Chapter 44 - Frozen Forest


Rai's Point of View

I was startled that master Ave talked with me and was even more surprised when he said sorry to me. I was happy to know that I have a nice master. I can still remember my parents before saying that going into a master and servant contract is considered going into hell.

I confirmed that when I first met master Ave. He told me to kill my own family which was hard to forget. I did forgive master Ave but it doesn't mean that my wounds from that event is gone. I can still remember the face they made while I was killing them. I tried to not follow the command of master Ave but can't as if I was being controlled by something.

I forgave master Ave because I felt his sincerity and my parents told me before that a master is someone who is full of pride and selfishness. I can't believe that master Ave took the time to say sorry to me. Maybe, I should give master Ave a chance to change.

Now I understand why he was reluctant to let my family join. It was all because of trust. Master Ave told me his story making me understand him more. Maybe there will come a time when he will let himself trust someone without contracts but only complete trust.

"Time can only tell when..." I whispered while looking at master Ave.


Ave's Point of View

I woke up feeling refreshed and energized. I stretched and looked at my companions.

Rory is still practicing his swords while Rai is still looking at the sky. Nixie was beside Rory playing with the snow.

"Let's go guys!" I said loudly to gain everyone's attention.

They came running towards me when they heard that.

After a bit of preparations we continued our exploration. We still encountered some wolves and bears. This helped us level up by a bit. Killing the same monsters made us remember some of there moves making it easier for us to kill them.

We then encountered another 4 wolves which made me level up again and hear the system giving me many notifications.


You Level up!


Your Frost Magic leveled up!


Your Frost Resistance leveled up!


Your Basic Gauntlet Arts leveled up!


Your Shadow skill leveled up!


Your Glutton Eater title leveled up!


Your Envy title leveled up!

I then checked my MENU to check my status.


Name: Ave

Race: Corrupted Ice King Humanoid Cat (Adolescent)

Realm: Mortal

Tier: 4


• Ice Mage (Level 20/100)

• Monk (Level 20/100)

• Shadow Lord (Level 20/100)

• Sinful Chevalier (Level 20/100)


• Glutton Eater (Level 5)

• Envy (Level 3)

• Ice King (Level MAX)

Level: 123

Experience (EXP): 4000/ 4920


Health points (HP): 7440 / 7440

Mana points (MP): 7440 / 7440

Strength (STR): 496 [+148]

Vitality (VIT): 496 [+248]

Dexterity (DEX): 496 [+248]

Intelligence (INT): 496 [+248]

Wisdom (WIS): 496 [+148]


Active Skills:

• Power Slash (Level 1)

• Frost Magic (Level 7)

• Water Magic (Level 5)

• Space Magic (Level 3)

• Stealth (Level 9)

• Ice Minion Summon (Level 3)

• Ice Heal (Level 3)

• Spirit Summon (Level 1)

• Servant Slot (Level MAX)

Passive Skills:

• Poison Body (Level 2)

• Frost Resistance (Level 7)

• Water Resistance (Level 5)

• Ice Manipulation (Level 9)

• Water Manipulation (Level 5)

• HP Regeneration (Level 2)

• Basic Gauntlet Arts (Level 6)

• Ice Domain (Level 2)

Perception Skills:

• Appraisal (Level MAX)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Dark Vision (Level 9)

• Thought Acceleration (Level 2)

• Parallel Thinking (Level 2)

• Disguise Status (Level MAX)

Unique Skills:

• Consume (Level MAX)

• Shadow (Level 4)

• Change Form (Level MAX)

• Four Lives (Level MAX)


When I was done checking my status, I summoned another shadow clone. Now I have 4 shadow clones that I need to control. It was again a bit hard but I can still manage, and besides this was also a good training for my Parallel Thinking and Thought Acceleration skills.

After I finished checking my skills, I can see that Rory was smiling and his flames also became more lighter in color. This made me curious so I asked.

"Why are you smiling Rory?"

"My Intermediate Blade Arts and Fire skills has evolved master Ave!" He loudly said making me surprised. It was good news to see him have a huge power up. So I checked his status up and was envious when I saw it.


Name: Rory

Race: Cold Fire Humanoid Cat (Adolescent)

Realm: Mortal

Tier: 3


• Fire Mage (20/ 100)

• Swordsman (20/ 100)

• Loyal Chevalier (20/ 100)


• Fire Blade Servant (Level MAX)

• Loyal Servant (Level 4)

• Blessed by Xitchuli (Level MAX)

• Loyalty (Level 2)

Level: 123


Health points (HP): 3530 / 3530

Mana points (MP): 3530 / 3530

Strength (STR): 403 [+141]

Vitality (VIT): 353

Dexterity (DEX): 403 [+141]

Intelligence (INT): 353

Wisdom (WIS): 353


Active Skills:

• Power Slash (Level 5)

• Ancient Holy Fire Magic (Level 1)

• Frost Magic (Level 7)

Passive Skills:

• Ancient Holy Fire Body (Level 1)

• Multi Task (Level 8)

• Advance Blade Arts (Level 1)

• Frost Resistance (Level 7)

• Ice Manipulation (Level 9)

Perception Skills:

• Dark Vision (Level 6)

Unique Skills:

• Change Form (Level MAX)


Rory's Intermediate Blade Arts turned into Advance Blade Arts while his Holy Fire turned into Ancient Holy Fire. His flames turned into a more lighter orange color with a little bit of blue mixing in it.

Since I have checked Rory's status, I might as well check Rai's.


Name: Rai

Race: Lightning Humanoid Cat (Adolescent)


• Guardian (20/100 )

• Storm Lord (20/ 100 )


• Blessed by Thoran (Level MAX)

Level: 123


Health points (HP): 8410 / 8410

Mana points (MP): 1850 / 1850

Strength (STR): 647 [+194]

Vitality (VIT): 647 [+194]

Dexterity (DEX): 185

Intelligence (INT): 185

Wisdom (WIS): 185


Active Skills:

• Heavy Smash (Level 8)

• Heavy Punch (Level 8)

• Stomp (Level 8)

• Lightning Magic (Level 2)

Passive Skills:

• HP Regeneration (Level 4)

• Frost Lightning Body (Level 3)

• Intermediate Hammer Arts (Level 3)

• Sturdy Body (Level 2)

Unique Skills:

• Change Form (Level MAX)


His Strength and Vitality has a crazy amount combined with his level 4 HP Regeneration makes him super hard to kill.

"How much HP do you Recover every minute Rai?" I asked Rai.

"About 2.5% master." Rai answered.

If I will compute it with his overall HP, He regains about 210 HP per minute. Being a tank really suits Rai.

"Let's continue then..." I said when we're done checking our statuses.

After awhile of walking, we encountered a frozen lake. There was no monsters inside of it but I can feel something ominous about it.

"Don't go inside the lake yet. Let one of my shadow clones first go there to see if it is dangerous or not." I said to everyone. They all nodded.

I then controlled one of my shadow clones and let it go towards the frozen lake. When my shadow clone was 2 meters close to the lake, cracks appeared on the lake and something came out of it.

It looked like a snake but was 8 meters big. It has white scales and has blue eyes. It roared and swiftly attacked my shadow clone. It let out a white beam from it's mouth and used it to attack my shadow clone. I quickly controlled my shadow clone to dodge it's attack.

The shadow clone was almost hit but thankfully it didn't and successfully dodge the snake's attack.

I then appraised it to see how powerful this monster is.


Name: -----------

Race: Frost Snake

Realm: Earth

Tier: 3

Class: ------------

Level: 175


Health points (HP): 5250 / 5250

Mana points (MP): 7500 / 7500

Strength (STR): 300

Vitality (VIT): 525

Dexterity (DEX): 300

Intelligence (INT): 750

Wisdom (WIS): 750


• HP Regeneration

• MP Regeneration

• Presence Detection

• Frost Body

• Dark Vision

• Frost Magic


It was a higher level monster but I think it is not the boss monster yet since it is only a Tier 3 monster.

The snake also has Frost Magic skill making it more dangerous than the others.

The monster let out another white beam from it's mouth when it saw that my shadow clone managed to dodge it's first attack.

"Surround and attack it everyone!" I said.

Rory quickly dashed forward while shooting out fire balls. Rai and me followed behind with Nixie and my other shadow clones at the back.

The snake went mad when it was hit by the fire balls of Rory so it turned around and attacked Rory instead.

The snake attacked with it's beam but Rory intercepted it with his own beam made of flames.

Rory's attack blocked the snakes attack but also went through it. The snake was hit and shocked. While it was distracted, Rai jumped and attacked with his hammer that was infused with his Lightning Magic.

Rai attacked the snake at the head making it roar in pain. Me and my shadow clones followed up by attacking it with our gauntlets infused with poison.

The snake has a big body making it easy for us to attack it. Some of the snake's body part has turned purple because of poison making it cry out louder.

It was still not dead but was in extreme pain making it unable to attack. Rory made the final attack by using his swords covered with flames to behead the snake.