Chapter 53 - Partner

After Rose was gone, I went inside my room. The room was actually pretty decent. It has a twin size bed on the left corner of the room, a study table on the side of the bed with a chair, a mirror placed on the table, a cabinet on the right side, and a bathroom beside the cabinet.

Since I'm here I should get a rest. I laid my back on the bed while thinking about the plans I needed to do tommorow.

First, I should meet up with my partner and then register on the City Center with the money that the guild will give me. Lastly, would be to find the accessories to disguise Rory and Rai's status. Akira said that it was about 50 Red Banknotes for each piece.

I'll just barrow some money from Rose or Blake tommorow to buy the accessories.

With that plan set in mind, I fell asleep without me knowing.

The next day, I woke up with a refreshed mind. I felt so refreshed sleeping on the bed. I can feel my body being in top shape.

I realized that yesterday I didn't take a bath when I already have an opportunity to. Since the start of my birth in this world until now, I didn't took a bath. I must have smelled bad to others.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower inside. I saw a soap and a shampoo container inside the bath. I took it and was amazed by the smell coming out from it.

This bath would have been great if the water was hot but being able to take a bath like this is heaven.

I took a while to finish since I want to savor the feeling. I then took a towel that was hanging on the wall of the bathroom. I dried myself and wore my soul armor again.

This questions me where does this soul armor come from.

'Hey, Akira where does this soul armor come from?' I asked.

'Soul Armors come from the soul and every individual has there own Soul Armor. The Soul Armor can only be acquired if you completed a certain requirement. Every individual has different requirements so you really wouldn't know when you will get it. Well for you it must be because of the Ring of Khione letting you have the title Ice King and eventually your own Soul Armor. So don't think you're special since everyone can also have that.' Akira explained.

'By the way, I think you forgot to wear your Gauntlets you got from the dungeon. Your already level 150 so you can wear it.'

'Oh! Your right.' I forgot about the gauntlets so I wore it.


Bear and Wolf Gauntlets (Level 150):

+300 DEX

+20% Defense Penetration Chance

A successful Defense Penetration will give you 1.5 damage to your enemy.


This was the gauntlets from before and I should give the shield to Rai before they go outside the kingdom.

'I also want you to remember to get Blite his own class. You might forgotten about it.' Akira reminded me.

'Oh! Thank you.' I replied.

With that I ended my conversation with Akira.

I checked my appearance again on the mirror before going outside my door.

When I stepped out, smoke came out in front of me. Rose emerged from it.

"Good morning kid! Follow me and I'll show you the canteen. There is where you will also meet your partner." Rose said while walking away.

We walked into the hallways again and soon arrived at the canteen. The canteen was amazing since it has trees and flowers inside. It looked like a garden for tea parties and not a canteen. I imagined it to look like a school cafeteria.

Rose continued walking until we stopped in front of a table with two persons sitting on it. One of them was Blake while the other was a boy that looked like 10 years old. We have the same height of 5 feet.

"Good morning Rose and Ave." Blake said while the boy just nodded at Rose and me.

"Yeah you too old man." Rose said while sitting at the chair in front of them. I took the chair beside Rose.

"Oh yeah Ave this is Jan. His your partner from this day on." Rose said while Jan nodded.

"Nice to meet you Jan." I said while offering my hand. Unfortunately, he just looked at my hand. This made me feel ashamed and take back my hand.

"Ahh.. anyways let's get our breakfast." Rose said trying to change the topic.

What an arrogant bastard!? Why do I have to work with a partner! I can handle myself just fine.

Rose rang a bell and soon some people came out while bringing some foods.

They brought come pancakes, sausages, hotdogs, eggs, and fruits. This lighten up my mood and ate immediately without waiting for the others.

I finished quickly and burped at the side while saying excuse me.

"Rose when will I get my salary?" I asked while waiting for them to finish. Rose chewed slowly and spoke.

"Later kid after we eat."

"Okay." I said while looking around.

It took them some time before they finished.

"Alright, kid let's go and get your money. Also talk with your partner when you have time." Rose said.

I was about to stand up but was stopped by the kid.

"I want to have a spar..." The kid spoke. The kids voice was calm while looking at me with his eyes.

"Fine!" I said while smiling at him. I should teach this kid whose the boss around us.

"Ughh... this again. How can your child find a decent partner old man if he always do this?" Rose said while looking at Blake.

I was surprised to know that the kid was Blake's child but I can't see any resemblance from them. The kid has gray hair and his face doesn't look like Blake's. Must be from the mother.

Blake only chucked and nodded.

"Follow me. I'll show you to our training grounds." Blake said while walking again.

It took us a bit of time to get into the training grounds. The place was huge and I can see different weapons hanging from the walls.

There was also people inside the training grounds. Some of them are practicing while some are having a spar.

We then took a spot for our spar. Many of the people inside was looking at us but I didn't mind. I can see that they are particularly focusing with Jan.

"I'll be the referee on this match and we'll be the one to say who won." Blake said while I and Jan position ourselves.

Jan took out a sword while I just prepared my ice and water magic. I won't use my gauntlets since I want to hide some of my abilities.

Jan's sword was completely colored black. The sword has no guards making the sword look like it has no grip.

"On the count of 3, we'll start the match." Blake said while I can see that there are some people who are watching us.




When the word three was said, I summoned many ice spears while covering my body with a dome of water. I threw the ice spears at the kid but was sliced by the kid easily.

He was fast at using the swords and if I will compare him and Rory. I can say that the kid is more superior than Rory.

I frowned while seeing this. Unexpectedly, the kid summoned 10 black daggers that came out of the kid's sword. I was surprised but quickly made many ice walls in front of me.

The kid caught the daggers one by one while throwing it at me like a ninja. The most terrifying about the daggers is how fast and powerful it was thrown. One dagger actually destroyed two of my ice walls but I was also fast in reacting making more ice walls around me.

The kid frown while continuing his assault. I can't let this continue so I used my water magic carefully and making it be unnoticeable.

The kid surprised me again by using his sword to cut the water that was about to attack him. Suddenly, the kid launched himself towards me.

I was startled but prepared my gauntlets for a close quarter fight. Since I can't hide it, I might as well use it. I tried using my water magic to attack him but he easily cut it through. I don't know how he can cut the water but I continued attacking until he was already in front of me. Then he gave a big slash destroying my water dome. We then went into a close quarter combat.

The kid used his sword making me feel more pressured compared to Rory. I feel like he can read my every move. This made my body sustain many sword wounds. It was painful making me groan.

I can't retaliate since I was not given a single chance to.

"Enough!" Blake shouted making Jan stop his actions.

"Your weak but the strongest person I fought with the same age. I accept you as my partner and rival. We'll fight again next time and please defeat me if you can." Jan said while taking my hand for a shake.

I was left surprised by his actions. Soon he turned back and walked away. I don't know if I can win if I used my full power but I can feel that Jan did not use his full power from the match also.

"I'm surprised that Jan agreed to be your partner!" Blake said happily.

"How come his that strong?" I asked curiously.

"Actually all of you can be that strong. He is actually a Broken." Blake said.

"What's a Broken?"

"Well Broken only means the literal meaning of it. He is damaged. He is actually born to not be able to wield mana or magic. His Intelligence and Wisdom attributes are actually zero. It will remain like that forever so he trained hard on skills that he can use. Right now his sword and dagger arts are at the Master level." Blake explained.

This made me amazed how hard working that Jan kid might be. I mean to be unable to use mana and magic is hard.