Chapter 51 - Done!

The kid went mad and the snow around him was raging on. Now the kid looks like he was in the middle of the storm. I and my shadow clones backed away.

"I never thought that I will be pushed this far by an inferior being like you!" I heard the kid scream within the storm.

I can't see him but I can hear the anger from his voice. I don't know what is going on but I feel danger.

"Rory, Rai, and Nixie come towards here and get into formation! I feel something bad will happen." I called the three and we quickly went into formation.

Rory and Rai was in front while I and Nixie are in the middle with my shadow clones scattered around us.

After a bit of waiting, the snow storm was being sucked in the middle. When all the snow was gone, the kid came out but now he was wearing a full body armor. His weapons was also gone but was replaced by a spear that has swords on both ends.

"You will all regret coming here!" He said and dashed towards us.

Rory and Rai then used there own elements to use on the kid while also dashing towards him.

Rory slashed at the kid while Rai followed it with a smash from his hammer.

"Weak!" The kid said while rotating his spear and hitting it towards Rory while he blocked Rai's attack by making a big hand made of ice from the ground.

Rory was pierced and thrown at the side. When he was gonna land on the ground, spikes suddenly emerged penetrating his whole body.

I can hear Rory groan. When I saw what he had done to Rory, I was extremely mad but tried to calm down and think about a plan to kill the boss.

When the boss was finished in dealing with Rory, he turned around and looked at Rai.

"Rai come back here!" I shouted. Rai turned around and ran but was then stopped by two big hands made of ice.

While he was trapped, the kid attacked him with ice spears but didn't work since his body will only absorb the ice and heal from it.

The kid was surprised.

"So you also have a Frost Body huh? Since I can't kill you with ice, I will just trap you and kill you later." He said while making more hands made of ice to trap Rai.

While that was happening, I was melting all the ice around me and turning it into water.

"I'll stop doing that if I were you. Turning the ice into water won't change a thing." He said while walking towards me slowly.

The ground around me was full of water so I attacked him with it.

He touched it with his arm and tried to freeze it but failed to.

"What water is this!? This is a Grade 2 Water!" He said while frowning.

So he really can't freeze the water. I then attacked him with my Demonic Water Magic while mixing poison and dark elements on it.

Now that he was stepping on the water, he will have a hard time dodging my attack. I focused on attacking while being helped by two of my shadow clones. The other shadow clones of mine was melting the ice around us.

Nixie was beside Rory and trying to melt the ice around him while also healing him.

"Are you really an Ice King!? Why do you use so many elements!" He asked while trying to dodge my attacks.

Since my Space Magic leveled up, I learned a new technique that I can use but has a high cost of mana. But my mana is huge since I also use Blite's mana.

The Space Magic can now let me teleport some of my magic and things within five meters around me. Sadly, I can't still teleport my ownself.

I want to use this technique by teleporting some of my magic attack on the least place he will expect.

He was still able to dodge and block most of my attacks while being around water so I used my Space Magic to teleport some water spears to attack him.

While he was busy dodging my water whips, I teleported one of my water spears and attacked him on the back.

"How...!?" He was shocked to see his back pierced by an water spear since he didn't know where the spear came from.

Since his momentum of dodging was broken, I used that chance to attack him. I first wrap some water whips around him to disable him while summoning many water spears around him. He was then pierced by so many spears that some of his blood was mixing in the water.

He groaned in pain but I didn't finish my attack yet, I was still mad to what he had done to my servants mostly to Rory.

I wrapped him in water and made the water spin in two different directions. This caused the monster to twist around and I finished it off by hitting him again by water spears.

I then run towards both of my servants and leaving the boss's corpse on the ground. I didn't bother with the notifications from the system but went towards my servants quickly.

I arrived to only see that Rory was already freed from the spikes while Nixie was healing the holes on his body.

I signed in relief when I saw he was okay. I can still remember how I sacrificed Rory to the bear before. Afterwards, I went towards Rai and melted the ice hands around him.

"Are you ok Rai?" I asked him.

"I'm fine master." He said while bowing.

We then went towards the rest and I helped Nixie in healing Rory. It took us a while to completely heal Rory but was finished after a couple of minutes.

"Rest for now and after an hour will go out." I said while they all nodded. I noticed that Rory and Rai looked sad but I don't know why. I'll ask them later.

I went back towards the corpse of the boss and first find the Ice Core. I'm reluctant to use my Consume skill since the Ice Core might be consumed also.

I first tried opening his chest to look for the Ice Core but was not able to find it. Where could the Ice Core be?

'Akira, do you know where the Ice Core might be?' I asked.

'Of course, it's inside his head. Open it and you will see it inside his brain.' Akira explained.

It was disgusting to open up the brain but I still did and tried not to vomit. I found the Ice Core and it was small about the size of a baby's finger. It has a shape of a diamond and I can feel coldness from it. I stored it inside my storage space while I used my Consume skill on the boss monster.


You Level up!


You have reached level 150!


You learned MP Regeneration!


You learned Presence Detection!


Your Snow Magic leveled up!


Your Snow Resistance leveled up!



Your Ice Domain leveled up!

Since I have reached level 150, my realm went to the Earth Realm. This made me learn two new skills which was suppose to be three but I have already learned HP Regeneration before. My ice related skills also leveled up because of my level reaching 150.

I checked my new skills MP Regeneration and Presence Detection. MP Regeneration is the same with HP Regeneration. It gives me 1% of my mana for every minute while Presence Detection was a passive skill that will let me detect any presence that is five meters around me.

Then the same thing happened when I was done consuming the boss. A gate emerged from the ground and made all the water around turn back to ice. I looked at the ice mansion and I can see that it was being fixed at a fast rate.

I didn't exit immediately but went back towards the rest and took a seat beside them.

This battle leveled me and others again by quite a bit. I'm already level 150 now while Blite was level 152 now. He overtaken me now in level, having no class is also convenient when you only want to level up.

The next surprise from this level up is the Ice Domain skill also leveling up but the bad news was the Ring of Khione still has no signs of having a change in anything. The good news was my soul armor having an upgrade.


Demonic Snowflake Soul Armor (Level 150):

+20% VIT

+20% DEX

+20% STR

Bonus Skill:

• Will learn the skill Demonic Transformation. Will level up for every 50 levels.


I checked the skill up and was happy to see the description.


Demonic Transformation (Level 1):

Will transform into a Demon entity. All attributes will increase for 50% and will be able to use demon related skills. This transformation will only last for an hour. After the transformation ends a backlash will occur, and all attributes will decrease by 75% and will last for a month.


This can be a life saving skill and it is only at level 1. The effects are great but the backlash is even greater but I should be thankful to have this.

Once I was done checking my gains, I updated my Disguise Status and improved my level in there turning it into level 180 while also adding Water Magic in the mix of my status.

The others will surely be suspicious if they saw that I only have Ice Magic as a form of attack and I have conquered the dungeon. All the monsters here have Frost Body making them immune by my attacks of ice elements so I can only say that I learned Water Magic by an elemental spirit which is Nixie.

Those guys from the Mercenary Guild are really vicious to assign a dungeon that will surely give me an disadvantage and can actually kill me. Thankfully, I faked my status.