Chapter 45 - Frozen Lake

After we're done killing the snake, I sat at the ground and took a breath. The snake was easier than I thought. I was expecting that we will have a hard time to kill it but if you think about it deeper, the snake is only a Tier 3 monster so it was easier to kill compared to the werewolf on the first floor.

"Let's take a break for about 5 minutes and then we'll continue our exploration." I said to them.

They all nodded and sat at the ground with me except for Rory. He was standing while holding his swords looking at the surroundings.

Sometimes, Rory needs to relax. I know being alert all the time is good but I think it will only give stress to Rory. After I was done here, I should give them all a rest. I can maybe find an item to conceal there status from others.

'Akira, do you know any item that can help conceal there status?' I asked Akira since he might know something.

'There are items like that in Accessory shops.' Akira answered.

'How much is that?'

'I think it is about 50 Red Banknotes per one item. The price depends on how effective it is and how it looks. It can be bracelets, earrings, or necklaces.'

'It is so much expensive than I thought!' I said since 50 Red Banknotes is equivalent to 5000 Orange Banknotes.

For now I can only work harder for me to get that much money.

"Alright guys! Let's continue our journey but first I want to look at the lake." I said to the others since I was curious to see if there are treasures inside.

I looked at the lake but I can't see a thing since it was dark inside the lake. Even with the help of my Dark Vision skill and Rory's flames I can't see a thing at the lake.

Since I can't find anything, I should just move on.

'Wait!' Akira suddenly shouted making me stop.

'What is it?' I asked annoyingly.

'I can feel something from below the lake.' Akira said.

'Is it a treasure?' I asked excitedly.

'I don't know but I can feel a strong aura coming from it. This aura should not belong to this dungeon and instead somewhere else that is stronger.' Akira explained.

'I can feel a dark aura coming from it. I don't know if it is safe or not but I leave the choice to you if you want to go or not.' Akira continued.

'I'll take the risk. The dark aura might be a treasure, I don't want to regret it later on.' I said.

I looked at the and said.

"Let's go inside the lake and see if we can find something valuable." I told them.

We got inside the lake but none of us was affected by the cold since all of us have a skill that can resist ice and coldness.

Nixie and I used our Water Manipulation skill to make something like a bubble head to help us breathe underwater.

Rory still has his flames around him making the lake light up. We still can't see anything.

'Where do you feel the dark aura?' I asked Akira.

'Go deeper underwater.' He said.

I then moved towards that while the others are following me. It didn't take long until we saw a cave, and we then entered the cave.

The cave has no water inside when we pass through. I looked outside the cave and I can see that there is water already when you go out. It must be some magic that's stopping the water to enter the cave.

"Let's go further inside." I told to everyone and continued walking deeper.

We didn't encounter any monsters until now but I didn't let my guard down since Akira said it could be dangerous.

After walking for a bit, we encountered a small room. The room only has a huge snake like before and it has a huge egg that it was guarding.

The egg was completely black. I can feel a ominous aura from it. The egg felt more dangerous compared to the snake.

I tried appraising the snake and luckily it has the same skills and attributes from the snake before.

Next, I tried appraising the egg to see if I can get any information.


Name: -----------

Race: Monster Egg

Realm: Mortal

Tier: 2

Class: ------------

Level: 1


Health points (HP): 10/10


I only got a few information that was obvious even without appraising it.

'Akira, what is that egg?' I asked since he might know more.

'That's a monster egg. I can feel Dark Elements inside the egg. If I my guess is right, that egg might be a Frost Demonic Snake. That monster was rare and are almost extinct. You should get that egg and tame it.' Akira answered.

'Why should I get that snake? I mean I my current servants are already enough for now. What benefits will I get if I tame that snake?' I asked.

'The snake can help you learn Dark Magic. So if I were you I will tame it.' Akira said while complaining why I'm stupid.

How would I know that it will help me!?


I stop talking with Akira and instead talked with my servants.

"We'll kill the big snake and take the egg from it." I said to them.

I then made the signal to attack. It didn't took much time for us to kill the snake. It was easier compared to before since the snake's moves was the same to the snake before.

After killing it, I used my Consume skill and went towards the egg.

'So should I just put it inside my storage space and wait for it to hatch?' I asked Akira.

'Put your hand on the egg and pour your mana into it. By doing that it will let the monster inside consume your mana hastening it's birth.' Akira said.

'There won't be any backlash from doing this? I mean won't the monster have any effect if I do this. Hastening it's birth might affect it.' I asked since I'm worried it will have a negative effect on the monster.

'Don't worry, it won't have any negative effect. The monster inside will actually have a closer bond with you if you pour mana into it.' Akira explained.


I then poured my mana inside the egg and let it consume. The whole process was long and eventually the egg has cracks appearing. My mana was almost diminished when the egg fully cracked.

The egg suddenly explode and nothing was found inside the egg.


You gain Soul Link title!

'Akira did I just killed the monster?' I asked worriedly since I can't see the monster.

'Stupid cat! Look at your finger. The snake is already coiled in your left middle finger.' Akira said.

I looked at my hand and it was actually true since I can see a small snake that was coiled at my finger like a ring. It has a black skin and has a white snowflake mark on it's forehead. It has a pair of black and white eyes.

"I should call you... Blite!" The name has no meaning but only a combination of white and black.

'Akira can this snake be forever loyal to me?' I asked since I don't want to be betrayed later on.

'You don't need to worry since the snake already has a contract with you. The contract is more like a sibling relationship. The snake can gain some of your skills while you can also gain some of it's skill. The downside of the contract is if it dies, you die and vice versa.'

'What!? So I should protect this snake as if it is my own life!?' I shouted at Akira since he never told me this.

'Oh look at the time! I need to rest now. Bye!' He said and left me.

I will surely smack him if he was in front of me.

I can only sign since the contract is here. I looked at the snake and I can see that it was looking at me while hissing. So this snake can be considered my brother or sister. I don't know it's gender yet since I don't know how to identify a snake's gender.

I appraised it to see how strong this snake is.


Name: Blite

Race: Frost Demonic Snake

Realm: Mortal

Tier: 4

Class: ---------------


• Soul Link (Level 1)

Level: 1

Experience (EXP): 0/10


Health points (HP): 40 / 40

Mana points (MP): 140 / 140

Strength (STR): 4

Vitality (VIT): 4

Dexterity (DEX): 4

Intelligence (INT): 14

Wisdom (WIS): 14


Active Skills:

• Frost Magic (Level 7)

• Water Magic (Level 5)

• Space Magic (Level 3)

• Dark Magic (Level 1)

• Bite (Level 1)

Passive Skills:

• Frost Resistance (Level 7)

• Water Resistance (Level 5)

• Dark Resistance (Level 1)

Perception Skills:

• Disguise Status (Level MAX)

Unique Skills:

• Size Change (Level MAX)


It has a title already and also a unique skill!

I first looked at the title.


Soul Link (Level 1):

Your soul and life is linked with Ave. You share one life with Ave and will die if the other dies. Has the power to share 5 skills with one another.

Can also share one status if both parties agrees. This can also be activated if both parties are no more than 5 meters apart.


Oh the title is actually good and we can share one status if we want. I looked at my own status and I can see that I also have this title. I quickly used it since I want us to have a single status.

His skills and attributes was combined with mine and when I look at my status I can see my own name and Blite's name. This title is quite helpful since I can have a status of two combined monsters if Blite levels up more.

Our status looks like this if combined:


Name: Ave and Blite

Level: 124 (Ave)

Experience (EXP): 3000 / 4960

Level: 1 (Blite)

Experience (EXP): 0/10


Health points (HP): 7540 / 7540

Mana points (MP): 1040 / 7640

Strength (STR): 500 [+150] (+4)

Vitality (VIT): 500 [+250] (+4)

Dexterity (DEX): 500 [+250] (+4)

Intelligence (INT): 500 [+250] (+14)

Wisdom (WIS): 500 [+150] (+14)


Active Skills:

• Power Slash (Level 1)

• Frost Magic (Level 7)

• Water Magic (Level 5)

• Space Magic (Level 3)

• Stealth (Level 9)

• Ice Minion Summon (Level 3)

• Ice Heal (Level 3)

• Spirit Summon (Level 1)

• Servant Slot (Level MAX)

• Dark Magic (Level 1)

• Bite (Level 1)

Passive Skills:

• Poison Body (Level 2)

• Frost Resistance (Level 7)

• Water Resistance (Level 5)

• Ice Manipulation (Level 9)

• Water Manipulation (Level 5)

• HP Regeneration (Level 2)

• Basic Gauntlet Arts (Level 6)

• Ice Domain (Level 2)

• Dark Resistance (Level 1)

Perception Skills:

• Appraisal (Level MAX)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Dark Vision (Level 9)

• Thought Acceleration (Level 2)

• Parallel Thinking (Level 2)

• Disguise Status (Level MAX)

Unique Skills:

• Consume (Level MAX)

• Shadow (Level 4)

• Change Form (Level MAX)

• Four Lives (Level MAX)

• Size Change (Level MAX)


I tried using it's skills and I can really use. It was easy to use as if it was my own skills.

I then checked his unique skill.

The () must be Blite's own attributes.


Size Change (Level MAX):

Can change into different sizes and will still retain your attributes no matter what size you transform.


This skill was actually good since it will help him retain his ring size body even if it evolves. Since our life is shared, I want it to be close to me all the time.

If I think about it, this snake actually gives me more benefits than disadvantages.

"Let's rest for now since my mana is almost depleted." I said to them.

They all nodded and rested at the ground. I did the same while playing with the small snake.