immediately when they saw Blake.

Blake must be a powerful person. I can't even feel a powerful aura from Blake. I'm curious about his strength so I used Appraisal on him.

Name: Blake

Race: Human

Realm: Half Immortal


• Demon Overlord

• Dark Magus

• Grandmaster Assassin

• ?????

• ?????

• ?????

Level: 1200


Health points (HP): 50000 / 50000

Mana points (MP): 60000 / 60000

Strength (STR): 8400

Vitality (VIT): 5000

Dexterity (DEX): 10600

Intelligence (INT): 6000

Wisdom (WIS): 6000


So powerful!

I trembled inside of me and forced myself to look normal outside. I can't even see his other classes. He must have a strong appraisal obstruction skill.

He must not be thinking of killing me right!? I'm poor and he can't get anything from me.

'Don't worry, he won't kill you.' Akira interrupted my negative thoughts.

'How can you be sure?' I asked since I'm still a bit paranoid.

'Because he won't get anything from you. He must be just interested in you.' Akira explained.

'I wish that is true...' I said and ended our conversation since Blake suddenly stopped walking.

I looked in front of us and I can see a two story building that has a sign on top that says 'Mercenary Guild'. The building also has a symbol of two daggers that are crossed together and in the middle of it is a gold coin.

"Welcome Ave to the Mercenary Guild!" Blake said loudly while giving me a small smile.

"Thank you for guiding me mister Blake." I said while giving a forced smile.

I'm still afraid of him and I wish that my smile looked natural.

"Let's go inside and register you." Blake said and walked inside.

The inside of the building was amazing, it was empty of people unlike my expectation. The place has beautiful chairs inside with a square table at the middle. It also has a big chandelier at the top. I can also see a wine stall at the left corner of the room. On the right side is a stall that looks like a front office and beside it is a bulletin board that has a sign on top that says 'Quest'. The room also has a big stair in the middle that looked magnificent. The stairs looked like it came from the castle.

"Follow me..." Blake said and walked towards at the right side.

No one was there making me curious why no one is supervising the place.

Blake then ring the bell on the stall and a black smoke came out at the stall.

A small girl came out of it that looks like a 5 year old child. The girl has a dark purple hair which was tied into two pigtails. She has red eyes that was shaped like a snake's eye. She only wore a chinese dress that was black in color with purple and red highlights. She also has a snake around her body. The snake was purple in color that looks poisonous to touch.

"What do you want this time old man!?" The girl shouted at Blake.

"I want to register someone, Rose." Blake said while pointing at my direction.

"We can't let anybody in our guild. We have a test that needs to be done by you to be qualified in joining our guild. When you passed the test you will not pay any registration fee and will also live here in our guild." She explained to me.

"What test do I have to do?" I asked.

"The test will be based on your level. So please tell us, what level are you kid?" She asked me. It was kinda funny that a person that looked like 5 year old girl was calling me a kid but I didn't mention that since I can feel a dangerous aura around her.

"I'm around level 100." I said not saying my exact level since I don't want to share my information with anyone.

"Hmmm, a high level for your age. That is good but we only accept monster like existence in this guild." She said with a smile.

"I want you to go into a dungeon called Winter Catacombs. I want you to kill the boss there and get his Ice Core for proof. The dungeon is recommended for people that is around level 150 to conquer but as I said we only accept monster like existence in our guild. Come back here in three days, you fail if you don't finish it on time." She said while grinning.

I was about to ask where it is located but was stopped by Akira.

'Don't ask where it is. It is common knowledge to know where the dungeons are located.' Akira said.

'So where does this dungeon resides, Akira?' I asked.

'Dungeons are actually a gift from the God of Dungeons. The dungeons are served to help us level up and get resources. It was not only for humans but also for monsters. Humans are greedy so they kept most of the dungeons for themselves. The dungeons are located in this thing called Dungeon Gate. It is a big gate that you will only need to touch and the system will then give you options in which dungeon you want to go.' Akira explained.

'And where does this Dungeon Gate located at?' I asked.

'It is mostly located at the center of the kingdom. It is besides the castle to protect it from being destroyed.' Akira said.

'Ok, thanks for the information. Talk to you later.'

I ended our conversation which only lasted a second.

"I accept the test." I said and was about to go out but stopped.

"Blake, thank you again for guiding me. Let's eat sometimes." I said since I want to befriend him. A strong individual like him must have a high position in the guild.

I then left the guild and went into the direction of the castle to finish my trial. I still can't get my ID since it cost some money. I asked around and it only cost 5 red banknote which I don't have.

The money here are in the form of banknotes. It was orange, red, and blue banknotes. 100 orange banknotes is equivalent to 1 red banknote. 100 red banknotes is equivalent to 1 blue banknote.

The form of money here was amazing since it was in a form of paper money and not coins. The man that I have asked said that they used coins before but was inconvenient since they are heavy compared to paper. The money paper was also water and fire proof making it last longer but can still be destroyed by rank 3 magic. The money all has a symbol of a feather and was surrounded by five birds. I only borrowed a banknote from the man to look at it and then returned it.

I then continued walking towards the Castle. It didn't took long for me to arrive.

The castle looks more majestic when closer. The castle was surrounded by trees and was relaxing to look at. I took a breath at the air and it was refreshing. The castle was still bright even when it was dark. The whole castle was glowing the color of green.

'Look for the Dungeon Gate already. It is already evening and the gate will be closed in a few hours.' Akira reminded me.

'All you do is command me Akira.' I said while groaning at him.

I then looked for the Dungeon Gate and it was really true that it was beside the castle.

I walked towards it and I can see that it has two gates with a sign reading 'Entrance' and 'Exit'.

The gate with the 'Entrance' sign was few with people. It had a line with only 4 people going inside the gate. While the other gate was full of people going outside the gate.

It was already night so I guess the people are going home to rest. Each gate has two guards each while many big birds are flying above the gate.

The gates was actually small with only a size of two doors combined. I walked towards the gate with the 'Entrance' sign.

There was a stall beside it with a man and woman sitting on it. They both looked like knights and the stall has a sign that reads 'Registration'. I must need to register first before going inside the dungeon.

I don't have money right now, I wish the registration has no fee. I walked towards it to register.

"Good evening ma'am and sir! Can I still register to go inside the dungeon?" I asked them.

"Of course, just write your name here and you can immediately enter the dungeon." The woman said while smiling.

"Thank you." After I said that, I wrote my name on it and get in line to enter the dungeon.

I didn't wait long for my turn to go inside. I then touched the gate and was given many options of different dungeons for me to enter.

The options was many that has a corresponding level beside the name of the dungeon.

I then looked for the Winter Catacombs dungeons and found it within a few minutes.

The Winter Catacombs (Level 150 - 200):

Has a harsh environment that is full of ice. An underground type of dungeon. Full of ice monster. The boss is an Ice King monster and has two mini bosses. Has 3 floors inside.

I then clicked on it and the Dungeon Gate opened. I entered it with confidence and excitement.