Chapter 52 - Member!

After I was done disguising my status, I looked at Blite and said.

"Blite, can you disguise your status and change it to look like your a ring."

Blite hissed at me and nodded. I then checked if his status was ok.


Snake Ring (Level 50):

+30 INT


This was what it looked like when I appraise Blite now. This was good since I want to hide my powers now. I really like it when others underestimate me since there guard will be lower.

Satisfied with the status Blite made, I stroke him while Blite hissed happily.

"Great job Blite." I said while stroking him.

I then looked at the others, and I can see that Rory and Rai are still sad. Nixie was just at the ground playing with the snow.

"What's the problem Rory and Rai?" I asked them both since I want to help if I can.

"Well..." They both looked at each other as if reluctant to say to me.

"Don't be shy and say it to me." I said to the both of them.

They looked at each other and nodded.

"Master Ave, I'm sorry for being weak and unable to help in this fight. I swear to grow-" Rory said.

"Master, I want to grow stronger and be a great asset on this team. I don't want to be a liability-" Rai said.

I didn't completely understand them since they were talking at the same time.

"Wait! Speak one at a time." I said to the both of them.

"Rory, you go first."

"Master Ave, we just want to be stronger to be a greater help in our next battles. We felt helpless when we saw how powerful the boss was." Rory said.

"You don't need to be sad. Actually, I'm already satisfied with your current performance. You both don't need to be depressed and think you're weak. You both should remember that what you were fighting are 2 tiers higher than the both of you and even the boss's level is higher than us." I said to them.

"If you do really wish to get stronger then I have a plan. This plan will only work if you both agree." I continued.

"I agree to whatever you plan master Ave!" Rory responded while Rai only nodded.

"Hear the plan first before agreeing. So my plan is to let you both go out of the Kingdom and explore the continent. Since, I'm joining the guild I can't let both of you by my side always. You will be confined into my Servant Slot if that happens and I don't want that. This plan will help you both gain EXP and help me level up. But this plan won't be happening if I don't buy an accessory to disguise your status." I said to the both of them.

"Master Ave, I don't want to leave your side." Rory said while kneeling in front of me.

"Me too master!" Rai followed.

"Even if you don't want to do it, you will only be inside my Servant Sloth so it has no use if both of you stay by my side." I said to the both of them.

"This is the only way for the both of you to help me. I can't think of anything else." I said to the both of them.

"I... alright! I accept master Ave!" Rory was reluctant at first but accepted after thinking it through.

"Good! How about you Rai?" I asked.

"Since brother Rory accepted then I will also do it." Rai said.

"Great! Rest for now and the next time I release both of you from my Servant Slot will be the day both of you will set off." I said to the both of them.

They both nodded and rested at the ground. I also did that and made a bed for me to lay on. I only took an hour to rest before I called everyone towards the gate.

"Alright, I'll return all of you inside me now." I said to everyone. First I returned Nixie inside me and followed by Rory and Rai.

I then turned around and touched the door to get out of the dungeon.

The door opened and I entered it inside. Soon, I was enveloped by light and took a few seconds for me to see normally again.

I opened my eyes and I can see that I'm at the other Dungeon Gate. I looked around me and saw a registration again beside the gate. I walked towards it since I saw the others going on it.

I looked at the sky while walking towards the registration. The sky has an orange hue now. I still have more time before my task deadline.

The walk was short and I'm at the line of the registration now after a few seconds. I waited until it was my turn. A male knight was at the desk while having some papers on the desk. I can see that there many similar desk like this beside him. It's reasonable since many are using the dungeon.

"Please find your name and sign on it." The knight said while I nodded.

I looked on the papers and found my name after a couple of minutes. I then wrote my signature and left.

I went towards the Mercenary Guild as fast as I can.

Soon I was outside the door of the guild. I knocked on it and entered.

I saw Blake inside while drinking a cup of wine.

"Oh! You returned and I can see you leveled up by a lot. Kid, you have great potential to survive that dungeon. Anyway, congratulations." Blake said while giving me a smile.

"Go to the front desk and talk with Rose." Blake said while finishing his wine and went missing. I don't know where he went but whatever.

I walked towards the front office and ringed the bell.

"Who is it? What do you need kid!?" Rose complained.

"I want to pass this Ice Core and join the Mercenary Guild." I said plainly.

"Hmm, did you cheat? I can't believe that a new little monster will join our guild again." Rose said while smiling at me.

"Sign here and ring the bell when you're finished" Rose continued and was gone again.

I took a pen on the desk and wrote on the paper. The paper was only asking my name, age, sex, and classes. I wrote Ice Mage as my class since I want to hide my classes. I answered it quickly and rang the bell again.

Smoke emerged from the ground and Rose came out.

"Give me the paper." I nodded and gave her the paper.

"Pour you mana on this card."She said while tossing me a white card.

I followed her instruction and poured my mana on it. Soon a simple information came from the blank white card. My name, age, sex, and class was on the card.

"Congratulations Kid. You're a White Mercenary now. I'll show your room while explaining some of the things you need to follow." Rose said while walking away.

"First thing you need to know is you need to accomplish at least one mission for every month. Your rewards will be split on a 40:60 ratio. 40% of the reward will be given to the guild and 60% for you. You might think it is unfair but it isn't. Remember that the rooms here will be free for your use but if don't want the room, the share will turn into 35:65 ratio. Also the food here are free for you so you can eat whenever you want." Rose said while walking towards the second floor.

I was amazed when I saw the second floor. It was huge inside the second floor unlike the first floor.

"Surprised kid? I was also like that when I first saw this." She said while smiling.

"This is the cause of using the rare magic called Space Magic. The room was enlarged while the external look from the outside looks small. This is the second floor and there are a hundred room inside this room. You might think it is small but the members of the guild are only few. We're only 55 members before you came so now we're 56. You're room will be number 56." She said while walking.

"The next thing you need to know is the salary you will gain every month. Every month you will be given one purple banknote. I'll give your salary tommorow. Next is the ranks within the guild."

"Ranks are divided into 8 ranks. The ranks are White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Brown, Red, and Black. You're a White Rank right now." Rose said while walking on the hallway. My room was quite far since it was number 56.

"What rank are you miss Rose?" I asked.

"Hohoho... such a nosy brat. I'm a Brown Rank if I will say. Don't underestimate me since my power is already equivalent to the apex ranked adventurers." She said proudly.

"How about mister Blake?" I asked curiously.

"Oh? That old fart? He's a Red Rank. Currently there are only two red ranks in the guild. They act as the vice guild master." Rose explained.

Rose came into a stop when we arrived at a door with the number 56 written on the door.

"Lastly, the guild works by pairs when your rank is lower than Blue rank. So you'll meet your partner tomorrow. Here's the key and good luck." Rose said and was wrapped by smoke again. Soon she was gone.

"A partner huh?" I whispered.